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P - 76654
����� �p � �� � �� �����, �� ��� ��a � st. �a�, �w ����a�a P�e.: (�551 � �84-5[�4 TCYtalARS: (651 j 297-41 JS s�ww.ele�tricaty.st�te_mn_us Cor�tractor Rec�ue�t for El�ciric�l f ��te Rcx�gh-�n �ns�ction Requ'rrecf? 8/2/07 ��t� �ust s�d�� ,�i �u I ess � tns�vn - sEr�:t 7676 VAN BUREN ST NE STANFORD. JOHN G m�r T�i�phc�ne lVumb�{s) — i 763-784-0161 �� �b��—D�IIu REC'D 0 C T 19 2007 iic�� — C�n� F'�mit� i�vv+�lii Ye,s se��� �r�eccfiCCan �ther rn� FRIDLEY, MN ciated Siru�tur+� �/ Re�iy Now �� ❑ u��� s��,� ANOKA XGEL E1�ERGY SA��'E� SWtTC� cyunuac�or ��me C�t6ra��r Nla�it�g Addr�ess H1.JNT ELECTRIC GORPORAT10�1 23(i0 TEf�R1TORfAL Rfl., ST_ PA�.lL, l+r9N 5�114 �an#�aci�r Teie�ane Na�ra�t�r C,a�traefar E-ma� A,ddr� E[�ctricaf �Jti�[tyy �6�1) �a4�-2�t� � THafn�r�h�untel+�c.com Gc�ntractcyr Auti�ca€izeci Siqn�ture �€antracioc L�cense Alumber .i�lPrc��ect Cr�ntact Perss�rr �'"�� ��•� CA00883 Tt7M HAFNER ��/t7 ��fil�'f ���.�.� ��e Ct�1CUi��14�ri N�ew Home or Assa�ciated Struciure Exlsting Nomel�tructure Remodei o� Additian tdew Dweiling Senr�c�etPcrvt�r Sup� a—�DU gmpere -� S35 ',1�w C�w�±l�ng ��r��c��Pckvaer S�p�l� �it] 1—�0 art���r� � 5�� N�w �we�king FeedersiCircu�ts i�aa �a 3t3 Fe��rstGarc�its - $t� h��vr Norit� — FA�r� th� 3Q F��slersr"�ircuit� {iae additiu� ta a�aosre� � } Fe�eder��ircuit� Ut� �o it�tl � �� �� Eackr �?fher {�pecifY) �CEL E�IERGY SAV�R S1tVITCH �-5- Detached �ar$ge car tath�r Assvciated Structure i�ew Senr�e�iPcsw��r ��pp�y 3•deu� Fee�rslGir��a�ts �t��r �Spe�iiY) ��er Q — 4a�1 �tm�ere � $3a �lew Se�rv��eiPcr,�ef S�PA�Y P��w ��rvie�;�o,ver S�pply Q — 4tMb a�p�e � �35 �Q"a — �3�$� a�tp�te {� 3C�D — t�� ko 15 �e�ederslGircu�ts E Each ar 1f� t� 30 ��1i70 Mcxe Th�n 3t3 FeederstCirc� UD 2� 243t# ,4 t8? �6 �aeh 4 ) �e�ederslt�arc�sts � �2 £�ch � Det�ched G�rage crr Qther Associatecf Structurs t3ew° ��rv3c�fPawer �u�ply 0 — 4LI4Y mrnpere � �35 ( ? �a �6 E��h �3�u�,'Ext�nd�i �e�d�r�:f�i�cu� � ? � ��, E�ach Reeo�n�cted ���der�9�ircaait� � ? � $L Esch c3�er dfit�ec�€�,r) T�t81(Ehe €ee c�l�u�t!ect a�v� crc �35 r��lt�p iec� T€1##�I ��� ��� caf�uia2ed a�� c�r �3� anuitip��d Iay the nur���r of re¢�ui��d ins�ctic€n 3r�ps, a"' g b th� num�r a�# �� w��chever is �r�ater} �' � which�ver is gre�t�usr�d �rrspestzon tr�ps� �.�.�� � �, 'M1 2 \� :� t;,,,M « J <� Requests far Electrical Frrs�eat�n (FtE[j wrikh a fe� oi �25Q a Fess expira 12 r�arfths ir�m the fiiing daEe. The �eontraetar must have the waak cw�piet�ed wit#►in tihe 12 �nnnth pericsd or sutsm�it another REi that inclusEes the inspection ie¢ for ihe unoom Irted wark_ In P spPCtian [ees cio reat carry o+veir trarm ene REi' to ar�a2t�. A serv�ce c9warge oi 33�D w�11 be added far a�l dishw�nred che4cirs. 1 tt+3reby certtay ihai � �nSp�Cfec#'F� �1�a1 itasta�aSl4n fte�� �rf the daies stated: FOC D�fBltfli�llf I1S� !DAt�d Rta�gh — !ra Ins��et�{s� ��te .- ��.� 1 [�i� [I'I�LBFB6[ Ci�l bl T[}t) �65l� 2�7�'!9� RE� g2 (�'!� I�te � �— � :h as t�ae �ri C>E tHl � �