P - 77035REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAk INSPECTION � �;: �� 9 2 4- 3 4 3� Minnesota Board of Electricity •�/)'')� �� � g �-: � � 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, Saint F�auYMinnesota 104 - �� (651) 642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.electricity.stute.mn.us ��? Describe -using the back of the white copy if necessary - the work cover�this r u st: � 2,g'la. \Y- � GENERAL FEES Outdoor Liqhtinq Standard (�D $1 SERVICES / POWER SUPPLIES 0 to 400 Ampere a$25 401 to 800 Am re $50 Above 800 Am re $75 CIRCUITS / FEEDERS 0 to 200 Am ere $5 Above200Am ere $t0 ALARM, COMMUNICATION, REMOTE CANTROL, SIG CIRCUITS, CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS Each System Device or Apparatus $.50 ADDITIONS TO THE GENERAL FEES MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS PER UNIT 3 to 12 Units @$50 Per Unit Each Additional Unit (� $25 Retroft Transformers u to 10 KVA $10 Transfortners over 10 KVA $ 20 Transformer / Power Su I for Si ns I Outline Li htin $5 ONE 8 TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, EACH UNIT Includes the Service and/or Power Supply up to 500 Amperes, All Circuits and Two Inspection Trips Each Dwelling Unit @$80 Add'Rional Ins tion Tri s $20 Investi ative Fee Reinspection Fee $20 TOTAL FEE � (minimum total fee is $20) mis aaEn voa iNSrecroa usE on�r I hereby certiry that I inspeded the elecViral installation described herein on the dates slated: Speciallnspection $30perHour exP�Reo�naa�aee Special Inspection $.31 per Mile THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF i llll l l l l ll lll l l l l l l l l l l l ll l ll l l l l l ll l� l� l�� l, 9 2 4 3 4 3 5 I certify that I am Job $ite Street Ad ���� APLETED WITHIN 12 MONTHS Rough-in Inspection Required? ❑Yes �il'Flo Inspection OtherThan Rough-1 � eady Now ❑Will Call i/� You must call the inspector when ready! Date Ready: VSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspection of the electrical work at: (2) Phone Number I Master Electrician or License Number Jumbers Including � /