06/30/1959 - 00024379�
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley was
called to order at 7:35 o'clock P.M. by Mayor LaGrange.
MemUers Present•
Members Absent-
Mayor LaGrange, Councilmen 5he�idan and Wolke,
Councilmen Nagel and Johanson.
Mayor LaGrange announced that the purpose of the meeting was to"hald
a Public Hearing on proposed improvements as noted in the Notice o£
Hearing on Improvements published in the Fridley News on J'une 18th,
and JUne 25th, 1959. -
Mayor LaGrange called hearing open on Sanitary Sewer Laterals and
Service Connections located in all o£ the streets serving the area
bounded by �.he Mississippi River on the west, the north City Limits
of Fridley on the north, the Northern Pacific railroad right of way
on the east and 77th Way and the extended line of 77th Way on the
south. The estimated cost -$275,868.60, and
Water mains and service connections in the above-described lands a-
long and along the above named streets. The estimated cost -
$267, 28'2.43. � �
Mr. Comstock gave a brief report on the Sanitary,Sewer extensions,
relating that the existing sewer system coasSructed in the main
interceptor program to serve the area consists of a 12" reinforced
concrete sanitary sewer terminating at the intersection of East
River Road and 79th Avenue. He indicated that an 8" clay sewer
exists on Albany Street from River Terrace to Apex Lane. Located
at Apex and Albany is a sewage pumping station with a force main
constructed in Albany Street discharging from the lift stat�ion to
the main interceptor manhole located at 79th Avenue and East River
Road. Also, an 8" sewer crossing with 36" reinforced incasement
exists under the East River Road from intersection o£ Hugo Street
west of East River Road to Hugo Street, east of East River Road.
Mr. Comstock stated that the property abutting on 79th Avenue N.E.
and property abutting on the east side of the East River Road be-
tween 79th Avenue and Longfellaw Street will diacharge by gravity
sewer into the existing interceptor located on the east right of
way of the East River Road. Al1 properties on the north and to the
east of the East River road discharge north along I�uth,Street and
then west along Hugo Street to the existing East River Road crossing,
and along with tha remaining area to a lift stat,ion at the inter-
section of Apex Lane and Albany Street. _
The assessment for sanit ary sewer laterals is eatimated as foll.ows:
Sased on 586 building sites in the area;
Building Site Cost
60 Ft. of Front footage C$1.14
Sanitary Sewer Service Line
Total Sanitary Sewer Lateral Cost
$ 276.05
$ 436.90
Mr. Comstock ind�,cated that the City assesses tYie cost of sanitary
sewer and watermain laterals on the basis of building sites, and
assessable front footage with 75 % of the cost to be applied to
building sites and 25 y of the cost to be applied to front footage.
He indicated that considerable study had gone into determining the
number of building sites and approximate front footage asseseable
in the entire area.
The cost for watermain laterals based on 586 building sites would �i�
be as follo�ws: ,
Cost Per Building Site $ 244.31
60 Ft. Assessable Front Footage C$1.01 60.60
Watermain Service Connection 117.35
Total Estimated Cost Per Watermain Lateral$ 422.26
Mayor LaGrange asked the citizens to give their opinions or questions
on the matter.
The question came up regarding a corner lot, would the front and
side be both assessed? Mr. Comstock informed the public that just
the frontage would be.
It was also quest�.oned will assessments affect the area al�ong
University Avenue. Mr. Comstock indic�ted that in order to write
up the Hearing Notice it has to be written so it is easily described
but that assessments �ould be placed on benefitting properties.
Until final plans have been prepared it is difficult to say which
areas are'henefitted. �
I� was questioned the method of approach of determj.ng a building
site. Mr. Maddy indicatefl that land ownership records available
at the City Hall, and aerial photograghs shawing house locations
were used to @etarmine the estimated number of building sites in the
area based on a mini.mum of 60 ft. lot widths.
One of the citizans inquired whether or not it would be permissable
for him to break up his lots into two one hundred foot lots and one
60 foot lot and use one of these for himself. Ae was informed that
since the land was platted prior to the present platting ordinance
he would be abla to break up his lota in that manner.
