P - 80571REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION _ Minnesota 8oartl of Eleciricity � 1-380-352 � 1821 Universiry Avenue Suite 5-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 �ss11 saz-oaoa rrv�Mas �-aoo-sz�-as2s www.electricity.state.mn.us - E il�illl ���I IIIN RIN�NIN�Nli III IUI * t 3 8 0 3 5 2 3* 3h-in Inspedion must call ihe im. FOR OFFICE USE ONLV ��� '����, atl? �� Inspection O�ha�Than Rough-in: eR etly when readv! Date Reatly: �,5� Call I certily ihat I am ihe � LICENSEO CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and here6y request inspeciion of the elecMCal work at: