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P - 76772
t,A�nnes�t� E1�p��er�f of �ai�or a€�i �r�i�s�y �3 Lafayette Ro�d t�carttt St. P�trl, MN ��l�i�-4342 Phc�e: (651 � 284-�+0�4 TTYfMRS: �651���7-d99� �a^,vw.eiecfi ci�y.�t�te�rnn_ aas Contra�ta�- Request for �lectric�[ [n� Bate Rau��-Ir� inspecti�� {�e�q�ired? 11/30/07 Cc�ntraetrsr Nfust S�heaiule �Il Rtau�h-I� A�idress o# Ins�cti�n — SEr�et 1337 SKYWOOD LN NE ���7 - G�,�'- REC'D D E G- 5 2007 tiort — t�n�e Famil� �wellir��lAsso+ciat�d �#ru�ture Y�;� Sing� Er€�Fection O�a�r Th�n R�h-�n: ,I R����� Nca�a �ctic�ns Ca�n#r�ct�r �r1�s� Sch�edule A[i F[naf i�nsc�ectians n`�'�1� Sc1�e�iul� FRIDLEY ', BAILEY. JACOUELINE A' ?CCEL E�tERGY SAVER SOt�ttITCH �er T�I�:�ha�� �lumb�er(s) — incEude :Are� Cad�(sa 763-586-0742 ' �e►n�rac�oc f�arr�e Co�ntraetar M�lir�y A�d�s� HUNT ELF�TRI� �UR,P'Q�RATIC�N 23€�0 TERR(TC�RlAL R[)_, ST. PAUL, 1�riN ��`['[4 t�antractar Tel�plaorr�e hiumt�r Con�ctor E-rn�il.Ad�lress �lec�ric�l Utility �f�51 } 646-�9�'i THa��er��untelec_c�m �n�rac�r Authcarize�! S�nature Contsactc�r �i���e �um�i� ,tcshdPr��ect Cc�rria� e �'",""�";"."'". CA!}Q$�3 TONt HAFNER T�atn Hafr�er �'��-`�:�, F�e Caiculation �ie�w Fl�inae c�€ Assc�cia€ecl Siructure �`Je�rr [�welling Sent�ceJP�wer Supgi� 0 — �Li� arnpece � $35 �er�r C3wealing Serv�celRovrer Supply 40'[ —�0 amper� � S6f� �devr awweiling F�edecstCircuits U ta 3� F�de�lGrrca�ii�-$9�iD ��ew Ffo€ne — M�r� tha� 3t} F�ed�rs�i€��tifs �ir� ��id�tioa� to �i�ov� � Feedersd�irt�€� U To ZQO A �6 Each Other (5pecify� XCEL ENERG�' SAt+�ER SW[TGH � 35 Detached G�r�ge oc Other A�sociatsd Structure hJew Ser�'scelPts�wer S�p��y C� — 4C�J ampere y� $3:� 3Vevr F�ederslC�rcu€ts ( ) � S6 Each 04her (Specify) n Exesting HomelSfructure R�rnadel or Adc[ition �lerw ServicetPc�rer �upply U — �4£i ampete � �35 New Servdc��Power Supply 4{i8 — 8043 arnpere i� �EO —.,�,.., ,.,. ��x.���,�.��...,�.� 8 Each �r 16 to 3a'� S1[}D f GGVGk�DAA6�-III�Ylk3�iY1Vk� ltlpll JW 1 GGUGI�M�4eW }�eederslGite�its tiR to ��J41 A t� �6 E��h ��derstGarcuiCs { ) �e�edersrG�cuits � 52 �acn � Detached �arage €�r Qther Associated �tr�cture �lev� SenriceJPower 5upp�Y Q— 40� ampere ���5 �1ewJEx#�ndeci FeecierslC[�cuits { j � �6 E�ch R�cxrnnected ��dersJCircui£s 4 } � $2 E�ch T�7t81(khe €e� c�icui€��f ab�owe or $35 rn�€It�p�i�d TOtal ��e �ee �e€Icu�mt�d �bove or �35 multip�r�d &sy dhe number of re�u�r�d inspect�n irips, r"" -� $35.50 sy t#t� numb�r �a# required iraspeet�an tr�pa; �� � wt�achever i� gr�ater} ���� � vhichever is grv�ter� ���� ;� �.� Req�ests for �lectrical trtspectia� (REtj with a fee of #250 or less e�cpine 12 manths fr�n the fil"e�g date. The contract�ar m�rst hav�e the wa�ic aompiefed vriEhin 4he 12 mantt� �aeriad or suhmik ae�olfier REl that indudes the inspectian #ee foe the vncampieted worfc. lnspectic3n fees do ewE carry over frnm one RE! ta an�other. A service charge of #30 we11 be added for a�i �ishontired checks. ! h�r�6y certify that [ inspected the e�ecirical instak3asiot� herein � ftr� da3e�s �tated: R��h — ln Inspect�n�s) [�ate �iraa! Inspectian ih�s rn�teri�l ca� t� T�t} (65'i j 297�4�98. �iEt �12 �6f€��} �-_��`3"� � uct� �s E�pe print, SraiFle ar � a t�. �