The queation of paying the asseasments was brou�t up. The citizens
were advised that the assessment may be paid in full at any time
after the adoption of the assessment roll by the City Council. If
they pay within thirty days after the adoption of the roll thera will
be no intere�t charge. I£ it is more than thirty days from the date
of the adoption of the assessment roll and before December 31st,
they may pay tha assessment in full at the City office but must pay
the accrued intearest from the date of the assesement hearing in
addition to paying the principal. If they do not pay the asaess- i�
ment before December 31st, the one (1} years principal and interest ,
must be paid'at the County office at the same time they pay their
real eatate tax. The remaining principal may be paid at the City
office without any further interest charges.
If the asseadment ie not paid at the City office in f ull, it will
continue to be placed on their tax statement each year until paid
off which would be placed over a period of twenty (20) yeara.
A citizen inquired if by putting in the sewer and water if it would
mean tearing out of treees. She was informed that the lines would
run down the center of the streeta and the boulevard would Ye diaturbed for
running the service lines.
The questlon arose regarding the selling of a home, would they etill be
assessed and have to pay the renaining of the aesesementa if they nove before
it is paid upY
Mr. Comstock indicated that the City has no requirenents of the raying of
assessments, it is either the lending agency, G.I. or F.H.A., or the peorle
� who will l�e purchasing the property that may require all asaesanenta to Le
Mayor LaGrange aaked Che ahowing of hands of people ahowing their deaire of
wanting this particular tyre of service in their area. The najority of
people attending were in favor. Mr. Richard Storla, 7941 Riverview Terrace
was against such inprovements.
It was yuestioned when the improvements will be in and started. Mr. Cou9tock
indicated that they will commence rather late thia su�er around the 15th or
3UCh of Augu»t, de�ending on how it is divided in conatrucGion arese and how
the blds come Ln.
The question arose, whether the City will put in the water from the City line
to the house. Mr. Comstock indicated that it was the owner�a own
responsibility financing, etc., to connect to the City linea.
It was yuestinned how long after the Sewer & Water goes in do the homeowner's
have to hook ut to the City's line. Mr. Maddy informed the citizena, at the
pxesent there is no ordinance stating a definite period of time unless there
is difficulty of the proper functioning of their cesspool. That at the
moment there are no atrict requirea�ents saying tlie citizen must hook up
immecliately or within a certain petiod of time.
� It was also brought up, will the homeowner have to ray the assessments for the
waeer and sewer that are placed againat the property if the owner is not using
�: tlie service. He was informed they would, if the owner uaes no water he must
pay the assessmenta for lines that are placed in the atreet anyway.
It was yuestioned if the street will tie torn up twicg far the installation of
the water and sewer. Mr. Corostock indicated that it would Le torn up twice
but within a period of one to two weeks.
Mayor LaGrange orened the hearing for the above described area on Sanitary
sewer Laterals and Sewer Connections, and 4later Mains and Service Connections.
Mr. Comstock briefed the citizens and council on the rrotased rlane. Also,
noGed that the park will be assessed as one building site. Sewer & Water
utilities should be assessed on lot tiasis. The Sanitary Sewer will aerve 49
lots, 4�S actual and one park lot. Estimated cost for Sanitary Sewer -$647.11
per lot, Estimated Cost for water is estieiated at $463.62 with the total
assessment at $1,110.00.
Mr. Wilson aaked when the cleterminaCion was msde how to diatribute the assess-
ment for cost of Water & Sewer mains intercertors and was there a deternination
� thst there would have to be a assesanent �laced on the area Letween the
� railroad tracks and University Avenue, (north of Oaborne Road). He was in-
formed that the assessment hearing has not Leen callad and assease�ent has not
been }+laced againat the area at this time and that an asaesament hearing would
me held late thia summer.
It was questioned why the �ark would ie one building site. The use of the park
seems to be more than Logan Psrk area then from Logan tark. There are six lots
in that area,
LaGrange indicated that the one is placed for tioth sewex and water, and thet
some cities don't chsxge the park anything.
Mr. Oakes questioned the grading of the atreets after the Storm Sewer was
put in the area� that no grading had lreen done and it was assesse� for in
the area. Mr. Maddy advised that no assessment liad been placed for gradtng.
