P - 80561REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Minnesota Board oi Electncity , 1-380-342 � 1821 Universiry Avenue Suile 5-128, Saint Paol, Minnesota 55104 (651) 642-0800 TTYIMRS 1-800-6273529 www.electriciry.siate.mn. us l�����l�I�u���������I������A� ��ya " 1 3$ 0 3 4 2 4* Date: Rough-in Inspeclion Feq�iretl? FIH 7tt11 You must cali the inscec�or when �• ' 29035 �o-so I certify ihat I am the f� LICENSED CONiRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspec[ion of ihe eledrical work at: