Inspections Address Card - 7138INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 6300 Van Buren 5treet N. E. OWNER ��rcnes-�a�s Lenzen LOT 14,15 BLOCK � ADD. Florence Park Addn. to Fridle Permii No. Ccnsiruciion DaY� Conlractor Cosi Fiaal 1942 Plumbing Permit 10/13/61 Minneapolis Gas Co. 2.00 2382 Plumbing Permit 7/24/62 Minneapolis Gas Co. 2.00 7267 Building Permit(Garage) 10/15/64 Modern Garage Bldrs. 5.00 26,878 Building Permit(reroof) 7/29/98 Four Seasons Roofing 74.75 33,780 Building Permit(Reside) 8/8/03 Twin City Exteriors 139.25 B#66,060-10/28/81 B4�153,261-8/11/03