07/09/1959 - 00024372� � CUUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 9, 1959 , A regular nieeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley was,called Lo order at 7:45 o'clock P.ht. by Mayor LaGrange, t Henbers Present; Mayor LaGrange, Councilmen Wolke, Johanaon, Nagel and Sheridun. � t: Menbers Absent: None. APPROVAL Or MINUTES hlinutes of L-he ,Tune 25, 1959 meeting were read. Motion Ly Nagel to approve the a�inutes of said meeting. Motion seconded Ly Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unaninously. Ptinutes of ineeting of June SD, 1959 were approved. Motion 1y Nagel, seconded by Wolke, - Carried unantnously. ➢ISCUSSION LIGHTING OF STREETS Ptayor LaGrange inquired iniormation from Mr. Maddy regarding the lighting of street around the City liall. Mr. Maddy informed the Council that he ha� written follow-up letters to the Northern States Power Com�any regard- ing thc ligliting, but they were having difficulty in the rlacenent of the poles but are now in the process of putting then up. LIBRARY Mayor LaGrange suggeated that a suitable store be rented for a puLlic library for the Fridley area, tie thought that it would ie a good idea to watch for a good suitable louilding for such a rurroae. RECEIVI3'BIDS ON ACCOUNLING MACHINE DSr. Mad�dy read aloud the bids subnitted for one accounting �achine for the Pinance Department. National Cash Register Co�npany Minneapolis, Minnesota Base Bid - Model 32-21 32-27 32- 2 Burroughs Corporation Minneapolis, Plinnesota $ 4,990.50 5,584.50 4,835.00 Base Bid - P-404 $ 4,854.50, (With Typewriter) 5,723.75 Without-Register SelectLOn 4,213.25 Motion by Wolke that bids be received and turned over to Mr. Marvin Brunsell for tabulation. Motion seconcled by Nagel anci upon being put to a vote carried unanLmously. J � ,,, PUBLIC HBARING ON FINAi, ?LATS PEARSONS CRAIGWAY ESTATES After consideration, Councilman Nagel awved the accertance of the al�ove final plat, Lounded on the eaet by East River R�ad, on the west by Alden Way, subject to the execution of the Agreement regarding installalion of utilities, Motion seconded 1y Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. LYNDALE SUILDERS - 411i AllDITION Arerresentative of the Lyndale Suildera appeared before the Council stating that all they really wished for was the approval of sewer in the area. He indicated that they are willing to pay connection cUarge connecting to main on 7th and Cheri Lane. He also rreaented a petition signed Ly the people in the area bordexed on the north tiy Cheri Lane and on Che south by 54th Avenue and on the east by Monroe SCreet and on the west by 7th Street whicti will Lenefit l�y the propoaed conatruction of Sanitary Sewer Laterals, water main connection and asphalt atreet and curbs. He indicated that they would like to develop the plat before tlte next constraction seaaon. Also, they would ap�reciate having the Sewer &�latex installed as aoon as possible. Mr. Wo1ke indicated that a11 the developers must be treated in the same nanner as far as rrocedure is concerned. That the plat must be approve� by the County Surveyor before Council approval. —i Mr. Comstock reninded the Council of their recommendation for the Council � to instruct Constock & Davia to prerare a preliminary report. He � indicated that if_the rro,7ect is to be canstructed by the developer, he reconmended that,a rreliminary engineering report be �Srepared by Clie developers engineer and submitted to the City of Fridley for their ayproval. The natter of certain improvemente was discussed, and after the Council was adviaed, Councilnan Nagel introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION N0. 