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P - 76782
Mir�esota E7�ep�t of L� a�� ir�dustry ������a� st. ���, nnw ����a2 P�e: ���� � ��-� ,-�����_ ���,���-�,�� ,�.��,►��,:�_�,�_� Contractor Request fc�r Eleciric�l I [3Jate Rot�gh-In Ins�ct�n Requireci"? 8/2/07 �,ntr��t� R�ust scheciu�e Al� Rsau I Addr�ss � Irts�cut - Stteet 6721 MONROE ST NE NOVITSKY. JOSEPH A un� Te�epho� t�umb�r{sD - In�cfude Are� 763-571-5817 � �� � —�� �-( dc� REC'D O C T 19 2007 �ic�n — One Famil� dv�r�liinglA�s< y�s Si��� Ir�pe�#ia�n t�h�erThan Rot�h-�n: �tN1�G��f �USI �rdTc�uer�stti� County FRIDLEY. MN ANOKA XCEL Et�IERGY �AV�F2 SVNITGH StruCture F�eady Nrne► l ��� sc.t,�ute C�ni�actor Narr� C�tract�r Maalrbg Add� HUP�T ELECTRIG CC)RP{�R►4TlON �3ti0 TE�R1Ti�R[AL RD., ST_ PAIJ�, �v�N 55114 ���ct�r Telepi�ane (V[�mber �Gantraetar E-rna� Add�ess E�ctricaf Utility (6�1 j �4�-2�1 � TH�fn�r�a h�ntelee.com �c�rtr�cis�r Auti�orized �igna�.are +G�atracfor L�:ense t�iumb� .�Project C,�tact Per�x► `�'� ^= � �-^�* �A00883 TCJM HAFNER Torrt H�fner ��,�.�.� Fee �Gaiculat��n N�ew Home or Assaiciated Structure Existing HomelStrueture R�madel or Acfdiiion 6d� �v�eiling Senr€t�#Pcr�er Sup� #4 — 4�i1 �m��e � �35 r-lev,+ Gwelling ��rr�c�aPv��er Sup{a3y �Q 1— JQQ ar���r� �$��} P�e� [?+�re�ling Feeder���irc�its �3s t�a �t3 �eeders��ircz�i�s - $1� "��vr Ho��� —1�9c� tha� 3E} Feeders�FCircuiis {in �d�i�vr� ta �lso+re� { 3 F�edeeat'Circ[�Eis Ut� To �DD A, C� �6 E�ch XCEL ENERGY ���lER �1�VITCI-i I'� Lletached ��r�ge nr Uti�er Associated �tructure ide�r S�rv�celPesw�r SuP�Y ��tew Fee�iers�BC�rc�a�ts. ���r �Specifyj ��kter {� — 4{�{} am�r� t� S3� { ) � �fi E�s�i t�ew S�rr�acetPovrer SuP��Y fidew S�rv�ee/Power �uPP�Y �iewlE.x%nded �e+�cier�9��cu:ts � } ���d�ratCircu�ts � $ i�ew�Extended F�eder�'Circ�iES— F�dets,?��rcu�9ts Q — 4(tf9 �rrtpete (� $35 4t1� —8�3 �rnpete c� �fi�J — ��a ta 9 �5 �e�dersP��e��t�y�s �2�tir`, � } F�esderstCircuiEs � S� Eeeh � �fe��hed G$r�ge ur Uiiier Associ�teci �tructur� tdew S�ra�ice,OP'�rwer Supply 4—�€�i ampere � S35 �I�w+�x#�r�d� Fe�ier�.#�i�cuais { � � �ra Ea�t� f2ectannecteti ,Fe�ders�G:rcuits C i � �2 E�cit Tfltal �Eh� €�ee cslcu��� �%caoo� or ��S r�ulUpli�d Ta#kif �i�� ��e calcu��i� �i�crve or �35 rr€u!#ip�iied > ��� K�y f�e nurr�E�r o� reaau�ed irss�ecti�n trips, � � �° by i�e n�mb�r of r�qusr�d �nspectian trps; �� � �.��� � w#rachever is greaterj �� whichev+�r �s greater) -� `J Fdeq�ests #or Eiecxrical f�rsp�c#io� (EtEtj vrith a fee of #230 or Mess expire 12 months frs�n t�t filing date_ Tt� �cor�tractc}r mrust hatre the w!rark can�eted wit#� ti�e 12 mnnth �aiod srr s�srr�t araat�er REi that inclusE�s the inspe�cti�rn feg for #f�e uncompletec# w�rk_ dnspe+clion fees d� reat camy ov� trmm one 12E7 to an+a�tter. R s�virae ehargg of �i3d# vrei� be adderi ivr a11 dkshonared �efi�c3cs. 3 heretay eeatiiy ihai t��cEe�d tFse eiec�r�:al Rt�gh - !n Inspeet�a{s) Fin�i a [�a [►�ene� san [� TUI3 �654� 297-4t9�3. R�I U2 i�r�l7i _ 7 -u/e�-�---� a3 u�e aates su�tea: Ii�te L�ate �` Z-0 such as lar9e Rr�nt, Br�i� or on a �