Mr. Bacon stated that when the starm sewer was 6rought up two yeara ago, he
believed that it was to 6e assessed on a lot tiasis. He informed the Council
that this year he wea assessed three tiwes the ma,7ority on it.
4ir. Hughea ap�eared saying they had agreed on the Storm Sewer that it
would be divided,equslly among the lots and not the lots size as it was
Mr. Bacon stated that actually Ue has no benefit at all from the Storm
Sewer, that the drainage that he has runs into theCreek, but he had agreed
caith the neighLora to pay on the lot basis and not the lot sLZe, and �hat
the grading was included.
Mr. Maddy stated that if water and sewer are going to go in, street to
grade, they can grade the street and assess the cost with the Sewer and
Water Project.
Mr. Maddy indicated that they would have ta check with the City Attorney and
get lxis opinion for a read,7ustment hearing on tlte storm sewer.
Mr. Sheridan indicated that it is a mad situation to have the storm sewer
in and not have the people tienefit it and that nothing had been done to
correct the situativn. At the time if water and sewer goes in it should
be grades so the peorle in the area can utilize the utilities.
Mayor LaGrange indicated that a Read,7ustment Hearing would be called, if
legsl, and as far as grading is concerned, direct the City Manager that
the grading lre made rart of tLie Contract.
Mr. Bacon indicated that he would like to liave the City Engineer to check
his lots to determine the usea�le land and the non-usea�le land and base
the asseasment on that.
Councilman Sheridan atated that ifthe Council daesn't determine to put
water and sewer in the area, that the street be brouglit to grade so that
the Storm Sewer wi11 be �ut Lo use.
Mr. Comstock suggested that �rading be done priur to S& W Contract.
LaGrange opened and cloaed the hearing it Ueing there were no one in favor
or against such improvements.
Mr. Silvis apreared wishing the estimated cost cahich is Lased on 36 Building
Sites1 $282.71 Sanitary Sewer plus $1.23 per front footage, Total Sewer
Lateral atssessment $374.07, Water Lateral, Building Lot Asseasment $287.56
plue $1.25 front footage, tatal Water Lateral Assesament, $380.49, with
Total Aasesament for water and sesaer Laterals $754.56 based on a 75' lot.
There being no'other pro's or con's the hearing was called to a close.
Mayor LaGrange orened hearing regarding just described property.
Mra. Sasea Braziel, 110 64th Way and Mra. Ti11ie McCreedy appeared tiefore
the Council againet auch improvenenta.
Mra. rfcCreedy indicated that a rarty iy the naa�e Duval fenced in part of
64th Avenue, that ahe had tieen using for several years. She was informed
that 64th will go through by condem�ation if the party didn't agree to
dedication. That the Attorney will check into such condemnation for the
uae of a ruLlic road.
The two intereated rartiea were given the estimated asaessed amounts per
I preliminary rlane on sewer and water costs on the same Lasis as tliose
previously given.
Mr. Andy Hohn wae present and asked for the cost of the water and sewer as
preeented in the rreliminary plana for the area.
There being no one else for or against such improvementa the liearing was
called to a close.
The matter of certain inprovements as hereinafter was discussed, the City
Engineer having made a report, advising the Council in a preliminary way
that the rropoaed improvemente were feasible and that their estimatecl
cost was as hereinafter noted� and that said improvenents could best be
made in connection with one another. Councilman Wolke introduced the
following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLUTION N0. 48 - 1959
Motion aeconded 1y Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried
Motion ty Wolke to arprove preliminary Plat of Sylvan Hills �lat 5 sub�ect
to e 20' ease�ient'Leing rrovided along the west lines of Lot 23 and Lot 4,
Block 1, that prior to final platting of Block 2, 9 and 4, adequxte ease-
menta tie rrOVided through Blocks 4 to Mercury llrive for utilitxes and
drainage; and suiject to there being 100' easenent for street utilities
acrosa the north 10�' of Lot 1, Block 1, in lieu of existing easement over
the north 60' and south 60' of said Lot 1.
Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried
Motion tiy Wolke to ad,7ourn this 30th day of June, 1959 at 11;10 o'clock P,M.
Motion carried unaninously.
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CITY CLL'RK - Marvin C. Br misell
MAY - Frank C. LaGran .ir.