49 - 1959 A RBSOLUTION ORDERING ZAELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIUNS AND BSTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: (ON THE AREA AD.TACENT �0 CHERI LANE, 7TH STREET AND MADISON STRf:ET). Motion aeconded Ly Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. RICE CRLl1C PLAZA - NORTH ADDITION Mr. Maddy informed the Council that all of the required infornation liad not ieen received on thia plat and he recommended continuance of the llearing. Mayor LaGrange continued the Hearing to the next regular Council meeting. SECOND READING'OF ORDINANCE VACATING PART OF 76TN WAY AND 77TH WAY, Mr. Maddy recoe�ended an amendment to the above proposed Ordinance which had been given first reading on June llth, 195)a so that only parts of the above streeta would be vacated at this time. Councilnan Sheridan moved that the Ordinance Ue amended as recommendea by the City Manager. Motion seconded Ly Nagel and upon being gut to a vote carried unanimously. � * 11r. Maddy rearj Ordinance No. 121 as amended. OR�INANCE N0. 121 AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 Or THE CITY CF{ARTCR TO VACATE PARTS OF 76TH WAY 77TH WAY NE, LYING SdEST OP EAST RIVER ROAD WITHIN THli CITY OF PRIDLEY, Councilman Sl�eridan moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 121. riotion seconded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. � I'j,�ST I:13ADING OF ORDINANCE VACATING PU�LIC EAS�D1ENT ACROSS LOT 34, REVISED t1r. hiaddy informed the Council that tlie hearing was held at the previous meeCing. Mr, Maddy then read the proposed Urdinance. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 'OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE A i'UBLIC EASEMENT ACROSS IAT 34� R�VISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 77 WIT1iIN TNE CITY UP FRIDLEY. Councilman Nagel moved to accept the first reading of Ordinance. Motion seconcled by :heridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. BUILDINGS, EAST UF MAIN STREET SOUTEI OF HIGHWAY 9p 100 Mr. Carlson appeared b�fore the Council and presented a picture'of a building which would be b w lt on the abovedescrtbed property. He indicated th�t the parking would be in the back of the units and also, that they would not have flat top roofs. I After a brxe£ discussion, Councilman Wolke moved that tentative approval of I the abnve request by e,rvfd E. Carlson & Son on 9 and 13,'unit buildings be granted. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon heing put to a vote carried unanimously. YARKVIEW OAKS - FIRST ADDITION Mx, Carlson referred the Council also that the just described pro erty had just been looked over by the Planning Commissian and Comstock & Davis now have the necessary inf-ormation to make a check. htr. Sheridan indicated that the Planning Commission shou�d tYy to work out streets in the wliole area. Mr. Cgrison,indic�ted that they have contracta ready to let for atreet grading and if he could get the approval of the Council he would have the equipment in the area in a Ee�a days. �ouncil indicated that they wauld expedite consideration of the plat as mueh as possible, RESOLUTION AUTHORI'7.ING AND DIRECTING CONSULTING ENGINEERiNG TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY 2EPORT ON STORM DRAINAGE IN AREA EAST OF CENTRAL, NORTH OF T.H, # 100 The matter of certain improvements was discussed, and after Che Council wsa I adviaed, Cnuncilman Nagel introduced the folllowing reaolution and movad 1ts J adoption: ' RESOLUTIBN-NB: 50 - 1959 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIETCATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF TH� COSTS TNEREOF: (STORM DRAINA�S I$ AREA EAST OF (�NTRAL NOR11i OF T.H. �k 100) �i rtotion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carriad unanimously. � � � r � � V REPORT BY COMSTOCK & llAVIS ON PROGRESS OF NORTH UNIVERSITY STORM SEW�R Mz. Comstock briefed the Council on the above described project and indicated that his report will be complete within a very shoxt period. The question aroae how the City could get an agreement so Colwnbia Heighta defray part of the�expenaes. Councilman 7ohanaon moved that the City Menager and City Atturney meet with City Manager, Conaulting Engineers and Attorney from Colinnbia 1[eLghts to see if some program can be worked out for considerstion forthe two City t:ouncils. Motion aeconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. Councilman Johanaon moved that Comstock 5 Davis be authorized and to proceed with final