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P - 76771
�llGnnesc�t� De�artment of Lab€�r and tr�dustry 4�3 L�€ayette Rt3a�i I�ic�th 5t. P�u1, �tN a����342 Phnn�: 46�1� 284-�f��4 TTY�MF��: �b51�2�7-�1'1�8 u,^nrw.�teefi ci�y.st�Ee..mc�_ �ss Cont�a�ior R�+quest far Electrica[ In� C3�te Raugia-or� Ins�ectlan Re�uired� 11/30/07 Contraetcrr �ust Sche�iule t�li i��u�Ei-[n Addr�s� tr� Insp2cti�n — Street 1410 TROLLHAGEN DR HAGFORS. GERALD D �rner T�f�ph�ne Numiyer(s�-1nc[ucie Ar�a Code�sl 763-571-3109 a��7 �c�a��3 REC'D D E � � 5 ZaO� tic�n — t]!n+� Famify dwellinglAs�ociated �tructure Y�s ��g� fr�peetican Ott3er Than F2s�ugh-in: ✓ Rea�i;; h�va� �ctierns Cor��ct�r t�l�s� Sctf�#u!e A[I �€r�f l�srsectic��s ❑�d�'�i� ��se�ia�l�: FRIDLEY XCEL Et�ERGY SAVER SV�lfTCH C-�n�ra��r Narr�e Ca�ntractar �49�iling A,ddress HUh�T EL��TFt1C �(�R�'t�F�Tlt��l 23E30 TERR[Tt�R(AL RD.� ST� PAUL, �N 5�1"E4 1 } �64�-2J� � � �Hafn�r�huntelec.com �'"""'°";`�""'. I CAt}�883 I TOivl HAFf�ER ��)� �j y��y�r ,p#i�.3:�Meq+R�e C�iM, fl•tA�Y ! f f G f iG�t fieltibps+�/ 4 CL•S1a� 4�fe'1 . iaY�iRFPY`Fll�ii� IAINF' Fee Calculati+�n �l�w Hc,me ar As�o�cia��d 5tructure Existing H�rm�ef5tructure R�rrtodel oc Adc[ition 3�dew C}welling Senr�celPcavver ��pply 6—�QO smpere ?� $3�5 N� Serv�celP€swer �upply D—�#Q{} arttpere ��35 �`dew C3�a�'ling Senrace�Povrer SsP�tY 4di — Si3(l �mpere � S�£3 �ew C3we�l�ng FeederslGircuits tJj3 EV �3'V Tr.T.UG3.314814i1ifl� � .� I�Jew Home — I�Nare tFaa� 3fi F�ed�r�. �ir��i�s {in �slditioat to at�o�re4 � � FeederstCircuEts Us� To 2Q0 ,4 t� �6 E�ch XCEL ENERGY SAVER SVVfTCH �� �etac��d G�r�ge c�r �ther Associat�d Structure 2dew S�nr�c�a'��wer SuP�aY #dew F�ecf�r�dG�uats t)rher (Specify) Ci — 4�0 ampere � S35 � � � $6 Each �8ew S�rv��e.�Power aupply �t7'1 — 8t�i1 at�pere � �b� YYGIWIP�.RiG18Vriit E G6YGlaJLrN4YifW �� V}3 lV 1 J E�eG%UGl�]t!♦rflLYfi4i! Fe�t�ersJ�ircu€ts S6 Each €sr 16 ta 3a $'1 L�D �Ieu+lExtancled F�edersfCircuits — t�tor� Th�n 3C7 Feed�rsJC�rcu€�s � Fe�c:erslC��uits li t€� �tlt3 A �6 E�ch e Reconnect�d Feecierst�ircui€s { ) �e�sierse'Cr�u�ts � S� Each Detached �arage ar Chher Associsied Structure tJev+r Sere��cefPawec Supply Q— 4i0€d arnpere {� �35 N�nrlExt�nded Fe�ers.fCircu�ts � � � $6 E�ch R�cetnnect�d F�e�siersfCircui€s { � � $2 E�ch TotaE �ti�e f�ee c�lcu�a�ed �i�ve or $3� r�ulUp�i�d � � Tl�t�l ithe �e �tcu��teti al�ove os ��5 multiplr�ed by �� num�r of r�uired ins�ct's�sn '�ips, w;; �"` � $35.50 �y thre nt�mf�e€ o� requ6red ira�p�eti�n tr�ps, i3 "` �`'�'� � p� �� �� Iv � :.���,a' �aehever �s c�rea#er� vhiche�rer is� gre�t�ry RequesEs far flecfrical �spect� {RE[j v�rilh a iee of �25f1 or less ex�ire i2 �a�lhs fram the fil'rng date. The contractor nrust have the waak ccam�eEed vriEhin the 12 monih peris�d or sub�t anather REI that inclu�s the inspection tee far ttre vncczm�ted work_ Inspection fges do nat carry over trom one REI ta an�other. A sen�ice ciiarge crf �� wil! be added for ai! d'eshanwed dfecks_ t h�re6y ceriify thai � inspeeied iF�e egec�rir.,ai instaR3a:ion herein � the daies sfated: R4Uf�h — lii jI1S�?�Ct�Lii��S� C��t@ ,����'��__. . � n�s macen�t c� c� TDQ [654j 297�99&. REI �2 {6l�7� Z ����� � �ch as [�pe print, Braitte or on a i�e. o