P - 45715Building $U.�I�DING Permit N'�._ /� ` ;�-� Iuspe��ions j�+ �'ijDENTIAL A.PPLICATIUN Received By:�� 763-572-3604 CITY 4F FRIDLEY D ' �' `►�' 763-502-4977 FAX ��=� ����--� � �errv� �-t zo�t nA� 1 Q-27-2011 Youit �a,�rc Ann�ss ____ kauoff@att.blackberry.net strE annxESS 1452 Danube Road Fridley MN 55432 � "A�IIS APPLICANT IS: ❑ OWNER L-7eONi'RACTOR PROPERTY dWNER/ ��:�r���,� Tnhn ,qr Rri�et TE1�iANT ���: }452 Danube Road CTTY Fridley -• 5'iATE MHLIP 55432 PxorrE_ 612-272-3118 ' ��T��R xa,a�� Associated Eacteriors Inc: SUBM[T A CO�Y OF STATE LIGENSE # BC634014 �,� �� N��� NAT —11 4- YOUR STATE LIC'ENSE A�� AND CERTIFTCA'CE OF AnDx�ss:__937 127th LN NW c�-rY Coon IZapids STATE ��uZIP 55448 Ii�SURANCE PHp� _ �nx ?63-757-1357 PROPERTY TYPE ES}SRVGLE FAMILYIN�W f�iSTRUCZTON s� t�''i'WO FAMIl YlNSRT CONSTRUCTI0I3 STQRIE.S PERM[T TYP� ❑ �►nDE'rtOx ❑ Gn1tAGFaStjID ❑ wn�nOws ❑ BASENiENT FiNiSH [�ROOF LI DRAiId TII,E fl DECR L7 SIDIl1G L7 oTEIER Q SWIMMIl�TG POOL TYPE OF WQRK: D IVEW HOME CONSTRUGTiON [7 ADDI7TON Q MAiNTENAI ICFIREPAIR I�KEMODELIhtG n�scxrsE wottx srtr� noNS: Re-side existing house an attac e garage SIZE OF IMPRQVEMENT LENCrl'H WIDTH IT�IGHT }-j' RO(}FATG C7 HQUSE tiNL'Y B�4E�NT I��'n,qnnE?-�NG S M[f• idI3MBER OF SQUARES O HOUSE 8t GARA(3E 1. Bxisting FloorPtan GrAitAGE5 C3 A1Tt#C� GARAGB Z. Ptnppsed f.ioor p18n PROriOSSD STLE: ❑ DETACI�I? GARAGE 3_ List of�ucdual membas to be used PRQPUSEA HfiIGH'F_ FOR NEVY C�N3TRLTCTION INCLUDIMG DECKS, tj�Vmyl I�Soffit A�i DTTIONC .@PdRCFiES c[ 1gMiT• Ci Alumimmi � Trim l- Siu P�vey showing tl►e exisdng shuctv�es D Otlus CI Fascia 2. Two � o�f consRt�ctioq plsns R'INDOWS 3. Fateag}• Calculedots IN EIQSTING OPENINGS QYes �1Vo LOCATTON O� WIND4W5 FUR WINDC)WS —PiZQV1DE U-VALUE AND OR FOR NEW OPFNiNGS-DESCRISB S3ZE fJF MANUFACTURE STICKER ON WINDpW. OPENiNG CHANGES & TYPEOF WIIVDUW TOBEINSTALGID NTJMREROF W[ND(}WS ALL FEES ARE $ASED UN VALUATTON, INCLUDING TH� C()ST UR LABOg AND MATERTALS: COTAL JOB YALL Permit Fee 1'kari Review Fire Surchazge Surct�ge Lic�,se Surcharge SAC C[�arge C�rb Cut Escxaw Erosion Conhal P�ic Fee Sewer Main Charge � Tohal Dne USING THE 1937 LI.B.0 FEE SCHEDDLE) I.00 nrrrrn, $ I`'7 5. �S See Back Page for Pee Scl�e�le — $ 65%. of Building Permit Fee $ .001 times the totai jab valt�tion $ .Qfl05 x Permit Vaivation Mioimmn $S.ClO $ $S.OU (State Licensed ResidetriYat Cfontcactors} $ $223Q per SAC Umt (Plans ta MWCC for d�termination) $ ftfbf�= 8x$25=$ $ $450 �onservauan Plan Reviev�r $ Fee Detexmiged bY Engimeering S ^, a r�,..�� Agr�eauentt�cessary (} Non Ne�sary i) THIS LS AN APPLiCAT10N FOR A PERMIT NOi VALIA UNTIL Pi2�DCESSED [ hereby a�ly for a buiiding permit and I�lrnowledge that the infflrmstion above is cou�plete and accurate; thak ti�e work wii[ be in co�orsn�ae vvith the ordinances and codes of the City a€ Pridlcy and with the Mirn�esata Conspruction Cades; tha� I undersf�d tt�is 'ss not a peimit but only an applica#ion for a 't and work 'ts not to start withoui a pe�mit on site; #bai ttte wa�k � be in acacordance widi the approved pian in the case of a11 wo ich �view and approval of ptans. S[GNA7URE OF APPLFCAN£ �tu�r x.� Stephen Kanoff �A� 1 U-27-2011 APPROVAT. INSPECTOR SiGNA PLEASE N�TE: SEPARATE PERMTI'S ,AR� REOU[RED FOR PLUMBING_ ELECTitrrAL ANn t�,rF['_�rAtvrt�Ar . wnRu