P - 41829SEP-14-2011 12:44 PM STANDARD WATER CGNTROL 763 537 u ui1""Ig 13 U 1LDING Insp�ctions ��I��NT�AL APPI.,�CA,,'�'IUN 763-�72-3604 �'ITY U� FRIDI,EY 763-�q2-4977 �'AX Dn�.�`� 51'TE ATJ1�FtE$S � TFIIS APpI,ICANT IS P�tO��,RTY dV `TENANTT 5'UBMIT A CbPY Oi� 'SCOIJI� $TATE LICENSE AND �LRTIFICATE OF IriSURfWCE PRdhERTY TyFE rvr� DESCitt�E WORK BE1NQ p�cxr�o� ❑ OW]V'E+,R, NA2v�;_. �a,G Alli]RFS3;� PHONP;� NAME:�� STq7'B LICENSL #_ Yo�rn E.�,�n. a�on�ss ��- N�.. �Ct�N'TRAC'1'C)R �....` SINC:r.� enM�Yrnrnw carrsrxucTrox TWQ FAMILY/1VEW CONSTRUCTIpN ❑ BASLM�NT FR�iISii C] R4�F �l DECK p 511711v0 � � W HOME CONS'i'RUCTION !'� 1�tAT]vTF,NANCL•/R�PAIR � NUMBF3R OF SQUARES _ F'RO� SIZP,; �xaPOiSt.ri r�rGHT; � � Viuyl 0 Alpmt�� C] Other. � IN F.XI�7iNC} OPPMNp5 ❑Yca qNo OR FO� IwEW OP'EN'YNGS-DESCIt[BE SIZE DF �PEIdINC# CHAN(3E5 � Q ADAITION 017EMODELIN(} C� HOUSE C�NLY C) HOUS� & 4ARAQF. ❑ ATTACT�D QARA(?E ❑ I�ETACf�.D GARACrE ❑36fiii � THm ❑ FeaciQ LOCATION Ox W�y�UWS L�'�ES A�; BASED UN VAL Permit �'ee Plat1 R�view Fire Stu'charge Burch�tge Licen� Surchsrge SAC ClXarge Curb Cut Escrow Erosiot� Control Fprk Feb Sewer h+txin Charge Tuta111�ua � THE 1997 U.B.0 �'�E SCNE�'?ULE) cERr 6�RAIN TIL� C� Q7'I3ER L� 1882 P.01 Permit No,; �� � � ' � Rece�vc � Date Re�Y - .- :_ � . ��Vr��'-l., �'L�d'�7 ' ///� � .,,,n. �� � . r �il�J�i''r�i�, raciutii S FT �ASEMF,NT RF1�nr�pT rnrn � ..TT, �. ExiRitng Floor Pla� Z• Proposcd tloor p18w 3. List of �tructural mcmbers to bc usod FOYt NE;W CONSTRUC'TION 1NCI,UpI1+►G DECKS, 1. 31te P1aNSurvcy showing thc ex{sting structtues and propo�cd proJect. z. Two srca of conswctlon p��g 3. L'norgy Calcuiatior�x FOR W'TNDOWS — PROyIDE iJ-V'.0.LUE AN!) 1VIANUFACTLTRE STICI��R ON WINUOW, MAT'�YtIALS: � {� l. i� `� Stt Back Page for �ee Schedule +� y � ^ 654/n of Buiiding Permit �ee $ �`.�C .001 timos the total job v�luafiion $ 14� � ,0005 x Permit Valuation Minimum $5.00 � �1; �t ? � $5.00 {State Licensed Residential Contractors} � $2230 per SAC Unit (Plans ta MWCC for determination) � ft-�6ft= ftxS2s=� $ $450 Conservation Plan Review � � �� Fee Uetarmined by �ngineering � Agreement ncoeasary ( } Non Neatssary ( ) ��;,`7 ��� � Mal�e ahecks payab#e to: Citv of F'wid�� ♦�.