01/23/1958 - 29551January 23� ZS58
Meeting of the Fridley C,.ty Ccuncil was called to order at 7:30 P.r?.
by P�ia;�cr. La Grange . _
i7non roll call� La Grange, Johanson� Sheridan� Nagel and Llolke
werP �present. �
Minutes cf previous mee*`n�s were read, Resolution on Boards and
' Commissicns of January 13th, �958 meetin� t:�as auestioned by �cunc�l-
�pan Johanson. Mct,icn b,v Johanson� seconded by Sherid�n to 2CCP.�t
minutes of Januar,y 13th �:eeting. Motion carried unanimcusly.
Pfotion by Nage1, seconded by �'olke to accept� as read, minutes of
?anuary 1�+th, 1958 meeting. T`otion carried unanimcusly.
A report on the pregress of a four lane highway on East River '_'oad
�;ras g;v�n bv Ja're Iundheim� :1r.cka �our_ty Eng;_neer.
He stated that County would advertise by May for bids; that they
were nronosing a four lane - 52 foot wide high���ay and were planning
to use extensive lergths of curb. kIr. Lundhe;-m stated tl�at t'ney
�;?ere des�rnin� ''cr a fifty mile an hcur speed li.m-.t, He exnlained
*hat the a�=ailab7e State �"��.d and Federal :;,d Funds �rould be expended
on ':'�is job; that ±he nroject !7ou�d be six miles long and Uroi�ld
cost annrr.,ximately �200�C00� 1500 feet cf stort7 d.rainage wculd be
required South of M,ssissippi, about 63rd or 54th; *ha'c t'�ree and
1/10 miles of tre ne�:� h� �hwa;� would be �.n ?'ridleyg and t�at � th�
onerall �aid±h ef rig?�t-�f-way U�ould be sixty-s _x (66) feet. I�;r.
Lund?�e�m sa�d he wcu7.d l�'.�e tc see t�e City or abutting nronert,y
owners install asphalt curbing which� he said� would cest about
sixty cer_ts ner foot.
Motion by l+�olke � secended b�,� �s'agei t},at �^atter. of cfficial paner
be t�.ken from the table. Carried unanimously.
Motion by G��olke, secor_ded by Pdage3 t'^at Fri dley I1ews be designated
as t! e cfficial paner. A di.scussion period tivas },eld in which Tlagel
asrt:ed if not;ces ccia].d be put in colt..mbia He_ghts Recorc7. La Granee
said evFrything shoul.d be zn one naper. Sher�dan stated t'��at ethe-r
naner mentioned as a�ossible legal netiaspa�er fer C�_ty has 200 pa3-d
subscrintions an�9 felt th-t motion by ?^`olke Tc designate the Fradley
Ne--�s �as right because it �a-�e best coderage. Moticn carried
NCG1, TH'�'REFORE� BE ?^' RE"Q;VED by the City Council of the
City of rrid�ey, Piinnesota as follcz,7s:
15 ��
� That the offieial newspaper for the publication of legal nctices
_ for the �Tear 1�58 sha11 be The Fridley Piews� the saMe being a. paper
ptzblished weekly, oaithin t�'.e Coun+;a of Ancka and ha?ring general
circu7ation within the City ef Fridley.
Passed this 23rd day of January�
19 58
_ _,.�� — �
j�qe ��-r �
At t e s t•�t�s=�c='� � ._,
Cle rk
Moti_en b�� PI2ge1.� secerded b�� �rTolke {..rat rezoning ef 9_ndustrial area
be tabled (Locke property} unti]_ ordinance regtrlating tr.ai,.er ccrrts
in industria_l areas has beer. drafted.
Tlre ='cblan stated that he h.ad checked ordinances and that trailer
courts are a17.o��red in R-3 r�istr:�ctg are alloi�red in certain
?�vsiness d;str�cts and industr9_a= dlstr.i�ts. I�e sai.d i_t �,��s his
feeling trat an ordinance u�h;_ch prohib�_ts trailer co��rts wc��1.d be
unfavorahle. Hoz,�ever� certain restricticns eculd be i_mposed wi_th
res�ect tc the erection ef a trailer car�p. The Citg cou�d proT=ide
th^i-. t'�.ey ma,y be zoned in certain areas, special ;�ermit cctalc be
obtaireda it could be nrovided that permits cou_ld be �..ssued only
in certain areas, a s�ecial tase perr.ni.t ccu7_c' be t:sed and once
a li.cense and perm,_t �:*�re issved� i_t taeuld come uY,der the
State Act.
