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Inspections Address Card - 4929
INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 35�� Mississi Mike ppi Street N.E. OWNE�t 6tta Marsolek LOT 9 BLOCK 2 ADD. Rice Crezk Terrac� ]?lat 1 Permi! No. Ccaalructioa Dat� Contractor Cost 167 7232 13,399 17,109 14,980 8510 15,057 17,552 15, 591 19,438 19,960 11,191 25,804 Building Pennit(House) 4/10/50 Building Permit(Garage) 9/25/64 Electrical Permit 10/11/79 Building Permit(Garage) 5/4/83 Electsical Permit '7/7�83 Heating Permit 7/18/83 Electrical Permit 8/10/83 Building Permit (Deck) 6/14/84 Electri:cal Permit 9/17/84 Building Permit(,Reroof� 5/3/88 Building Permit(Reside) 6/20/89 Plumbing Permit g/g�94 Wrecking Permit(H&G) 2/17/98 Otto Marsolek Otto Marsolek Otto Marsolek Otto Marsolek Otto Ma.rsolek Otto Marsolek Otto Marsolek Otto Marsolek Royal Electric Mike Marso]�e� Mike Marsole Mike Marsolek Don Zappa & Son $ - - 4. 00 7.50 50. 50 10. 00 10. 00 6.00 38.75 15.00 17. 0 54.OS 15.00 22.50 Fiaal Destroyed 11/19/79 1/19/84 2/25/85 6/20/88 7/14/89 8/15/94 2/26/98 B#244-7/13/66 E#57,190-11/19/79 B#69,635-4/26/83 B#70,426-5/13/83 B#70, 764-6/17/83 H#69,263-7/12/83 E#72.207-8/30/83 H#72,165-8/31/83 E#73,138-1/19/84 E#77.704-2/25/85 B#89,996-6/20/88 B#9�,996-7/14/89 B#95,054-2/1/90 P4�110,772-8/15/94 B��126,883-2/25/98 B9�126,889-2/26/98