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P - 76777
M�nnesat� Departn�en# oi 1.at�or aru9 [r�dustr� �3 Lafayett� Rr�� t�c�th St. Paul, �rtN �,5i5�-43�E� P'ht3ne= �651 � 2�4-5�4 TT"f1h9R�: �651 j 2�7'-�l198 �a^�uw.�feetriciQy:stat�_�ti�_ �� Contractor Ftequ�st for Electr��al [n: i�ate R�ug�-In inspectic�� Re�c�ir�d? 11/30/07 Gontract�r lblust S��dule �,ii FZtau9h-[ ,��lress of Inspecti�on — Sireet 1037 NORTH CIR NE TAYLOR. CINDY L C�iiYit�f ���£¢7hdJti)E iViltT1�Y(S�— �t�CIWdE.W�f�E� 763-785-9504 �tn�ac�r h�ame HUP�T ELECTRIC �flRF�t�RATIC�N �6� 1 � 6��-2911 Gflfidi3C$€?f i$�3�#1Qfl��tf $[t)it�fllf� �s�r.w++r�� %�r�a H��n�r ����.��°� p�VV� � � ��-l'� lJ REC'D � E � - 5 2007 :ti4n — C�ne Family dwellin�lAssv�ciated Structure Y�s S�ng� In��pect�n O�er Than �i��gh-In: �` F�e�tiy Now ycticrns Coa�tract�r �I�a�t Sche�uie AEI Finat Ins�tic�ns n',f4'tl� Sct�etiule �tij j�PTIIYJ[1S1'14�'} FRIDLEY CUUntjf X�EL ENERG'Y SAVER S�ITCH 23Qt7 TERFiITC)R[�L RD_, ST. PAUL, 14�1�t a�'[�t�F G�trae�o� �-ma�l r�d�lress Electrie�f Utilif9t T}-lafn�er a�tFtu�tel�c.c+om ' �d5diii�Cl4f L[C.�IiS�' NUR1b+P.T ,1t�IP(4j€Ct Gt�i1�C# CA00��3 , TOM HAF�lER Fee �alc�alatian New Fio�ne or As�aciat�d Stcucfure �9euv [3wellang �erwaceiPs�wer Sup�1}r 0 — �tQ4 ar�pere � $�S t��evr Qweii:ing Sen�aceJPsx�rer Sup�ty 4d 1—�i01 �rr��ere (t� $6� �i�ym [��efiing Feecl+�rslGircui#$ ti� fo �0 �eederstGircui�s - S9�} Nsw Hom� — PAa� th�n 3� Feedersl�i�cuits (i� addi�on to XCEL ENERGY SAVER S�ilf[TCH �� i7et�ched G�rage c�r f�ther Associaied Structure htew S�rvac�a`�ow�r Supp•ly t� —�L41 smper� ���5 �S�VP F���FSdCt�tl9�LS � } � $6 Each f7[her �Specifiy} Existing H'om�elStruct�re R�rr�odel or Additio€� Nevw SeruaceiP�raer 5up�ly �— 4�ii acnpere � S35 tJew Seraice;'Power �uptaly �09 — 8{� amRe� � S60 �levri�x�r�de� Feeri�rs�'C�rcu�ts — U� tv 15 �e�derstC�rcuils € � �e��#ersfGircu�ts � �6 Each �r 16 #a 30 � $1Da �lewiExtersded FeedeesPC�rcuits — More Thsra 3� Feede�Caraci i ��e+e�er�1G'rrcuit� Uv to 2� A�F� S6 E��fa 3S { ) FeederstCircurts � �� Esch Uetached Gar�ge or f7ther Assaciatec� �tru+ct�re t��ur Senrice,�oPou�er Su�r�ly Q —40{� �mpere � $35 �levorl�xt�ndeci �eeders}G�cu�ts ( ) � 56 Each iteerannected F�edersfG�rc�its � } �? S2 Each Tflt�l {the f�ee calcu�at�d �4�cav� or $35 mul�pli�d � � T{3t�il �td�e � cafcu�si�r1 �iaove or S�S multi��d Ery ih� numla�r af re+�u�r�d i�sp�cti��s �rips, �:'"'�""'""'""`. � $35.50 ►y tfi�e n�rrrber o# requir�d �nspe�tion tts{as, �` ,Y �'�"'�'� ��', N . , �, ;�€ �ich��er is �r�ater} � .� :�'� '�' v�ichever is gr�eat�r� °� ~~~ *�� i2equeats fcu Eleclrica! �tsge�ti�n (REIj vrilh a fee of �Z�aO or less expire 12 man#hs fram the filir�g date. Tt►e contractsrr m�rst havwe the waric c�npleted vriEhin the 12 manth peri�d or su� anckher REJ Ehat incl udes the inspection %ee fbr the unccmp#e#g�d wark_ Inspection fees do rwt carry ov�r fnam one REI to anatt►er. A service cfiarge a�fi �30 wiil t�e added for ail rfishon�ored checks. # h�neby certi€gr that f�mspecied ;he e3eqical instat�ayion he�eiea aa � clate�s siated: Fi�C QepattC�6eRt Use Only �DU{)fl — �6i �I1S�34'Gt�C1i3(S,i �9c'itE# Fltl�i �RSp�CkiQft �. �.__./��"�'t'`"`..-----_— Thi� rnsteri�t c� be made av�i[�!�!e in di€fei TCFt3 {65i} 297.4'l98. R�i fi2 {�a#47) �'�tB I 2,2'--°� such �s [�ge pri�rt, 8rsi[�e or on a t�e. TQ €eque�f, �