Inspections Address Card - 7438LOCATION LOT 11 Permit No. 14,939 12, 897 77 96 7488 8996 15,918 24,136 25,725 13,016 13,024 12,531 29,949 30,204 30,949 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 5555 West Danube Road N.E. OWNER ���,_��� �fn��tratn Rammer BLOCK 2 ADD. Innsbruck North 2nd A��;t;�.. V Coastruction Dat� Contractor Building Permit(H&G) 10/ 73 8 Electrical Permit 11/13/78 Plumbing Permit 11/8/78 Heating Permit 11/21/78 Water & Sewer Permit 11/8/7g Building Permit(Dr.Tile� �/g/gp Building Permit(Reroof) 5/2/96 Building Permit(Firepl) 12/9/g7 Heating Permit 12/17/97 Heating Permit (fireplac )12/30/97 Plumbing Permit 4�g�99 Building Permit(ftgs�ps s) 7/2g/gg Electrical Permit 3/31/03 Electrical Permit 7/2/04 �. Daily Homes Aladdin Electric Berghorst Alumbing Suburban Air Cond. Berghorst Plimibing Leo Sanders Contr, Preferred Home Improv� Dailey Homes Inc Ace Mechanical Fireside Corner Mr Rooter of Arioka Co Dailey Homes Inc. South Side Electric South Side Electric Cost � F� $ 275.28 3 5. 00 53 . 00 3 9. 00 37. 50 18. 00 48.50 137.25 25.00 25.00 20.00 23.50 36.00 20.00 10/17/7g 5/7/80 2/28/79 4/1/80 9/10/80 5/23/96 12/18/97 3/28/03 B#52,421-10/11/78 E#52,666-11/9/78 B#52,647-11/14/78 SW#52,985-12/4/78 P#52,636-11/9/78 P#53,519-2/28/79 B#53,548-3/7/79 B#53,694-4/3/79 B#53,589-10/ 17/79 B#53,987-10/17/79 H#58,264-4/1/80 E#58, 793-5/7/80 B#59,414-6/4/80 B#60,540-9/10/80 B4�118,725-5/16/96 B��118,734-5/21/96 B��118,741-5/23/96 B�6125,856-12/9/97 B��126,071-12/10/97 H��126,085-12/16/97 H4�126,114-12/18/97 B#135,912-8/3/99 E�� 151, 275-3/28/03