07/23/1959 - 00024361�.-� , �;ouNCiT, ruNOTlis oP JuLY 23, 19s9 rllsrTlNc A regul.is mecting of the City CouncLl of the City of Fridley was called to order nt 7.30 a'c1oc1: P.1�1. hy Mayor L,aGrange. Member,s I'i r•si nt mUers Absrnt Ciayor LaGran�c, �.ouncilmen Wollce, Sohanson and Nagel. Councilman Sheridan A1�Y120VAL. ��P i1LTdlITI:S Minutes oJ tlir_ July 9, 195) meeting wcre read, P4otion by Johanaon to approve the minutes of said meet�_ng. Motion secunded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unaniraously. C4tnntes oC the July 15, 1959 meetSng were rcacl, flotion by Johanaon to approve miix�tes ot ;aid mecCing. Motion secr�nded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote caiii.ed unanLmoualy. RCCEIVE f3LUS LOR 1959 STR�CT ItiPROV�t�NT PROJBCT ii 1 1•ir, lt�drly, r,ity rtanager, opene.d and read aloud tlze following bids submitted; Ilol.m ConstxucLion Company Anuka� Minnesote �.. 5. picCrossan, Inc, ���;00 qsseo Road Mpls., Minnesota Dunkley Surfacing Co., Inc. 3756 Grand Street N6 Pfpls., Minnesota I:rai� Company 1�14 NF. California Street tlpls,, Minnesota Rarton L'ontracta ny, ('ompatty Osseo, Minnesota $ 56,810.71 $ as,�sz.io $ 52,075.54 $ 50,943.U3 $ 52,853.78 Councilman Jc�hanson moved to receive Uids for 1959 Street Improvement Pro�ect - 1, and turne�l uver to City Engineer and Street Department Superintendent for ta6ula- tion. tlotLOn seconded by [doll.e and upon heing put to a vote cazried unanivwusly. JDTPI'S P1GLP1I�iG UITII SCFIOOL BOAItD DISTRSCT il 14 A1emUcrG p� �senk of School Board District il 14. ri�. Flanson, Supe,rintendenC Ur. Kichard 1Ye�ona, ChaLrnxan TIr. James Day, V�ce-Chaxtman 21r. Uonald Me1Con IU-. 1ZOnald P,loom D�-. James Thayer 'Pha ob,�ert of tlie 7oint meeting was the tradLng of land between the City of PL i.dley �tGid ;cl�ool ULstrict ;k 14. Upon Liring questioned by the City Council, members of the School Board indicated yteaeral agzeemenl- to a request that Qedication Ue provided for Sackson Street extending soutli from 63rd Avenue tothe present High School. Upon discussian of tt�e cost of improvement of such a route, an estimated figure of $6�000 to $7,000 was given Uy the City Manager, I�Sr, llAy indicated as far as the school is con- concerne�i, he Uelieved ttiey would be willing to pay a fair share of street im- piovement custs when the improvement was made, if the proposed exchange of land was conil�leCed, it was noLed that tlie Ylanning Commission following detailed study had recommended ��� that 59th Avenue not be vacatad, that blst Avenue wuuld continue �+s a thxouUir route� that Jackson be extended as mentioned aUove, and that the eYly receive in the exchange of land adequate land area on tlie west side of tloure l.alce far future park development. Mr. LaGrange indicated that the City would lilce to lceep as much land is possible along the Lake as it may be ttie only Public p!cnic ground they cau acquire. Mr. Melton questioned shore of Moore Lake, development. the Council oi any plans for iinptovement on the trest Council indicated there were no iim�ediat� ��lans f-oi Mr. Kohlan asked if there taas any opposition from the coencil as f-ar a.; the Clty releasing its interest to ]3locics 2 and 3 in Moure Lal�e Ad�1LtL�,u <<xid acquiring through exchange Blocks 4, 5 and 6 in Vineland Addition, Councilman Johanson moved the adoption oi the following resolutiou. RESOLUTION N0. 