P - 790931-680-416 0 REQUEST FOR ELEC7RICAL INSPECTION Minnesota Board of Electricity 1821 University Avenue Suiie S-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800�27-3529 www•electriciry.state.mn.us ........,... ::, ��., � � ,�,�� . , ,, ., . _ . ,.,• �, c. �� �DO�illllillllllllllll Ii ���l�f� Iiilll 11111111��11�11 0:� 16B�4163 `� ��1��'�y Rough-in Inspedion Required? You must call the inspector whe Yes U No I Inspectiai pther Than Rough-In: dY� Date Ready: Now Call and hereby request inspection of tl�e electrical work at: . � _.+........rc�ci.iticnrwrr EB-0OOp1MU e.t.2002