P - 75974REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ' �������� 0`� � 8'21 Un'�nrers� Ae n e Su�e S-� 8, Saint Paul, Mlnnesota 551D4 a- : I �• (651) 642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.edectricity.state.mn.us Desaibe -using the back oF the white copy'rf n�sary - the work covered by this requ�t: �eQ�'JOG9e �6 41G'c� �D 4� GEN EES oor Li hting Sfandard @$1 SERVICES / POWER SUPPLIES w _ Traflic Sianal Standard C�D $5 0 to Z00 Am re $5 ONE 8 NJO FAMILY DWELLINGS, EACH UNIT Above 200 Am re $10 Ir�ctudes the Service and/or Power Supply up to 500 Amperes, M ALARM, COMMUNICATION, REMOTE CONTROL, SIGNALING Ciratits and Twro Ir�sp�tion Trips Each Dwelling Unft Q$80 CIRCUITS, CIRCURS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS Additlonai Insuection Trius C�D $20 iv�ru. rcc 'f tOtal f@B IS $20) I�/� Q�� Each Addfional Unit @ $25 19SPf�"F°f0'�''`�"g0"� OTHER ADDRIONAL FEES Lightlng Retrofit (� $25 per Fbdure I hereby cerdfy tl�et I 6� tlre etecMml I�talla8on desmbed here6i on tlre detes amo�i: CeMer Pivot Irti ation Boom $40 R01°'�' °ATE Menutactured Home Park Lots $25 Recrea6onal Vehicle Park Sites $5 �"`"�PEH"0N C�� A/� Senarate Bomiirm I�oedian id �'10 ���---�-r p'' (¢••r�o I �II II (u II ��I II I� II II� � III II lu u 41 �� (� 2Q444014 12 FOR OFRCE USE ONLY �d�� �C�r��� �� Rough-in Inspe�on Requhed? ❑Yea �o Inspecdon OtherThan Rough-Ir��eady Now ❑Vllm Ca0 �° / J"�� You must call the inspedor when readyl Date Ready. ���� � I certify that I am the CEN&ED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspection of the electrical work at ,bc sroa s� nddress r�r � � c�y r l �� �' ��s.s�.ss��� �'�!' P �', ���% � � ���� Please Provide Two ) Pho�re Numbe�s I i'e 1�iQ�� �1 �"7/ 6'i�G( ) Q� ._ __...,...._._ :ompany Name Contrador Lh�nae Nwn6er Master Elerkidan or Power Ltmfted Tedmidan I1wr� Number ,u� �'� r � 1�1C' . . �as r, .� 1804 Freeman Pt Rd. Cromwell, MN 55726 (Conha _-- Pl�se Provide Two (2) Phorre Numbew Im�uding Area Cade � �i m7 - � ) s o cK oF reu.ow corr oF �crwcm coPr e�0000ua-�e e.�. zooa