Inspections Address Card - 5562LOCATION LOT Permit No. 6101 329� 5252 2458 2117 4410 10, 533 5085 8102 5682 15, 525 12,324 15,835 30,603 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 6581 Pierce Street N.E. OWNER Larry Miranda 3 BLOCK 1 ADD. �n's 2nd Addition Ccnstruction Dat� Conlraclor Building Permit(.H&G� 8/22/62 Don Anderson Bldr. $ Electrical Permit 8/29/62 Williams Electxic Co. Water & Sewer Permit 9/20/62 A1's Plumbing Co. Plumbing Permit 9/10/62 A1 Hillsdale Co. Heating PeYmit 10/5/62 Suburban Heating Co. Pliunbing Permit 9/7 �67 Minnegasco, Inc. Building Permit(_Addn.) 1/7/70 United Construction Plumbing Permit 2/7/70 Fignar Plumbing Electrical PeYmit 4/2/70 Christianson Electri Plumbing Permit 8/18/72 Minnegasco, Inc. Building Permit(Reside) 10/22/79 Crandall Bros. Const. Plumbing Permit 8/18/98 Mr. Rooter of Anoka Heating Permit 11/10/03 CenterPoint Energy Electrical Permit 11/10/03 CenterPoint Energy CosY 32.00 19. 85 30. 00 12. 50 14. 50 5. 00 27.00 4. 50 9.00 5. 00 15. 00 20.00 30.00 20.00 Fiaal 4/29/63 12/30/70 12/16/71 4/3/ 70 11/15/79 6/17/04 $-#9199-1/13/70 B#9149-2/10/70 S#9457-2/16/70 P#8820-2/11/70 P#9489-2/16/70 P#8829-2/19/70 P#8848-3/3/70 E#9834-3/19/70 E#�0,300-4/1/70 E#10,035-4/7/70 B#13,588-12/30/70 P#17,635-12/16/71 B#57,159-11/15/79 H4�156,486-6/17/04