Inspections Address Card - 5986' � ` INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ' LOC�iTION 6}i Riee Creek Terrace OWNER James Dougail LOT 1 and Outlot 1�LOCK � ADD, Brookview Terrace� 3rd Permit No. Canstruction Date Contractor � �t •i! 1933 1362 1541 1541 4320 1933 2 092 2162 6 031 ?1�62 ?�988 a z 7-59 Buildin� Permit� House 12/�.5/60 Best Builders Electrical Permit 1/18/61 0. B. Thompson Elec. .�ieating Permit 1/23/61 Royalton Heating Co. �lumbing Permit 1/24/61 Zahler Plumbing Co. Plumbing Rough 2/16/61 Water & Sewer Permit 2/24/61 Zahler Plumbing Co. Electrical Rough 1/28/60 Electrical Permit 4/13/61 0. B. Thompson Elec. Electrical Permit 5/15/61 R. C. LaPlant Building Permit, A.Gar. 7/19/62 Charles Johanson 5/217b5 0. . Anderberg ldg. Per. Repa.ir 5.1�. R Electrical Permit 5/28/65 Libby Elee. Fiaal �22 .00 $14.05 3/16/61 $14.50 $15.90 $30.00 $5.80 $4.00 $6.00 $1�.00 $7.00 4/14/61 6/12/61 (��� � � lc,;� �20283-i/24/�2 P�22411-11/21/72F E��22, 834-3/5/73 H#31,649-10/28/74 C#45,661-8/5/77 C#45,799-8/19/77 B#102,863-4/16/92 B#103,273-6/16/92 E#104,571-�0/16/92 E#104,590-10/26/92 E#104,909-10/30/92 B��118,886-5/20/9� H4�137,856-11/22/99 B#139,924-6/2/00 B#141,046-6/29/00 B#140,327-6/30/00 P#140,319-6/30/00 H#140,334-7/5/00 E#140,084-7/6/00 H#140,352-7/10/00 B#140,354-7/11/00 B#140,373-7; 12/�JO BPH��141,007-8/22/00 � � � s �-°-�---�- INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS cA� 2 LOCATION 651 Rice Creek Terrace OWNER '���-����'��� commer�'ord LOT 1 and Outlot 1 BLOCK 2 AI)D. Brookview Terrace, 3rd Permit No. Con�truction Date Conlrac�or I Cost Fiaal 3537 49�� 5651 9259 5485 14,720 9355 21,272 20, 808 21,087 24,187 13,929 14,070 30,915 28,146 12,886 42 Plumbing Permit 5/i�,./b5 Electrical Rough Plumbing Permit 7,120�72 Electrical Permit 12/18/72 Heating Permft 12/21/72 Building Permit(Reroof) 5/23/78 Heating Permit 9/8/86 Building Permit(Garage) 4/9/92 Electrical Permit 6/3/92 Electrical Pe rmit 10/29/92 Building Permit(Reroof) 5/17/96 Heating Permit 11/15/99 Heating Permit 4/18/00 Building Permit(Addn/Dk 5/8/00 Electrical Permit 6/29/00 Plumbing Permit 7/6/00 Sanderlin Ine. Libby Elec. Minnegasco Daun Electric Ideal Sheet Metal Linda Burchett Minnegasco, Inc. Mark Commerford Mark Commerford Mark Commerford Mark Commerford Fireside Corner Jamie Commerford Pat Boland Construct Rebel Electric Hutton � Rowe Inc $�t•5� $�7.0°�' 4.00 10.00 7.50 10.00 117. 00 15. 00 15.00 40.25 25.00 45.00 713.75 85.00 63.00 � 11/21/72 3/5/73 10/28/74 6/16/92 10/26/92 10/30/92 5/20/96 11/22/99 8/22/00 8/22/00 8/22/00