�.. TT�1'S IS AN l�FFLTCATiQN FaR A PERMIT-I�OT VALID LTNT'IL PRpCESSED I herel�y apply for a bu�lding permiva�nd I acknovKledge that the information above is camplete and accurate; that the work will be in conforti-lance vvith the �rdinnnoe� and codes vf �e City of Fridle� and with the Minr�esota Construction Codes; that I undorstand this fs not a pern�it but only an application for a perxnit snd worlc is not to start vvithout a parmit on si � at work wil] be in ac ordance with the approv�d plan in the case of r� k which view anc! approval of pl SIGNA'TIYCtE ()F APPLCCANf / A}''I'ROY�AL, TNSPECTQA SIGNA ���� µ,��'i'i',T"�__��� NA� ATE �� f� �� SEP-14-2011 12:44 PM STANDARD WATER CONTROL 763 537 1882 P.02 STl�NQAF�� INAT�i� GQ�VTROL SYST'EM�, INC. lf937 Laksl�nd Avenue I�forth 937�9 Swsrtson Blvd, q� WyY,�,.g���y��� � Crystol, M!V 5542g CUve, IA �0325 Fex (7�3) 637�18� I�AMIN6APOLIB 81 P�1uL eU111levlll� S7'. OWUD DIriU'rii ii0G11EaT6R Ol1TSYAlE oE8 MOINEB t�ea1 er�� �go�) nsase� � raw�a� Ga�ol �ee ts��� r�i.�� (do� �� qeod� eyeaee� (�iaf �asee warorprodtig � 1b ee I�Jkd For Involoe �! ��1Q� J� SMs * Drir , � Niwn� r�.�.ti� �l�m� Addrow o�, � Addna4 C� .�.� �P 52�� ��Y kom9 Phon� ( � '�P � �'� �" Mome Phor�p ( � �"- wak anon. (�? ��C - G 9' 9Gi wanc w�or,. �� _ ) f)qmd�nd WkNr Cantrol 8�, ina rMl turelMr dl I�y' Mnd mN�Halt for tioWt �� InM�U�llan pwnrnlMd to b� a.p.ollbol rhd cona�ieMtl In a workm+ndia �n�: ��•d In �aoordrna wqh ckawt� nMnw� � MMn ew� una�.....hN oantJaon. �qurls oe�rr w work n loa tll. �.l�r tnan nwah�d� owmr muq �Ilow work o..w w aonanyp arorklnp wqh iq InMwppltpns wtltl �pp N tfnl�h�q, uniw �ryM(N ��. ��Y MUbMqu�Mt Mrvla CIMMI tu rMid�rylt for wo�k nr Fnrp�onon wIn b. da�a d�r�np nonn� 6u�ners haur� �, Mln 1e �pm, CMMt�r I� �� ftk Inst�hgen af smola a«�OH�l, e�bon monpo�Id� dwepAq and Neelrbal ouM�t(r) �rh�n r�qWrad. �PRCIFiC11�10N8 - Dla0HA1M Or AqeA TO Bt s�RVlCH� 7o b� In�talllld �Ild�r p�►+�bm18d: �� P++o aa�nye r�», at a..�,a�,o a+o� eo �.w►1�4. ,$/EPT s� 7* � ss � IVphsd �t draEnrysmhar m�elrn �p �� ��y�puln. �7Ar tlro�n�pu hoN. tlrllad In �p m�h, end lanaq cavb..