54 - 1959 A RESOLUTION D�CLAP.IPIG TNi'LPlTICN OP THf? CITY OP 7,L:lU7.EY TO EXCfiANGE CI:RTF,IN PROPERTiliS WT'lil SCEl00L DIli'PkIC'f r'�1�� The foregoing resolution tiaas �econded Uy CouncLlman Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimouslv. Nir. Ronald Bloom� School fioaxd �iember, moved tNat they ensa�,e tlieir 1n�Lnr.ci to prepare legal description regarding the laud exchange. PUBLIC IiEARINGS SEWERi WATL'1_ AhN_ 51'u1.ht UIiAINACH iMPItUVL�MLN'P:; - r;uR2IsC'1LU YVOfiG�: C SS7 - 22 )-- -- --- — --� Mayor LaGZange opened the Hearing on IMprovements as noteu iu Coriectcd N��L-1ce of Fieering, dated ,Tune 30th, 1959. Councilman .7ohanson raised the question if w�+t�r and �ewex is gniut; [o be ex- tended on 64th. He was informed eUat the ci�ter line would extecid out L-o the Cast Rivar Road and that thc �asement has not t�een acquired at Ll�is tnae. Mr. Bob McCreed�t� 122 - 64th l�ay, appeared before the Counczl anu :;taLed that thirty yeara ago� 64th was used as a thoxaugl�fare, therefore, Iz� br-_liave�d ir should be a road. He was opposed to storm drainage in the area, becau:,e there was no need foE same. Iie indicated that IZe [ias appeared before tlu; couxlcil Tur several years and that there has been no riction in zegard to tl�e putting Ln uf 9trAet, He alsu indicated that they have i�o street to get into tlieir property but have to uee Aahton or an alley. Tltcre is a hydrant on Llie cvrner ot liast River Roed and 64th which indicatea that Lt Ls a road but uever iwk,roved. Mrs. Tillie McCreedy also appeared Uefore the Council and iudicated that slie has lived in Fridley ior Lorty-five years and tliat slie had pa�ve�l wer 64th with e horse and buggy at that time and slte th��aglit there �lioul�I 17c: uu quesL-iun about the road being a public thoroughiare. She also indicatc� hez u�,position to the storm drainage, sewer and water in tlie area. Mr, llAnielson appeared befure the Counczl statiug that it appeared to him that the Engineers had talcen in a large area to be asse�sed for L-lu storm sewer anS, that the thought Mr, ttohn should pay fnr the storm se�oer. Nfr. I3raleq appeared be£ore Che council saying tl�at his real estaL-e was �ssesse� too great in amouttt compared to hLS neigLiUors aud lie felt tliaL �usL becr�use he lcept his weeds out and his grass cut that he sliould not be asces:,ed higher be- cause his property looked rnore presen[able, lIe was informed by Playol L�Grange that he should have appeared Uefore the Goard oi Equali�ation tleetiiig ��liicl� laas li�l�l for that purpose on July 15, 1159, Mr, and Mrs, ,7ames Braziel, 110 6�ath lJay appe�ired against Lli� st�nn �lraic«�,c: ari�l impro�ements in the area. t4r. Kohlan informed the people tliat iL saas tkz� fault of' tlte vs*iuus surveyors �1 �� Anoka wunt� regc�rdtng the survey oi land wlilch makes the problem of the tigttt of way Lor b4L-h Avenue. That Lhe land will be acquired through condemnation, �f necessary, to secure such strip of land for the street. P4ayor LaGiange called hearing to a close. VAC;ATI��! UF C.UPR�fI;RICAL AVENUE SF3T1[ AV�nUE) SGTWE�N GTfi ANU 7TH STREETS Ttrere Uein� no one £or or againsl' the vacation of the above descrihed� Mayor i LaGranUe cn�led tieraring to a close. I Mr. rladcly xeacl proposed Ordinance. ORUINANCE AlV ORDINANr,L UPIUER S�CTICN 12.U7 OF TNE CITY CNARTER, TU VACATE Pt1RT �I' COM[�RCIAL AVENUG BETW�EN CfIARLTON AVENUE ON 11�L WEST AND WASIiINGTOIQ STREET ON THE EAST Counc�lman [da�el nwved to accept Che fiYSt reading of the above Ordinance. i•1otLncx seconded Uy Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. VACATTUN Ut AI,LGY IN CAMP HOWARll b HUSH'S AND pST�'S - 3RD ADpE�ION t:ouxicil�nan iJollce moved tliat there Ueing no ob�ection that the hearing be called to a cluse, t�otion seconded by Johanson an4 upon Ueing put to a vote cazried unanimously. Tlr. tladcly read tlic following resolution: U1tD 1NAN CE AN ORDINANGE UIdUL'R SECTION 12.07 oF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE A1,L�Y IN THE REAR OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 and 4, CANIP 1IOWARD ANU HUSA�S 15T ADDITION TO FRTDLEY PARK Cauncilman Johan�on moved to accept the first reading of Oxdinance. Mbtion �econded t�y Piagel and upon betng puL- to a vote carried unanimously. I'INAT. PLA'1' - RI(,ti CREER Pi,ALA CI�RTEI AUDITION Cotmcalman Sahanson moved that the aUove described be continued at the next re�ulax comicil meeting. Motion seconded by Nagel and upon 6eing put to a vote r_arrLed