John C. Olson nresente�' a sketc±� ���' vrhat �,e thought shet�.7_d Eo
i.nto the industri�l area. I-;o1;.en '.:c tabl.� cens'der�tion cf
reqvested rezoning carried unanimously.
Mr. Crabtree� attorney for t'�e Locke Estate, spoke in regarc' tc
Loc'ce nro>>erty and said he iaculd bring in a sketcY� aiso, of ,:�at
the�� nlar.ned. Frank "aks spoke in :avcr o? rezoni_ng. T"rs.
Hammer spoke on education in tridle,y. Na_lcolm Brooks of 51�-
6'7tb. Avenu.e spoke ;� on��osition to r�zoni.ng.
rTOticn '�y Nagel� seconded b� ?�'olke �c� dES�_�nate February 11� 1958
a� tLe late for anot?�er hearing cn t;Y:e rezoning of t!^e I:ccke
property. '_��Ic*ion c�rried unanimously. -
�r; r1'scuss;on c` appointr��nts tc s`i�cly ;;';t;.r.�ci7�, Linu�.r 0oera-
fiion�-Pau1 ��Fgner oras srgr;ested by I'dagel. J��harson suggested
t.'.e employment o� a merchar,dising man. P4aycr asked i;o 'r� ve
mimttes reread on anpointments and stated "I hereby �ppoint
Tony Gnerre, cha:�_r�!an� Faul �egner and Ge�rge msukic'r..i to aicl
'n9.m �n the study of t?�e t�unicipa7_ Lir.titor �lperation r:nd report
b�,ck nct lat�r. than ninety da.ys from F'ebr.uary l, 19r�.
P'c � icn b�� '�:ol1�-e tc i i� e 7 etter n�min^� e7_ected ard �;;pointed
cfficers of tl�e Fire Den�rt~�ent and accept r�co mer.datS_ens as
*.aritten� seconded by ":heri_dan. 1'"�' ion carried unanir�ou-sl��.
,`ct'on by Nage1.� secondec7. by ti)olti�e ado�ting resolt�tion as follows:
BE I"' RFSOLVCD b,y t�e Council of the C, t�T c+f Fridley as
. �.. �'''�j12't �'"iE? :��T'1.Clle`�' I''.T':`? 11�p,:,T'i;`"f'_Ylt '_78S }J1'OLlarlt. 11'dt.7_OYl'dl.
prominence te t'�-e Ci.ty ef Fr;.^l.�g li,�� its :�.rogram of "LTniform
Marki_nr of Inval�-d Hcmes".
2. ^Y_e ?,i.r� Departrnent, its indiv�d�ta7 me;�bers and�
snecifica7l,y, Trbert Hiz�hes� rssistant Chief� ��rho orig�_r.ate�_ the
adea and pro�rided t�,e initial i�,etus fcr its adopti_on are to be
hi�hly con�m�nded for th� s act of pu'r?lic service, not enly to
`he neople of Frid7.e,y but of all communities tahere -t �.s being
used. '�
Adopte�' �,-- _ �,_a �_-- -r T�_..__._ ,,,ro
I`otion carried unanim�rsly (Cop� to Fire Dept.)
r �
� �
9 letter was read £rom Mrs. n:-rne Simerga,rd recuesting blink:er
signa7 s at: 51st and Un'_�rersi.ty Ave. Pd. E.
7�Iotion by Wolke, seconded by Johanson to accept s?gns from
Columb�a He�.gh�s and that manager contact t?;ao cr more contractors
to g�t costs cf installaticn. Mction carr:i.ed unanimcusly.
Motion by fJfO11iP.� seconded b,y La Grange that� in the event the
' cost ;s ��thi.n the lega� limits, +he Ci_ty Mar.ager is authorized
to pro�e�d wit.h ir_stalla�ion of signa7_s. tncti_o� carried
, The man�ger was des�gnated to rave two scrolls made� to be na;d
for by ouncilman and Mayor to be presented to the F`se Depart-
ment anc? Robert Hughes for their �?ork.
On the reauest for transfer of gasoline pump license and cigar-
ette 1`cense from: P�'erle's Cenoco at 6351 University Pxve. T:, r,
to Dua:�e F., Ledin d/'�/a De��;e,y� s Conoco� san_e address� no action
was taken. r=a�a�er �,�as reauested to get repert on licensing
charges of ot::er cor7munities.
Motion by Wolke, seconded by Na el to table until the next mee�ing
reauest by Mr. `�obe„t �'oner, 75�8 Alden Way Td. E. for pertnit to
park house tr��:i_l_er at same address.
