P - 76265� REQ�IEST FOR ELECTRICAL WSPECTION 1�� 7 1- 5 3 7� Minnesota Board of Electricity '• ; 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 � �— " ' , (651) 642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.electricity.state.mvr.us Describe -using the back of the white copy'rf necessary - the work covered by this request: E�;� �� E�a��� � �n��E� °s sw�rc� GENERAL FEES Outdoor Lighting Standard @$1 RVICES / POWER SURPLIES Traffic Siqnal Standard na $5 A�RM, GOMMUNICATION, REMOTE CONTROL, SIGNALING CIRCUITS, CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS r� Each System Device orAoparatus (�a. $.50 C�] FEES Transformers u to 10 KVA $10 Transformers over 10 KVA @$ 20 Transformer I Power Supply for Signs I Outline Lightlng @$5 ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, EACH UNIT Includes the Service andlor Povrer Supply up to 500 Amperes, All Circuits and Two Inspection Trips Each Dwelling Unit @$80 Fee total fee is $20) � �_ �'�' I inspected the electrical insfallation described herein on the datas sfeted: � 7HtS !P�$TALLATION MAY BE_ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 12 MONTHS ___ RECD J UN 14 ZOOi I I�I Il lli ll I��I il l� � lll �� ll � ll �l I�II .� _ ti797537� ������/��� ���' Raugh-in InspecGon Requiredl ❑Yes � No Inspection Other Than Rough-In: �Ready Now ❑Will Call �f ��. �.r J% You must call the inspector when readyl Date Ready: I certiiy thai I am the �I LICENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspection of the electrical work at JobSifeStreetAddreas ��FF�.i�LEY9 �i�i I�?9b Id ThlhlSE�fiUGK L��i J6VGIi�V�q 1�11 ��i'1 � Elechical Uti4ty �CEL EhiEF�G f Please Provide Two (2) Phone Numbers \ / \ / w•��F.�w� , ��^�ra�v ��a���� �.onuacior ucense rvumoer mas[er t�ecmclan or rower umRetl l N1Ji�lT ELEC7'fiI� CCiF;F'��fit�TTC�h�! CA Ci{)S$� �censeNumber M2ilirtg Address (Contractor, Company or Owner Performing Installation) z�,o� rEF:��ra��a� �:c�anq SAIhai ���iu�9 r�r� =5��a AYthoraed $IgneWre (ConUactor or Owner Performing InstellaUon) Please Provide Two (2) Phone Numbers Including Area `7'� (��� �,��-���� i ) tua�wnennue nru nerv ne ve� � nw rnov �....,.. ..� �� ...r..�..,�., ........ '_ _ _ _ _ . _ _