unantmously, PINAT. PLAT - LYNDALE BOILDERS - 4Tfi AD➢ITIUN �;ouncilman IVagel nwved that ti�e Public Hearing on the above described be con- tinued at the next regular council meeting. MbtLon seconded by Johanson and upon be�ng put to a vote carried unanimously. SEC:OND xliAUING �P ORDINAtdCE INCREASING WATER SF.RVICE CHARGE rir. Melton Potee, 6271 Van Ruren, appeared before the Council atating he thought that there caas a public hearing oa the water rates. He was informed tha[ he was entitled to voice his opinion on the saater situation. He did not show any oppo3ition to the water rate or improvements in his srea, but was interested in the outr_ome of ttte situation. hlr. Pfacicly reaJ the following GKdinance. i�� � # URDINAMCE N0, 123 AN ORDIiVA1vCE RELATING TO AND At�;F:NDING ORDINANCE N0. 113 TiNTITLED " AN ORDINANCE RELATINt; TO MID REGULATING THE lISE OF WATER AND SES�TGR IN TfI� CI'TY OP RRIDLEY, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE WATCR Ah'D SEWER SYSTEMS IN THE CI'�SC OP P'RIDLEY AND MATTERS RELATING THERETO INCLUDING ALL PROPERTIES, MAINS, RATES �l�ID CHARGES IN CONNECTION TNCRF.WITIi: A[dD REPE1iLING ORDINANCE ND, 63. 77 and 96, AS AMENDED BY DRDINANCL' N0. 118. Councilman Nagel moved the adoption of tl�e Ordinance No. 123 as the second and final reading and directing publication of tlie same. Motion seconded by SJolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. r4r. Maddy read the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE N0, 222 AN ORDINANCE UNUER SECTION 12.07 of the CITY CElARTER TO VACATE A PUBLIC EASEb1CNT ACROSS LOT 34, REVISED AUTDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER 77, WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. L'uuncil�,ian Wolke moved the adoption of the Ordinance No. 122 as the secand and £inal rcadin� and directing publication of the same. Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. PLIu'VNING COi�'iISSIOP� REPORT -.TULI 14, 1959 Councilman Wolke moved that Public Hearing Ue set for August 13th, 1959 en the following: 1. Rezoning from R-1 to R-2, the south 92 feet of Outlot 2, Rice Creek Plaza� South Addition. 2. Proposed rezoning of existing r-3, T4-1 and M-2 zones, lying west of University Avenue, the same being that part of the NW'y of tlie NWy of Section 14, lying north of Rice Creek to R-1 (residential) zoning. �. Tlie proposed rezoning of the south 1,260 feet approximateiy of the SW'� of the SW,�, of Section 11, from R-3, M-1�M-2, and R-1, so that the east 200 fcet of tlie same would be R-3, the west 230 feet of the east 430 feet would be M-1 zoning, and the balance of the area to the west, approximately 77D feet would be M-2 zoning. 4. The proposed rezoning, of the NE'� of the NE'� of Section 19 lying east of the PlortheFn T'acific Great Northerrt right of way, approximateLy 200 feet north of Rice Creek from M-1 and M-2 to P and It-1 Districts. 5. Amendment to the 'LOning Ordinance to permit the inatallation and operation of a 1Ysiler Court on part of the south 396 feet of the north 726 feet of the SE� of the NW'� of Section 12, same being adjacent to the Pireside Rice nowl. Mbtion was seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unantmously. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT MEADOWLANDS -2ND ADDITION Councilman tlagel moved acceptance of Preliminary Plat of Meadowlands - 2nd Addition sub,7ect to approval of preliminary design on Sewer and WBter and STorm Sewer by Comstock & DAvis. M�tion seconded by Conncilman Wolke,:an�i upon being put to a vote carried unanim- ously. �� PRELIMINARY PLAT PROPOSED LAMPERT ADDITION AND PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT Councilmnn Nage1'moved acceptance of Preliminary Plat on the above proposed Lampert Addition. Motion seconded by Johanaon and upon being put ta a vote carried unanimouslq. Councilman Johanson �ved Lhat Public Hearing on the above described Ue con- tinued to the next regular