P - 48677From: 6123790268 Page: 2l2 Date: 4/23/2Q1211:14:27 AM $u��diur� �.� .�.�. � PLUMBIN� ����t N�..a c�ia Inspect�on� �i SIL1�+ 1'1T�.'IAL ,A,�.'"�"'�,,ICATI�IV �eceivE� �y:,�' "7�G3-57�-�604 �IZ'� i7.�.+ �'+ ����'� $�cj� ����3���-4!��! �.�t� �r��c-rfvr i-i-z�i i � U N� �T'1'h Ad�RF.SS � Tf�rs nrr�,i�nr��e rs: OWN�',R/ TFNA�I�TT �CiI3MfT r� �:OPY OC' YCi[!R �TA.TE t��c;r.�vsF, r�ONn ANL� �r;RTiFI�ATE OF INSCIRANCE �"EI�MI'1' TYPE Y<5WR F.-MAIf,. . }3[ ----..'`;�-��,., �� ��b,A%f4�I�:.. .L--}�Cl � — t� awrr�R �corrra�c�t•c��z NAME �` ! ! �F'u...r"1''7^� ... ,n�n��s�; �.�.���c,�vt-�?r�..� FI IONG _�'•�., ti%. –~ %� � �"�.G- � � NFIM�: ��':?t.�'7"..'.y,-a��".' _�' STATG (.i�:'F:NS�: ti � � ��+� STt1TG [3Ct�G # _.��—u�,� +� 7 � Pi�l71VF's 51NQL& fAMIP.Y 'TYi"� OF 1�ORi{: � � N�W e.•xp r.xr .,^ ��._.:......... _ f:AX,�1�`� (:I TWC1 �AMiLY p �'pWNHOUSE I?ET�Iit.E1) b�SCRiPT10N AF W(3RIC I��i, i� �V�C:�' �r'i �.'�' �-�+G-�i�- C.iN ���'�!!'���`"....1!✓_T.4� %t/�'�"� � Fr�S ,A1tF: ���rn ON �10.00 PER FtX'1'(.I'F2F., �'X�EPT WiICf�E NC1TEl�. FIX7L�R�S; (I3VD�CAT'� TC)TAi. NI.IMHF.R (]f EAG'EI BL7.,E3W). Mit�tMt�M F�F "�35,5(l; _QATt�SiNK/I.nV _. N't�pc)Rr�Rn1NS SH4WGR WATGRP�PiNC; _[3ATH'Yt» „� (;AS rTflTivG (NET3L� CCI Y i..rc) � SWtMMirvC9 hc.x�r.. Wr��rriR fipFTNER ($35j ^,,,. Cr..UTHES WAS]-iLR _ titTCtICN �1NK WA�rFR �I,pSET ��� r�hCKF'LOW PRFV. ($13} _ I7151iWASHFR � LA�1Ni�RY T°ft�tY _WnT�R FIEATER {�33) FQR fRRICA'f1{)N _ WATF�� �F�rE�t �, U't'l�tT;R Number of fixiures �a �� t1.OQ ----._ x�I0.4t1= � Ntm�b�r offixt�ures a�,,7 $��.00 ._ x $15.ii0 � $ .--.._. .. _ _ _ N�tmbor of �xtures (� $35.00 ^,,,_ x �35,00�= � State Sur�cfiarge , $ 5.00 � . �N,[INT1VtTJ1� $44.00) . T'dt�t = � �z"'7 '"� . 'CHf,S fS AFp€,It'ATIc�N Fc7R A PCRIv1IT-Nt)T VALIn UNT1L Ytti7( FSSr17 I het'eby spply 1'or a�lumE�ing p�tmit and f ac owl�cl�� that the information above is cornPiete and �cct�rat�; that tl�e wc+rk wi11 b� m �onfatm�ce witl� the or�linances And codes of t1� Ciiy of C� �ey and with th� llffinne,aots �:tanseructian Codes; fltAt fi undergf111{i ��115 FS not x permit but anly an a�pii�atian far a p ' d wQr s not to �ta��t withaut a pGrtnit an site; tha1; the work will be rn accq�ee wit}i tY�e a�proved ptan in the r,�,.�e of xH w�l � •�; reuiew and appreval�f �l� �ifiN/�TURE t7F APPT,ICI\N"P"�.�ilG�l�� � � ant�rr �a �m ..�At�7�..���1 /�a��. _ _ ...._ �� yr v �. �� City �� Fridl�y Bu' g �nspecticrns I1�pa�-tm�nt G431 ��rsity Avem�� N�., Fridlcy, M'N 554�� ?�3-572-3C,04 �AX: 763-502-4�77