- Prtrnepe Di�mlrid Dr�pl�y �"' �p „�I �p �p� ��. � Q�� � PaIY rh+dhq mofrN�i bertbr atawe: tlralr� eyeWm �ntl nrw cem�nl, Ranow ard replaa aorkieq� o�wr tlralMlb �Y�m, 1 � ►�w �M wNl h�, y� uP bwvw w�p wlNn altllnp t�p�nnl �e R n��ry. �R�mov�l ot �q p�Me antl otlNr �►NNW deh+kl MOht �ob dM. 8uPMOr bump BriMm" � �� � q�h' M�uo4Mtl apde Nlmp h11M11 wllh our eoMd dowrt �ema�tl PlsEe ppr�« pr�mlum prade toqNN �utan�l{p u�,.� p�„+A wlth eladc vidw. HI� vala aiaRn. � Ou�l 1 �h" �mMM OYehp� �w �, � M ���� �hsa walY wql be Mmmad wrNn �tlnp oafdtlene mMn R rbp�,y, I$� Ob�uvcdone - 8�a Job W�prwtlqn Chackle�- � �.da� 7wt KN � Wtmq H nep�wry. " 4i� ❑ �Ptlon�l ernery Q�ala,P �InMm • Adtl ��� ' [] dptlnaid FrhRID�" buiNC dl�ch� �y� • Atld �Q � /S /�' � q�aaw e*nasa edb v,�or ow�d"' �. n, � PAYIiA�IT TlWM� f� .� The Owner � b pay Conb'eocar ��m �s followe /+. PMCB � r B. Oth�h $ ' �� � r Oaltrd 9��, tio. noanme� 1nMr�9 �ntlla an M C. Oiher � p�n�n e.r�n•nt mn�u.uan _ ap p��NMr waNs. Q, ANnolpal8al�nc;e g �t�l r,,, E. Down Pdy��q }� � K�S ���I � � PM�m+ ra w u�.s ���"�, lrw. reoommrnde k�llirp dr�ln� an eM F, �Jpl�ild �O� $ _ ���6Yartis�t IMf0119f6nn , tlrdntMe fnlhfr�d h MlWhd �fMi OnN t10P ❑ Oplll upon mmpl�n `�'" +oknowMapw Ihat a�Wiyuro�w rwa� an �,ndoouerod py �rv�ay on �nd CI 1b 9@ FlninOed ❑ V� — N�Mpeiaid — phawu C,�rd �� No6e; Ail flnalldng muet D� appnpygd 7 dsy� p� ���pr b(�staAatlon ddlp, 4UYEli$ �OHT'TO C/INCRL. H tld� 11pt+b�ma+t wM �olipj(�� � yp� I'NId1111os �nd yOt1 rio not w�t1t Gf� geOds 1111d Mrv�� 1� rtMY a�n�! tl�r p�p►�„t 4�► m�li�np a notlar to th� seller. 77�� notlo. msY sr�► thet ynu do not rv#et tn� 9oodr or �►Wea and nfu�t be wndMd beMrr nnldnlgM W tM thlyd bualnrp �ay rMbr you rlpn thlr .�n�mrnt TM rfotbs must bs nt�N�d �o: �nd�rd Wnt�r Oontrol Sy�lrun�� Ina.� b8a7 L�IuN�nd Avem� NonF4 Cryttrl, Mlnnaots �. AGClPTANCd OF PiROPbSAt I hew airelufly ned bo� the Mont and the baok of thi� Ayre�m�r►t, t�e Job PreperaUon Lettor, ,�ob I�repan�on Ch�alcNet, ar►d .N M � PNce�, a�ecNtomiana and o�dldorn. 7hs d�rrw on both oinoa of thi� Agro�nt ernd tha Job Pr�por�non L�t�r ere �ry and �r. h�roby �d �^Y ��+ �,am tha drawinp and►or epoclflo�tlon� abeve wiU rnsult in en �xtra �h lo do !he wofk a9 apetynsd. ! e�prw to rnnlw piY,�nt 6� butllned er9s. Ybu 9r�u auul0rixod uaa «'�4 / Owner D�� Sa1se Ftap. ��7'//N ✓C^� ,€„Q'�_ OwrNr 4et� �_ �ol Canlna MK wnt �NNG90TA EULOinp COI�fTRAOTOR lICi7V8E NO. S6e4