P - 48659Building Inspections 763-572-3604 763-502-4977 FAX DATE `�� �(� ; SITE ADDRESS ��, THIS APPLICANT IS: PROPERTY OWNER/ TENANT CONTRACTOR SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STATE LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROPERTY TYPE PERMIT TYPE TYPE OF WORK: DESCRIBE WORK BEING SIZE OF IMPROVEMENT BUILDING RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY � EFFECTIVE 1-1-2012 � � YO R E-MAIL ADDRESS O OWNER �CONTRACTOR NAME: � ," Z ADDRESS: � i' � I PHONE: NAME: OI?Q� ,S�M Rcv! �/1 a - STATE LICENSE # �G ��!/� 6 Y I PHONE !//e1. 5f�/�1 - 7�U � BI.SINGLE FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ TWO FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ BASEMENT FINISH ❑ DECK ❑ NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION 0 MAINTENANCE/REPAIR ROOFING � NUMBER OF SQUARES �� GARAGES PROPOSED SIZE: >y3 � PROPOSED HEIGHT: �_ SIDING ❑ Vinyl ❑ Aluminum � Other [XROOF ❑ SIDING ❑ SWIMIv1 Permit No � o Received By: �.. ,��-��. • _ � - STATE %% �IP s /a� �D CERT NUMBER EXP: CITY I"I`/�� o^- STATE�ZIP rj FAX ..�//�'� STORIES :J5HED ❑ WINDOWS ❑ DRAIN TILE O OTHER NG POOL ❑ ADDITION P$-REMODELING � HOUSE ONLY ❑ HOUSE & GARAGE TTACHED GARAGE DETACHED GAR�IGE FT BASEMENT REMODELING SUBMIT: 1. Existing Floor Plan 2. Proposed floor plan 3. List of structural members to be used FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DECKS, ❑Soffit SIDING/SOF'FIT/FASCIA �DITIONS. & PORCHES SUBMIT: ❑ Trim REMOVED? ❑ YES �O 1. Site Plan/Survey showing the existing structures ❑ Fascia and proposed project. 2. Two sets of construction plans WINDOWS 3. Energy Calculations IN EXISTING OPENINGS ❑Yes ONo LOCATTON OF WINDOWS FOR WINDOWS - PROVIDE U-VALUE AND OR FOR NEW OPENINGS-DESCRIBE SIZE OF MANUFACTURE STICKER ON WINDOW. OPENING CHANGES & TYPE OF WINDOW TO BE INSTALLED NUMBER OF WINDOWS ALL FEES ARE BASED ON VALUATION, INCLUDING THE COST OF LABOR AND MATERIALS: (USING THE 1997 U.B.0 FEE SCHEDULE) TOTAL JOB VALUATION $ OCCUPANCY TYPE Permit Fee $ ✓ � See Back Page for Fee Schedule Plan Review $ 65% of Building Permit Fee Fire Surcharge $ .001 times the total job valuation Surcharge $ .0005 x Permit Valuation Minimum or .50 License Surcharge $ $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) SAC Charge $ $2365 per SAC Unit (Plans to 1vIWCC for determination) Curb Cut Escrow $ ft+ 6 ft = ft x$25= $ Erosion Control $ $450 Conservation Plan Review Park Fee $ Fee Determined by Engineering Sewer Main Charge $ Agreement necessary () Non Necessary () Total Due $ , � r Make checks payable to: City of Fridl� Attach Stipulations THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT-NOT VALID UNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a building permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of ity of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permi ork is not to start without a permit on site; that e work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of k whic ' es review and approval of pl� /-/ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PRINT NAME 9)/yrl ✓l V v ATE � `� -��-T APPROVAL INSPECTOR SIGNA