T.:etter from Mr. Elmer A. Hagen� 4715 b4ain Street N. E.� was read
wherein T4r. Hagen rer.u�sted adjustment on the specia]. assessments
levied against his nronerty. P?ction by idagel� secon:�ed bv 'r.olYe
te tab�e Elmer A. Haoen adjustment in special assessment ciaim until
next Meet�ng. Mo+ion ca.rried ur.animcusly.
Mction by Sheridan� seconded by J�hanson tha.t payment of $2�OK6.62
' �e-?�a}� to r. R. Jchnson Plb. Pc Htg. Comnany be appreved and also
na,yment of �,273.7�+ to Adolfson and Peterscn� Tnc. be apnrcved a.s
final payments on tr�eir �aa�tion o? the contract on the Lounge.
Mc'-ion carried unanimov-sl.y�.
Maycr Ia Grange relinguished the cha;r tol�iayor pro tem Nagel.
Nirtion by La Grange, seconded bv Sher�.dan to approve Ci.ty C�aims
i`l +hrough ,�`58. Iioti-on carried un�nimcusly� with .=26 be;ng omi_tted.
Motion by La Grange� tc remeve the Building Inspector from the
nayroll. Following br=.ef discussion�matter ti�ras dropped.
P�'!otion by La Grange to form committee of frem three to f�ive neople
for cons�deration of buil.ding codes ar_d ordinances and considera-
� tion of r?inneanclis Building Ccde. P4otion withdrawn.
Motion b�� La Grange� seconded by `�;olke d�.recti_ng t's. Kchlan� c?_ty
attorney� be Fiven autr,ority to get mater�al on ordinances
ade�ted by cther commun_-ties Q�ving the City a means of control
£or residenti_al development to the end of cbtainin� esthetic
`" ccmpatib?7.ity.
i�4o±ion by Sheridan, seconded by Johanson tr��t cut-off datc fcr the
receivinP cf sew�r and water petitions be April ln� ].958, PSetion
, carr�_ed unanimously.
Mayor pro tem Nagel relinguished tne cha'r to '•'ayor La Grange.
Pletion by Nane�� secorded b,y Sheridan directing,City Attorney to
investigate the �ossibilzty ef�obtaining additional Rcad User
Fur_c7s on the basis cf a snecial censu.s. Mctior_ carried unanir�ol;sly.
P4otion by `'olke, sAconded by Nage7 to direct manager to study
future l.ocatien and devel_.opMent cf park and recreational areas in
the City. Mction carried ur_animeusly.
Mction by '�clke� seconded by ��leridan tc approve L�auor °�+ore
C7ai.ms �`17�2 throu�-h >`�7�K1, 2�Iotion carried unanimously.
?`otion by Johanson� seconded by Sheridan tc adjourn� 12:20 ?'.?1.
?'otion carr1ed unanimrnsly.
,� ' i����%!��
;' �i erk
_ Attest: �
-- P�avo_�
February 13� 1958
Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fridley was called
to order at '7:�+0 P.M. Present were La Grange, Johanson, Sheridan�
Nagel and Wolke. None were absent.
Motion by Nagel� seconded by Wolke to waive reading of minutes
o£ previous meeting and destgnating Marvin Brunsell as secretary
of the Council for the evening in the absence of the regular
secretary. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan, seconded by Johanson to issue gasoline pump
license to Dewey I:edin d/b/a Dewey's Conoco� 6351 University
Avenue N. E. Motion carried unanimously.
On the application of Mr. Toner to park a trailer on Talmadge
Way� City Manager stated he had inspected the area and was oP
of the opinion it would not adverselq affect any adjoining
property. Motion by Nagel, seconded by Sheridan to accept
application of Mr. Toner to park trailer for consideration in
April. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Sheridan� seconded by Johaneon to adopt resolution
as follows:
4JHEREAS�`�the speci�l assessments levied in the years
195}+� 1°55 and 1959 for special i_mprovements made those years
benefiting property legally described as Lots twenty-one (21)
and twenty-two (22�� Block five (5)� Plymouth Addition� and
WHEREAS� the amount of said special assessments for
water and sewer� 195�+ was $1 224,14 and such amount is in
error, and shot:ld have been �686.68, and
WHERFY�the amount of special assessments for street
construction, 1955, Was �172.50 and in error, and should have
been $120.00� and
sewer� 1957� was
$41.60� and
the amount of special assessment for storm
$59.80 and in error� and should have been
WF3�REAS� the owner of said lots has paid excessive
interest to data, including the 19�7 installment, in the
amount of �85.9�; °
1. That the City Clerk is herebp
the balance of unpaid special assessments
property by the amount o£ $694.1�+.
directed to reduce
on the aforementioned