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Inspections Address Card - 6748
INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 7534 TEMPO TERRACE N,E, OWNER Mark K,ennedy LOT 34 BLOCK 3 ADD. MEI,ODY MANOR, 4TH ADDITION Permit No. Cc�truction Date Contractor I Cost Final 8981 63Gv �9? 637�t 6415 �3? b360 11, 537 18,546 11,342 21,628 22,105 29,661 BUILDING PERMIT, HOUSE 8/29/66 Electrical Permit 10/13/6 6 Heating Permit 10�1��66 Pltunbing Pe�{,t 10 11 66 Electrical Permit 10/21/66 Electrical Permit 11/29/66 Water & ,Sewer Pex�it ��2�� El�c�rical Rough 10/l�/66 Building Permit(Garage) 7/7/72 Building Permit(Deck) 7/16/86 Heating Permit 7/27/93 Electrical Permit 7/27/93 Building Permit(Reroof) 9/13/93 3ui-lding Per.mi�(Reroof) 6/10/99 `��' °Z 7534 TEMPO TERRACE N.E. HOMEDALE BUILDERS Spencer Elee. Co. Rs� N. Welter Htg. A1�� Plbg. Co. Robbinsdale Elee. Spencer Elect. Co. London Plumbing Western Construction Mark Kennedy Royalton Htg & Cool Royalton Htg & Cool Westphal Roofing American B1dg.Contr. $21.00 � 05 ��•� $ 2.00 $ 4.80 ,�o.c� 11.00 40.63 30.00 15. 00 54. 00 83.25 10/2!� /E�6 12/2/66 3/6/68 9/22/86 6/29/94 7/30/93 11/4/99 H��106,042-6/29/94 WATER -a136' �ast of Manhole SEWER - 1�6` East of Manhale B�#-4�.7- 8/30/66 F�CipS - l0/il/66 8�676 - l0/I1/6b B�k20445-7/7/72 B #84,066-9/22/86 E#107,439-7/30/93 B#136,233-8/25/99 B#137,529-11/4/99