P - 48300J . . Building MECHANICAL Inspections RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION 763-s�2-3604 �ITY OF FRIDLEY 763-502-4977 FAX .......�....�.� . . ___. DA� r� � ��z- ST['E ADDRESS �� TfiIS APPLICANT IS: PROPERTY OWNER! TENANT SUBNIIT A GOPY OF YOURSTATE LICENSE WI1H APPLICATION PERNIIT TYPE �rE oF wo�: YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ❑ OWNER �ONTRACTOR co�� Permit No.: • - -. : �+1� ' �.,�_���-�� , ��1.�T. � � STATE LICENSE # �� L�� �N rJJ:� EJ� DATE ADDRESS: CITY STATE ZIP PHONE — FAX . FAMILY � TWO FAMILY � NEw �REPI�ACEMEIVT OF ❑ TOWNHOUSE ❑ AL'IERA3'ION/REMODEL FEES ARE BASED ON S19 08 PER FffiTIJRE, EXCEpT yVHERE NOTED. FIRTIJRES: (INDIGATE TdTAL NUMBER OF EACH BELO�Vj P1tOVIDE ftEAT L06S CALC'S PER MAN[T �j� .ri.SggAE gANpBppt{, ,�[�� %� Eq�riPaneettnsmlted MFG: ��'fc.M�} MODEL: ���3Z!���"��'O�SIZEIBTUU��� MFG: Q.�� MODEL: �;�'1v�� SIZE/BTU s`—TV` \ MFG: MQDEL.: �AJC 525.00 _FIREPLACE (GAS) St5.Q0 n� �ro nm �ccxaxcE� a� s �rr.acE �wwooD� s3s.00 BOILEIt 535.00 �FURNACE 535.00 CFIIIvIIVEY LINER $10.00 _GAS DRYFat $10.00 IWCT VPORK $10.00 -- GAS FIPING SIO_00 � SIZEIB'i'[I �as xnxc�ov�rrr a�o.o� ri�w c,�as Giur.i, s io.00 GAS UNiT HTR S10.00 FOOL HEATER 535.00 THIS IS AN APPLICATIdAi FOR A PERMIT NOT VALID UNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a build"mg permit and I aclmowledge that the information above is complebe and accurate; tt�t the work will be in canformance with the ordi�nces and codes of the City of Frid�ey and with the M'inn�a Conshvction Codes; that I undetstand this is not a permit but only an appiic�tion for a permit work is not to stazt without a permi� that the work will be in accordance witi� the approved plan in the c�se of at work w' � review and appmval af plans. SIGNATURE OF APPLIC� - � - — . _ _"�ME * ' , A `i� � � � 2 APPROVALINSPECfORSSFGNATURE .f �//LL(�/V 1 ne'r� Z/ 12 City of Fridley uilding Inspections Department 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 ?63-572-3604 FAX: 763-502-4977