Inspections Address Card - 4951INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 548 Mississi ppi Street N.E, OWNER LOT parcel 7580 BLOCK -�es��d ���'���1� Dziuk ADD, g� of Section 14 p°rau: N°' Conatruciion D�� Conlrac2or 1902 Plumbing Permit C°st F� 1801 Heating Permit 9�20/61 Minneapolis Gas C,o. --- 8434 12/26/61 Domestic Heating Co. $ 2•00 Building Permit(Repair) g/��65 6.50 5674 Electrical permit Myron P. Holum 3457 10/18/65 Johnsville Electric 10.00 Heating Permit 21•20 1/10/67 4797 Plumbing Permit 11/17/65 Myron P. Holum 10,161 Building Permi.t(Addn, 12�3/68 Minnegasco, InC, 5•00 ) 3/13/6g Jerry Dziuk 3.00 23,476 Building Permit(Sof/Fas) 6/20/95 5.00 2/10/70 27,833 Building Permit(Reroof) 9/16/98 orothy Dz uk eriors 33.00 6/29/95 74.75 10/21/98 B#6574-4/15/69 B#9373-2/10/70 C#39,884-7/1/76 B4�114,650-6/29/95 B4�131,637-10/21/98