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P - 76656
�rlinn�sot� D�p�trie�# of Labor �r� lr�d�stry �3 La�fayette R�d l�c�rth �t. Paul, �r1N �515,�i-43�2 P't�tsit�: �651 � �$4-�+DB# TTYa"M RS: (651 } 2�7-4 i 9$ a�wvv.�leefiti#y:state.mn� u� �or�tractc,� Reque�t f4r Electri�al tn L�ate R4ugh-6n Ins�aecti�n F�equired? 11 /30/07 Contractar 14tw�t Scheai�l€: Al� ��uatt-I A�Ir�ss o# i[�sRe�ti�n — S�eet 6271 VAN BUREN ST NE HAUGSTAD. MARK A C7vrrter T�[�phone Numt�er(s� — C�clude Area 763-572-3858 �an�ac��r Iv1ar,°€e HIJNT ELECT�IC �ORPCiRATIfl�N �ntra�ar Tele�shhc�ne N�mber ��51 j 646-29`1 � �nCra�ctar A�thorizec� SE�nat�re � �� � 7�C71I7 !-I�fi1�r .��...� �.� °�, ��o�-6a���- REC'Q D E C- 5 200� tion — t3n� Family dwellin�lAssa+ciate�i S�r�c��re Y�s ����e lr��e�aon Other Than Ro�gh-!n: ,�' ae�ti� Nca�� �cti�ns �irac��r dw9�s� Sch�dul� �,� Finat ��st�ecticans ❑ '�+`61� Sc3�eti�ale .yfT�van�hip FRIDLEY XCEL ENERGI' ��'#4/EFt S4�iiTCH ��ractcar �1a�lir� Addre� _ 23(?0 TERRfTC}RIAL RD_, ST� PAUL, 1�.9N 551"i4 G�a��raetor E-rna�l �ddr� Et�c�rical RJ�ility THafn€�r�huntelec_com Con�r��tar �ic�nse �umtaer ,1�bdFr4jeet Ca�tac� Per�n �AO!D883 TOM NAFf�ER t�lew Ho�n� or As�ociated �truciure �`3evr C�we3ling Serw�celRcn�er Sup�iy 0— 400 arnpere �$3S F�� �a[culat�on Existing Ft�mef�iructt�re R�r�odei or Ac�c[�tior� New ServsceJPsnarer Sup�ly �—�t}fl ampe� ��35 3Jeur Cbwe�iing SermieefPc�rroer SuP�ly 4d1 —�0 amp�re ��647 �de�sr Servsce�awe� �upply 401 — 84{3 �mpete � S�il t�euw [3we3Cing F�edersl�ircua3s �1�rPEx#�r�d�i FeederatCi��u�Es — C9p tss 15 �e��lerstG�rcu�s i3 ta 36 �'�dersJGirc�its� -$9�Q Fe�dersfCircu�ts S6 Esch �r 16 to 3� $100 �lew Horn� — ta�� than 34 F�ed�rsl�iccuits {[n additin� to hlev�fExEended F�eder�'Girc�ii� — More Th�ra 3t7 Fceder�i"G�eca�its alaov�} ) Feeders#Circuit� U To 2t�L1,� $6 Each �ee�aer�Gi�cuits U t€s �t}�7 A $6 Esch Clther (SpecifY? ��c�nne�ct�d Fe�de�Girc�its XCEL ENERGY SAVER ��[TCH � 35 � � �ee��r�tc��,�t� �a �a�n Detach�ci Garage or C}ther Associat�€i Siruciure �3etached �arage c�r ()ther dssoci�ted Struct�re �le� Serv�cefP�wrer SuPP�Y �Jew F�e�rsBCi�c�a�ts fl€F�er �SpscsiYF E'i�tter � — 4i�0 arnper� � $3� � � � $6 Each hl�w SerliceJPower Supply 4-4C� a�npere {� $35 �JeuvlEx#�nded F��dersfC�cuafs � i � S6 Each R�c.�r�nnect�d Feedersi�ires�it� 4 } � $2 E�ch TUtal (�he €ee calcu�$ted s�ve or $35 r�ulflp�ie�d Totc7! tthe �e csEeu�a�d m�lsove or $�5 multipli�d isy #i�� nt�rn�er ot re�{u�t�d ir�s�ct�n �ips, c,�""'� �� $35.50 ky the n�mE��r of required �nspe�tion t�ip�s, '�."� # w��iehever is �r�a3�rj �?��=�-�m� vtai�hever is greater� ��� �r� i2eq�sts far Electrical kespect'raa► (REtj wi#e a iee ai S?�tl or {ess e�xire 12 months #ram the filing daYe. The contractor mu�st have the wssrk eompleferi within fhe 12 month �aeriod or su�arut another RE! #hat �ncl:tttfes the inspectian #ee #or the tmaomp�leted wcwrk. Inspection fees da nat catry av+et fiam ona REI ta an�tEeer. A se�vvice cfiar�e af 330 witl be added T+or al[ dishon4red checks_ 1 h�r+�isy oertify thai ��ns�+ected aF�e ele�c3rsr..al instak�:ion herei€r aa � daie�s stated: FoC �81tie'1!ei�t llse t?ItEy �tc�u�h — In ins�rrect�n(s� C�ate 1 hls 1tt8tl�it�f C�1 37t �[�Q ts�J�� 2sz-ai'ss. �� �z cs��� 8S _ G� Oi L]I'i 8 