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P - 76761
Minnesata O�ep�t of L�ar a� Ir►dustry �� ��� ��� � St. Paul, MM 557�342 P�rae= �65i� �&A-5[� ����: ���,, �-�-.�,�� �►.����.���_�.� Ccntra�t��- Reque�t fc�r Electri��l Ins Qate f�h-#n In�t�n Required'� 8/2/07 .._-�-- . _.._ . w . , . .,.... . . U1 C.,79 L9 18 [S�i.37FA! —�7U CCL 5437 W BAVARIAN PASS ALDERINK. PAMELA C i�YYItEf T2�h� C411i1t1�'{S} — ��1C� 763-502-6902 �C��7-�l 9 t � REC'D OCT 18 2007 tian — t7ne� Famil�r [�wellinglAsso�i�t�d �tru�ture Yes S��g� Ir��iaan C"�er Than Rcx�glt-#n: v� F�eady Tloa�v �c#i4ns Contractor Must Sch+2�ie Aw Fin�t lnsciect�ns n Wil sche<iule FRIDLEY. MN I ANOKA XCEL EhlERGY �A4'ER SWITCH G�rtract� N�me C�str�ct�r �l��ir►� Addre� HU�IT ELECTRI� GC?RP{'�RATIOfiV �3(l0 TEF�R1TORlAL R13., ST_ PA�UL, 1VlN 55114 �ci�or Te�ep�csne N�m�r Cantractc�r E-ma� Address Electricat U {6�i ) �4�-��� � TH�fn�r�h�untelec.com Ccar�tracror Az�tfiarized Signature Cvnir�ctor L�cense Numb� .kablProject Ca�tact P� �"�� �` �°� CAQ��83 TOM 9-�AFNER Tom H�fner ���.�.� �ee �Cai�culatic�n F��� Home or Assaciated Structvre Existing Ha�el�trucCure Rera�odel vr Addi#ion idew fiwe(ling Serv►c�BP��rrer Sup�riy [? — 400 smpere s� �35 tJew C�v�+��ting Serrice�P�uter S�R��y �D t—�3f#0 �a��rv ���t} h�eva Uwe31�n9 Feede[�ircuits �i €0 3i� F�de�sff��rc��5s - $ 9 � td�w Home — Mc� th�� �t� F�ed�r�lC6rc�sifs �[arr additau� ta a: a�ve � Fe�ed�r��ir��t� U Ta �t�(I A, $� E��h �Eher (�pec��,°i �CEL ENEf�GY �t��ER �V1tITCH � I�et�ched t�sr�ge c�r C?iher Assc�ci$ted Structure h7ew S�rvicelPv+�r�r �up�y Q— 4�iiY am�re �$� td�ew Fee�rsf�ir�u�t� 4 )� S6 E�ach �ither {Specify} hdew ServiceiPas�er SuPA�Y P,l�w Serv€cefP�r,ver �uP��y t ) �e�saers.�'�G"crcuat� C� �r �1euuBEx4ended FeedersfCirc�riEs— � } Fee�€es�Gi�cu�ts ��crsr�n�ct�d F�cBe�s,t��rca�ats Q — 4� arnpe�e {� S35 4(31 — 8QQ �rrtp�re � �a�� — Up to 15 �e�derst�ircuits :hesr1f�te�30�51{3Q 'fhar� 3{i Feedersti;�re;u ( ) Feeder�tG�rcuifs €� �� £�ch � Qet�ch�d Gar�ge or Ucher t�s�c�ciat+�d 5tructure �Jew Servi'c�P'ors�ec Su�ply 4 — �€'�i �rnpere � �35 t•de�w,'EXf�nd�si Fe�deisf��CU;ts � �%ecc2r�neeted ���dersd��rc�i€ a { �ih�r �'��eei�l� ) � �b E�ch � � �� E�e:ch _ _— Tgt81 �the 6�e c�l�ui�i�� ei�a� or $35 mult�priec� TOta[ (xh� fee �c�lcu��ied ��4� +x �r3� rnulti��d by #he n�rrnb�r ot re��� 'sn�ect�tmr� tr�ps, ��;' by th� n�amb�r af requ�r�d �rsspection tr�ps„ �"� �` ' wfiich�ver is gr��ter} �' ,��� � whichever is gr�si�ri -� �� r�� Ftequests ior Eiecfrical &ss�ctior� (FtEI� witls a fee oi 3250 w krss ex��e 1Z montYrs fiaan #he f�l6ng date. The �nntractor musE ha� the vrflak coam�eted wiMin #�e 12 month �Srrriad srr sa�smit anather REi tiwt incl�s #iee inspECtiaa� fee f�r the ua�oomplei�d work, [ns��cfi+on �s do not carry a�er tmm one RE! to ar�+ather. +A serv�ce charge �f 83�1 witi be addrsi for a11 d�hoa�ar�d c:3��ecks. 1 heneby ec;tti&y i[�t i�rpspe�tY�d #F� }�liil4��1— IFl �i�3d7�C�'t��s� k'�-'i i naa �enei c�t n+ rac� �s�t j as���!�. ��� az ��� ara 44��� d�tes � ��tB' �t2 J_ S'- CT s, ax�eh �s �ge pri�t, 6reiltE or �n a or