P - 75882REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION '' `_ 0����� ° � 821 Univers(ty A en e 3u�S-1�/28, Saint PaSul,��esota 55104 - (651) 642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www c .state.mn.us Describe -using ths hack of the white copY'rf necessary - the work covere�i by this reque,st: WIRE FURI�tACE WIRE AIR CONDITIONING W°�� �� w��� �ranstortnersover70KVA $20 CIRCUITS / FEEDERS Transformer / Power Su I for Si ns / Outline Li htin $5 0 to 200 Am re $5 ONE 8 TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, EACH UNR Above 200 Am $90 Indud� the Service and/or Power Supply up to 500 Amperes, All ALARM, COMMUNICATION, REMOTE CONTROL, SIGNALING Circuits and Two Ins�on Trips Each Dwellir�g Unit @$BO CIRCUITS, CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS e,�a»t.,��i i„�,.�,,.., r�.,� n con � Mile /_\�I_��[•I;1 total fee is I hereby certlfythet I ir�speded the el�tricel U�atalletlon d�albed herefn on ihe dat� steted: IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 12 fOR OFFIC[ USE CtdLY Illl�lll�lllllllllillllll�lll�lllll��l� � 20097770 �A`���� �C�� �� � W � ��C V6�2��QG Rough-in Inspecdon Required? ❑Y� �jNo I Inspec8on OtherThan Rough-In�] Ready Now ❑WqI Ca0 V You must call the inapector when readyl Date Ready I certify that I am the ,�LICENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPAWY ❑ OWNER and hereby r�uest inspection of the electrical wmk at