meeting. Motion aeconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. CUNSIDERATION OF STANIIARD OIL WPfPANY REQUEST P'OR BUILDING PERMIT TAT 1 After a brief diacusaion, Councilman Nagel moved approval for requeat by Standaxd Oil Company for building permit upon approval of the county surveyor oF the final plat of Lampert Addition. Motion seconded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously, �ARKVIEW OA1�S - PBELIMINARY PLAT - ARVID E CARLSON & SON Mr. Carlson appeared before the council stating he wished for approval Uecause he wanted to atart the atreet grading by the end of the week. Councilman Nagel moped appxoval of the preliminary plat of Pnrkview Oakes, First Addition. Motion,aeconded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. . PLANNING COMMI55ION REPORT - JULY 21, 1959 Councilman Wolke moved that Hearing Dates be set for August 13, 1959 on the following: 1. Request for zoning frrnn Conmerclal and Residential to Di-1 and R-2� LoC 15 and Subdivisian �� 88� that being tlte area between Central Avenue and Pierce Street, norCh of G3rd Avenue, extended. 2. Requeat for zoning from R-1 to R-2, Lot 9� Auditor's Sub- division 103, located in tlte SC corner of Ironton and tiast River Road. Motion seconded by Johanaon and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously/ LESTER CHESNEY OF IAT 3 Mr. Maddy explained the above to the Council. T(tey weY'e informed that the above could be divided without platting. No action was taken on the above as no Councll action was necessary, RECEIVE PRELZMiNARY REPORT FROM COMS'P()CK & DAVIS ON SEWER AND WA1�R SERVING LYNDALE BUILDERS - TH%ADDITION AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES Mr. Comstock preaented to the Council written preliminary report on the above described. He indicated that storm drainage could not be considered at this time as moat of the area of this plat lies within the south University StOrm sewer District as defined which district ie now being atudied in full. The matter of certain improvements as hereinafter noted was discussed. Couistock & Davis, Consulting Engineers, having made a report, advising the Cauncil in a preliminary way that the proposed improvements were feasible and that their estimated cost was hereinafter noted, and that said improvements could best be }] N�' made in connection with one another� Councilman Johanson introduced the following resolution and maved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0, 55 -� 1459 A RESOLUTION CALLING A PUI3LIC IiEARING ON THE Mi�TTER OF TNE WNSTRUCTION OP CliRTAIN IMPROVEMENTS; FOR S S� W 3� 20 SETTING IiEARING DATE FOR AUGUST 27, 1959, ON THE YRUPOSED SEWER AND WATER FOR Cf�RI LANE AND ADJACENT AREAS. Motion seconded hy Wolke and upon 6eins put to a vote carried unanimouely. RESOLUTIPN CALLING FOR BIDS ON SEWER & WATF.R AN➢ STORM SEWER PRO,TECTS After a brief diacussion, Councilman Johanson moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION N0, 56 - 1959 A RESOLUTIOC� OR➢ERING IMPROVEMGNTS, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISING FDR BIDS ( SEWER, WATER AND STORht DRAINAGE Ii?PROVEMENTS AS NOTED IN NOTICE OF iI�ARING DATED �TUNE 30� 1959 ) I�lotxon secmtded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote, carried unanimously. RISOLUTION N0, 57 -1959 A RESOLUT7C�N ORDERITI[; CMPROVEPfENTS, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING'ADVERTISIh^ FOR BIDS ( SEWER AND WATER, STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 14S NOTED IN NOTICL:S OP AEARING DATRD JUNE 30, and JULY 23, 1959. �ouncilnian Johanson moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion ser.onded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimausly, REPORT UF PARKS ANll PLAYGROUNU COMNSITTEE - S�JLY 13, 1959 Report was presented to the Council of the above meeCfng. Councilman Nagel moved that report of Parks and Playground Committee be received and fileci and that the individual