plana and apecificationa on the proliosed improvements as listed on the Conrected No[ice of Hearing, dated June 30, 1959. Motion aeconded liy Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. REFERRAi, REQUES'L BY ARTE�UR ItUDY N'l)H IU;L(1NING OF PKOPERTY AT 8251 EAS'L 1:LVl:lt ROAL FRUM R13SIDENTAIL TO CONIhfERC1AI. Councilman Shex'idan moved tllat the above described property be referred to the Planning Commiasion. Motion aeconded bq Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanLmously. REQUEST $Y ALFRED M. ,TENSEN r0R RE- � " 'LONING P'KOM RESIDENTIAL 'f(7 CdMMHRCIAL LOT 3, BLOCR 1, BROOKVLliW ;�CUK) W ADDITION FUR PURPOSE OI' EIiLC'lIP]C AllVE2T15ING SIGN Councilman Shesidan uwved that the abovedescribed request be referred to the Planning Co�ission. Motion aeconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanii��ously. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF BA6E OREN - SUPA1Illi IIELP FOR PUBLIC WORKS DCPARTMfiNT Councilman Johanaon moved the' appointment of Babe Oren for sunun�:r help for tlie Pu61ic Works Department. Councilman Sheridan seconded ttie motion and upun being put to a vote carried unanimously. BONDS Mr. Maddy read resolution number 51-1959. RESOLUTION N0. 51 - 1959 A RESOLUTZON llIRECTING Tt16 ISSOANCE OF TEr1YURAItY IMPROVENIENT SONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS UP 1957, CHAPTER 385� IN THE AMOUNT OF $55�000 - TO FIN2IdCL S&W� 16, Councilman Sheridan moved adopti,on of Resolution No. 51 - 195): htotLOn seconded Uy Johanaon and upon being puC to a vote carried unanimously. �� R�SOLUTION N0. 52 - 1959 A It�SOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALE OP TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENf BONDS IN ACC:pRDANCE i�/ZTft LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 - IN THB 6MOUNT � OF $55,000 TO FINANCE 5& W�� 16 - Sheridan moved to adopt the Eoregoing Resolution No, 52 - 1459,� Motion sr.conded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. LETTGR PROM MINDER ENGINEPRING COMPANY RECOAR+IENDING THAT $2,OOO.DO BE WITEItIliLD UN S& W iF 15 CONTRACT PENDING FURTHER LINE TB5TTNG � tir. Maddy read letter from P4indez Engineering recommanding the above - May��r LaGrange suggeated tfie above be put on the Agenda for the next regular Counci.l meeting. TAI3ULATION OF ACCOUNTIfIG rtACtiiNE Mr. rrunsell, Clerk - Treasurer, appearecl befoYe the Council indicating that after checking through the bids for the Accounting Machine, he would piefer the Burroughs Accounting machine, Model F-404. He didn'C see any need of an electric typewriter on the Accounting machine fox the amount of typing is very light, Cc�nncilman Johanson moved the acceptance of the bid of Burrougha for their Machine elodel F-404 - 11 Total Register Selection Sensimatic in the amount of $4,�54.50. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vota cax'ried unanimously. 'iRAII.ER _ CQURT - FETER 7lRU0K Mx . Piaddy iiidicated tliat part of the land that Nlr. Brook deeigned to e.�tablish a trailer court on has only recently been zoned!M-1, Light Industrial, and that this property had not been deacribed ia Ordinance No. 97 as an approved site for Trailer Courts. Furkher� that to permit operr�tion ot a 1Yailer Court on the parcel would require a futther amend- ment to Ordinance No. 70 following ileatings before tha Pl�nning Commission and ttfe City Council. Mayor LaGrange auggested that a letter be forwarded to Mr�. Brook etating the land ia zoned properly for Trailer Courts and that parmisaion w�ll be grantec�. ' P6TBR EAOOK - VACATION TIiyIG ACCUMULATCD After a brief discussion, Councilman Wolke moved that Peter Brook be paid for ei�ht (8) weeks vacation accw�ulated. Motion secanded by Sheridan and upon Ueing put to a vote carYied unanimously. WATE,R RATES Mr. Maddy submitted report to Council reco�nending that the rate for � water services be raised from $.30 to $.45 per 5�000 gallone for all watex consumed over b,000 gallons per quarter. � rii. Maddy read Urdinance to the City Couneil: DRDINANC� AN ORDINANCE RELATING 1l� AND AMENDING ORDSNANCTs N0. 