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C] MA L7 ItUUF Q 51DIMG l7 SWtMMINt}�'CIUL CJ AC)DITIUN � REMOUELINCr C �ESC.RIE3E WO�I� �3FI.NG �ON.F..:T.N"�T�.UI_Z-�E�'�!I STZL UF 1MPROVEMENT LL;NC;'I'H K�CI�'Yrv(: C� HOUSE ONLY NUMHGR OP Sf�UARGS ,,,_, , [J N[:)USk dt (iqKp,.Cg GJ PEiQPC1Sk?D SIZE; PROI�SCD 1d�iCll-IT' ..._�_� `�iiR1L4.Si ❑ Vinyl C1 Aiu�ninum ❑ Ofh�r C] A,'I"f/�C:Hk;I.) fiAKAtiE ❑ D�TAC7�3LD CIARACIC �lSvfkit ❑ Trina �1 ruscifi W1 x'-...i1Ylr� 1N F:XiS"�'INti [7pBN�N(iS qXes f�No LOCATIQN QF WINDOW3 OR FOR NEW OPLNINCiS-DESCRIIIL SIZ13 C)6' C)PNNIN(i (:'HANC�I?S Rt TYPE pF WINUOW TO BF INSTq�,1„�[3 NUMBL�R OF WINDOWS �A�,�, Fk:FS A,RE SASEn C1Pd VALUATION, INCLUDING �'�� C"UST U�' 1 (USING THE ]997 U.H.0 F�F SCHEUULI;) _ TQTA[, JiJ�� VA�[JATTOI�I $ 3,yS0 . f_ +L7�CUPAI'�fCY Permit ree Pltltl Rc�vit�w Fit� Surcharge SUl'CIl$t�;(? I.icense Surcharge SAC ChArge Curb Cut Escrow Ero:sion Csmtrol Park Fee Sewer Main �}�flrge Totul Dua ��.- C_ ' Z`� $ .�._ 8 'j � �L � � � $ - -- � Ft, pASCM�NT R�MCIUGL.INC, SUHMJ'I'• 1. Cxisting Plour Plan 2. Nriipot�d flour pl�n 3. List of s4r�ictural metnbzes lo bt �a.aJ PORNEW CONSTRIJCTIQN fNi:LUDINii i)yt''KS, �A.f,?�.T.L�2N>�..�..�'.Q�L?ti�S.�.,U IT: l. Sitc 1'In�i/5urvay show�ing thc cxistuig slrirotures arul pruposad projcct. 2, i'wo scts of construction plans 3. Encr�;y Citiculutinns A►NA 1�7AT�RAA,1�S: TY 5�e 8ack Pa�e for Fee Schedule 65"/� of T3uildin� permit Pee ,001 times the total jab vAluAtion .OQOS � Pe��cnit Valuatiou Minimum $.50 $S.DO (State Licensed Residenti�I ContrttcCOrs) $I55� per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for deienninaiion) �f�''�—„ � ftx$2l=$_.. $a50 Conservation Plan �teview Fee Determined by �ngineoring ��;reement necessary ( ) Non Necessary ( } M�ke checka p�y��1e ta; Gitv of �'ridlev Attac 'I'HI$1$ AN APFLICATION AOR A PERMTf•NOT VALID [INTIL PROC:FSS�I7 1 huruby �t�ply for � buildin�; pennit and I acknawledge that the informfltion abuve is cpmplute and accurate; tbat tl�e work wili be in conform�noc� with thd urdii��n4ps �nd codes of the City of Fridley and with the Miiuiesat� Construccion C:�d�s; �hat 1 und��rstand this is not a perrnit but only an Application for A permit �nd wr�rk is nnt to st�lM witlaout a peruiit; that the work will be in Aeeordence with thp �pprc�vod pI�i in the case of a.li work whict�reyuires re�iew and appmval of plans. S[qNATIJR�fJf APPLICANT„`� .. .. �._PRiNTNAM�_.�II!Vl'fF'!��_ � ifUW � bAiC O—''I) --_----° � O'�y U P Since 1965 WETBASEMENTS �.� ORIED UP ,.••.- PERMANENTLV Proposal submitted to � Address � �Q City, State, and Zip Code Home Work �1�f., �, ;,,�f� `'" `` �;°��'���' �� t�3 /`�'``lt (1R��� rCY� f �°� GL�i �V ", -,' � ?� ��� � � WATERPROOFING �MN CoMrector Lic. #20638376 BC www.rite-waywaterproofing.com 448 Lilac Street • Lino Lakes. Minnesota 55014 •(651) 786-0550 • Fax Fax �i =f Job Name Address City, State, and Zip Code Home/Work Emaii Address Ceil 786-0555 This proposal (Contract) entails the following activities to be performed by Rite-Way Waterproofing: To install an underground drain system below the basement floor level as indicated on the detailed drawing. A perforated four inch plastic pipe shall be installed in a trench and will be encased by a minimum of two inches of crushed rock. Block wall construction shall have each cavity and seam drilled as near the foundation level as feasible on the lower course of blocks. A one half inch plastic drain pipe or 1/2" drain board shall be installed on�n each of the driiled cavities and seams so that any water will be drained into the plastic pipe line. The plastic line shail terminate in a sump and a pump will be installed to remove the accumulated water. The trench shall be cemented to the level of the basement floor. We will be leaving a vapor gap between the floor and the wall to catch any moisture and condensatfon from the wails. The owner is responsib{e for the removal oi appliances, furniture, carpeting and clearing the excavation area before we arrive to start the job. If ihey are not removed and it becomes necessary for Rite-Way personnel to remove them, we will not be responsible for any resulting damages. Rite-Way Waterproofing will not be responsible for job dust or the restoration of tile, paint, or carpet along the area of excavation. Upon final payment, Rite-Way Waterproofing will issue a litetime guarantee where our drain tile has been