Councl�men consider reconmmendation and that the Manager and the Attorney stt�dy the reco�nendaCion with respect to availability of the property, ownerahip and method of acquiring the property and the cost tliereof and tl�e matter of financing the same. "' T4otion seconded by Wolke ancl upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTIQN CALLING PRELIt4INARY REPORT ON SANITARY SEWER INTERC6PTOR5 AND STORM SEWtiR INTGRCEYTORS NORTH OF RICE CREEK Comstock & Davis presented tothe Council a proposed achadule Co be used in deter- mining Lhe allowance to be made by them in bt111ng the city for preliminary study of sanitary sewer and storm drainage plans, such a�.�owance to be ma3e for the city _ making available to the engineers eerial two foot contour maps,. The pxbposed proposal was accepted by the council and it was directed that the ptOpo8s1 be placed on file for future Yeference. The matter of certain improvements was diacussed, and after the @onncil was advised, Councilman Wolke introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESULUTION N0. 58 - 1959 20 A RESOLUTIUN ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS� SPECIPICATIOP75 AND ESTIMATES Or TIIE COSTS THER�OF: ( SANITAFtY ANll STO1tA1 SEWER NORTIi OF RI(� CREEK ) The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution waa duly seconded by Councilman Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unaniuwusly. �i�iTal Following hrief verbal report by Consulting LRgineer, City Attorney and City Manager regarding a jaint meeting with Columbia Fleights at which storin drr�inage problems were conaidered, Mr, Kohlan read tl�e following proposed resalutiun; RESOLUTION N0. 59 - 1959 A RESOLUTION RELATING TU STORM llRAINAG� NEEllS. Councilmen ,Tohanson moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read, Motion seconded by Wollse and upon being put to a vote carried unaninwusly. P.�J Mr. Maddy read the following resolution: RESOLl1TI0N N0. 60 - 1959 A RESOLUTION DECLAP�ING NECESSITY IN CALLING PIDSLIC 1[LA121NL' ON TEIE MATTER OF EXGEEDING THE 3U MTLL LIMITATION PROVIllEU IN THE CITY CHARTER FOR 1960 GOViRNMENTAI. OPERATIONS Councilman Wolke moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motlon seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vate carried unanimously. PETITION BY PROPERTY OWNERS OF NORTH OP HOLLY SHOPPING CENTER REQUES'TING L12ECTION OF WOOD FENCE Mr. Maddy informed the Council that a pet�.tion was preanted by people surrounding the Elolly Shopping Center petitioning for a wood fence. He furttier steted that he had tal,ked to Mr. LeVy and he indicated that he would erect a wouden fence,of a paneled de8ign. Mr. Wolke indicated that the design of the fence to be erected by Mr. Levy ehould be preaented to the petitioners for their opinion, Council agreed no f�rther action Uy tlieru was necesaary. PLATTING ORDINANCE rlr. bladdy read proposed Ordinance. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TtIE PLATTING ORDINANCE NU.75 BY THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN SECTIONS OF SUB-SECTIUNS RS�LATENG!7i0 THE rILING FE� 'CO ACCOMPANY A PROPUSEU PI.AT. Mr. Nagel moved that the first reading of the Drdinance be acr.epted, Motion seconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. BONllING OF INDIVIDUALS FOR RUILDING PCRMITS Pollowins diacuseion� Mayor LaGrange directed that the Zegal details bechecked iato for the adoption of an amendment ta existing urdinances to require bonding of indivLd- uals performing their own construction for a period of one year, to assure that the I I i, __ structures will Ue completed in tttAt period oftime. ROAD. The above will be put on the agenda for the next zegular meeting of the city council. RCSOLUTIOii - CAST RIVRR ROAD CA`uL"NIENTS - 6�, AVENUE rlr. Kofilan read the followin� resolution: RESOLUTIOiQ N0, 61 - 1959 A RESOLUTION AU'PHO1tIZING AND LIRECTING CONDEMI� PROCEEDINGS. • Soh2nsun moved tliat the