113, ENTITi�SD, "AN ORDINANCE RBLATING 1C1 AND REGUI.ATING TEiE USE OF WATER AND SEWHR' IN TNE CITY OF FRIDI,EY, ESTA$LISHING RULES AND REGU7.ATIONS FOR THE ADMINI5IRATION OF THE WATER APID SEW&& SYSIEMS IN �� � THE CITY OE FRII]LEY ANll MATTERS RELATING THLhLTYI INCLUDING A1.L PEROPERTIES, iiAINS, RATES, ANll CHA1iC1.5 IN CONNECTION T[1EREWITH: ANll RiPLALING 012LINANCL N0. 63, 77 ANll 96", AS AMIiNDEll BY ORDINANCE N0, 11S Councilman Johanson moved to ecceyt the first reading of the OrdLnance. MoLiou seconded by Sheridun and upon being put to d vote carried unanimously. FCDERAL IAAN - HOUSING ANU HOM� FINAPdCE A(;L:NCY Mution by Sheridan that the City Manager and Atturney check tlie pusslbility of receiving a Federal Loan for the purpuse of Storm Sewer and SaiiLl'ary Sewer Planning. Motion aeconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carxied unanL�uously. CLAIMS Councilman Wolke moved approval of Municipal Llquor Pund Claiius 1,U26 through 1�068. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carrled unanimously. Councilman Johanson moved that PuUlic Utility Claims 592 Clirough S�o Ue approved. Motion seconde3 by Nagel and upon Ueing put to a vol_e car�ied unanimously, Councilman ,Tohanaon moved ttiat Regular Fund Claims 1,$OS thruugh 1,ti48 ex- cluding the claim of Lametti & Sons� be approved. Motinn ae�,uu�led by :iheridan and upon 6eing put to a vote carried unanimously. Councilman Nagel moved authorizing payment oF Lamett & Sons, Inr.., ist ttxe swn of $26,931.70 on Sewer & Water Yro�ect �F 16. Motlon seconded by JuLianson and upon being pit to a votc carried unanimously. Claim of Gomstock & Lavis, Consulting Engineers for ttie CiCy �f FrLClley, was preaented by Mr. Comstock for preliminary reports on S& W ll, li1 and 19, and Storm Sewer �k 7. Councilman Johanaon moved �pproval of- the above Comstor.lc:x Df.vis Claims Ln the amount of $7,429.50. hiotlun seconded 6y Woltce and upo�i beiug ��ut tu a vote carried unanimously. Councilmen ,Tohanaon moved the claim of tlndrew Kohlan, City Attoriiey, for profesaion&1 services for the months oi- March through .Tune, 195'l, in the amount of $1�650.00 to be paid out of the appropriate funds, rlotiuKi seconded by Nagel and upon being put to n vote carried unanimously. TRACTOR BID Mr. Maddy opened and read aloud the one (1) bid suUmitted for tlie L-ructor, BID SUBt4ITTED BY: Mr. Roza - in the mwunt of $203.51. Councilman Sheridan moved that the bid be rereived ttnd re�ectcd. P]otLOn secon�led by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carrLed unaninwu�ly. C.ARLSON - LEVSNE Councilman ,7ohanson muved amending tlie previous action of the Cuuncil in approving the Preliminary Plat of Sylvan Hills Plat No. 5 by r�ducing L-he re- quired easement over the north part of the pro�erty previoualy owned by Ryan Construction Company (National 1'ea Lot) to 60 feet in lieu of 100, � ,� T�ation ac�,ondecl by Nagel nnd upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. PREI,IiiINNtY PLI4NS FOR COMPI.ETING SMIITARY SEWliR INTER(�iPTORS AND STORM DRAINAGE NORTR OP RICR CRliEK i�ollowing consideraUle discussion of the above Lhe City Manager was directed to meet crith romstock & DAVis and to submit recoc�endations at the next regular meet�ng regarding the above. LICENSCS CQt l Tl? AC TORS ELPCTRICAL n�71 Dymanyk h Sons, Inc. �t<�ights Llectric �:ompany Pyan Electric Company GI?TdIiRAL CONTRACTING Paramount ConstrucLion Co. Sclhurg Construction Company �ub��rt I). Alty Garden City ConsCruction Company i IASONRY A. A. Ganter Liz�e71 ConstrucLi�n �bmpany [IEA'CING I�eUnhn Brothers 1900 Monroe St. N.E. 4015 Central Ave. N.�. �k5 Last Lake Street 818 West Lake Street 1715 Morgan Avenue North 8640 Cavell Avenue North 27_02 Bryant Avenue South 8091 Highway fk 65 5207 Ewing Avenue North 4108 Lyndale Avenue North Plotion ser_nnded Uy Slieridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. ADJOORNI ]� NT Motion by Wolke to ad�ourn tlus 9tli day af July, 1959� at 11:45 o'clock P.M. rlution ra�_ried unanimously. ATTF.S'1'. CITY C1.E2IC - hfarvi C. IIrunsell � �� � - Frank C. Ln +