instalied. The guarantee does not cover condensation or dampness on walls or floors. The pump and exit)ineb are cavered by a separate 1 year manufacturer's warranry. G Lo�J NORTH WALL �FT. POURED WALLS � SUMP: REG � PUmP: 1/3 HP 1/2 HP SOUTH WALL o'�µ FT, CERAMIC TILE/ LI OOD/CARPET/NONE CEILING HEIGHT �S � EAST.WALL '�— FT. ��/FUR STRIP/2X2�lONE H20 PROOF EGRES / Dpi�ocJ�tc . WEST WALL � FT. ETRO ANELING Y� VAPOR GAP ��F�� �'' � TRUNK LINE � O Ff. BLOCK WALLS .0 CORE) YES POLY DRAIN �S�IE? TOTAL FT. ❑ FIREPLACE: ❑ GUARANTEED ❑ NOT GUARANTEED ❑ IF HEARTH REMOVED Additions Rite-Way Does Not Cover � �Homeowner to supply 110 electrical outlet for pump (10 amp) ��Ne Paneling and/or sheet rock walls` may have to be cut off at the bottom including framing YES Nail heads may pop or corner seams may separate on 2x4 sheet rocked walls. /�_Painted walls may become nicked or stained Yc—� Tile in excavation area will be lost � /IL�Floor may have to be beveled � '—' Carpeting to be removedfreplaced by homeowner �Baseboards to be removed/re laced by homeowner �[�Bathroom fixtures toile howe vanity, etc) to be removed/ replaced by homeowner Other items to be moved by homeowner ��r'l�l�►r°r. c�.r_ ��PX� . � Tunneled areas NOT guaranteed j� �nIE NORTH �'�Ri Zoeller� High Water Level Alarm Add: $ �=' Qty:�_ YES L7 hi0 ;�Zoeller� Battery Back-up System Add: $ q S� �= �ty:�_ �� (� %�� This bid is based on visual external inspection oniy and essumes the concealed components of the structure adhere to standard bulldfng practice. In � the caae o/ structural varlances, Rlte Way la not responaible /or rosultlng damages, and reserves fhe rlght to wJthdrow or renegotlate thla agreement. , // b!d /s rrot re-negotlated, and Rltewsy has sent a crow to the Job but It eennot be done at the or/glnal contract prlce due to varlanees, @ 20% ot the ' orlglne/ b/d w!// be owed by Me homeowner. Ezamples of variances; block cavities tilled wfth eement: no foundetlon under structure: floating slab tloor; floor depth exeeptionally thin or thlck; obstructions embedded in concrete floor such as heat ducts, water and sewer pipes, electrical co�duit, ; hot water pipea, refMorcing roda, iron deposits and excessive sand Infiltration, ete., which would interfere with the installation. The owner(s) acknowledges that Vwe were informed of my/our right to ca�cel thls agreement as required by law and that Vwe have been fumished with an exact copy of this contract. You, the buyer, may eancel this purchase at any time prior to mldnight of the third business day aiter the date of , purchase. Owner agrees that In event of cancellation beyond tAree business days of this contract date, owner sball pay on demand, twenty-five (25%) percent of the contract priee as its' stipulated damages for the breach. CONTRACTOR PRE-LIEN NOTICE (a) "A PERSON OR COMPANY SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT TO YOUR PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST YOUR ' PROPERTY IF THAT PERSON OR COMPANY IS NOT PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS. (b) UNDER MINNESOTA �AW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PAY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT ' DIRECTLY AND DEDUCT THIS AMOUNT FROM OUR CONTRACT PRICE, OR WITHHOLD THE AMOUNT DUE THEM FROM US UNTIL 120 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENT UNLESS WE GIVE YOU A LIEN WAIVER SIGNED BY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED ANY LABOR OR MATERIAL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND WHO GAVE YOU TIMELY NOTICE." �P �tD}tDBE 7hereby to furnish material and labor complete, in accordance with the above specifications for the sum of: �� v�.� 1 h,uJ Sc�� c�. '- ��fL �n �I � �� � ��� 1 �--flollars ($) '' Sub-Total ($) '/o) Down Payment ($) — i z� - � `� PAYMENT �'O BE UPON JOB COMPLETION. OWNER/AGENT TO PAY FOREMAN UPON JOB COMPLETION UN�ESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 1.5% Per moMh intares},�e�peD o� all overdue accounts _ %\ com n em Representatives signatur� V\ pa y ployees are covered by Workmen's Compensatbn Insurance. Note: Thls proposal may wlth rown by wlthln ��#�xC�e ��xD�7as� — The above prices, specifications and conditions ar s sfacto nd ar accepted. Rlte-Way Waterproofing is a thorized to pertorm work as specified. Payment as outlined above. Job on or about ( g— � � v c�c�'} �Owner's signatu��--�� � � v �Date 7^ �O ' l