foreguing resolution Ue adopted as read: Mtion seconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanlmously. TADULAT.ION OP SIDS FOR STREGT Ii4PROV�MGNT �k 1- 1959 r1r. P.irchu�r., Uirector of Public Works� recommended that the bid of C. S. McCrossan, Inc., �FS00 03seo Road� htinneapolis, Minnesota t�e accepted it being the lowesC bid cubmiLted and it meets with all specifications, Councilman Johanaon moved that the bid submi.tted by C. R. McCrossan� Inc „ in the amount oi $42,652.10 be accepted, Motion seconded by Wolke and upon being•put to a vate cariled unanimuusly. Llrl'.P]Sh:S Councilmau Johanson moved that- the following licenses be approved: �LTCTRICAL Reliable Electric Company TXCAVATING Amalagamted IIuilderc, Inc, Shamrock Trucking GAS FITTING Bloomington Heatin� & Sheet DletalCo. I;oyalton Ileatinp & Sheet Metal GENERAL Amalgamated Builders, Inc. i�t & W Construction Company Sohn Gearhart Lakeland Builders, Inc. ,",uburhan Garage Compgny ArYhur Von Busch Western Iiomes, Inc. T'LASONRY Amalgamated Builders, Inc. Theodote C. Kjeseth PLASTERING Iiarold L, Johnson Clarence L. Lane 316 Bryant Avenue North 5156 Emersan Avenue North 757D Lakeaide Road NE 2211 90th Street 1529 37th Avenue N� 5156 Emerson Avenue North 1213 22nd Avenue North 1600 SSth Avenue North 6031 4th St=eet NE Highway 100 at Chicago Avenue South 609 Oake Street SE 12019 Beisling Blvd. Anoka 5156 Emarson Avenue North 1001 36th Avenue NE 5512 Fremont Avenue North 4424 West 70th Street �� PLUhIl3ZNG Nils Nygard Ideal Plumbing & Iieating Company Town & Country Plumbing WELL DRILLING Taylor & Sampson We11 Co, Torgerson We11 Company AUBBISH & GARBAGE HAULING LICENSE LeRoy A. Johns� Jr. Sohnson Sanitation Service LIVESTOCK LICENS� Jack E. Marshall 7318 Taylor� Street NE £�07 4t}i S reet SE 13f301 Kin5e1 Road, Clen Lake Forest Lake, Minnesqta 3447 Avenue North Itoute 4, Anoka, rlinnesota `'. 1630 Rice Creek Roa�l, Fridley. Motion seconded by Wolke and uyon being put to a vote carried unanimously, CLAIM SUBMI'CTEll - Mr. Lubbers h7r. Maddy read a letter from Mr. hielvin Lubbers ln reference to ttie Attorney teas incurred by him in his own behalf by requesting and receivin3 a llearing before the Police Civil Service Coicmussion in reference to action taken by the City Manager and Police Chief. Nfr. i.ubbers requested reimbursement of expettses in the amount of $75.00, Mr. Kohlan, City Attorney, was directed by the Mayor to answer Mi. I.ubbers re- garding the same givin� reasons ��hy the 6i11 �aill not be paid by the i;ity. APPLICATION FOR EMPIAYMENT WITH TIIE CITY Mayor LaGrange, indicated that all persons ap��lying for work regnrdLng tLe type, rau;�t H 11 out an applicati,on form for employment. Also a check on cerCain liquor store employee was requested ta be made. HARTSTAD & OBERG ELAT Councilman .7ohsnson moved the acceptance af preliminary plat suU,�ect to proposed roada as indicated onthe revised nreliminary approval by the L'lanning f'onnni3sion, Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carrled unanimously. WAIVER OF LANI) - V. Nagel Councilman t7olke moved approval of the waiver of requirements of plateing for „ transEer of title to the aouth 1F300 faot of tlie east 20 feet of tlic we:tt 34 ncres of the W; of the NW'y of Section 12, Township 3U, Range 24. Councilman Johanson aeconded the motion and upon being put to a vote carried with Councilman Nagel abstaining and also, aUsented himself from the council table. CLAIMS Cauncilman Johanson moved approval of Municipal Liquor Clain�s 1,069 through 1,096. Motion seconded by Wolke and upon heing put to a vote carried unanicnously. Councilman Johanson moved that Public Utility L'laims 599 through G21 Ue approved. Motion secon8ed by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimou�ly. Councilman Nagel moved that P.�gular Fund Claims 1,849 Chrough 1,)19 be approved. Motion aeconded by Wolke and upon being pul- to a vote carried unanimously. AD,TCIUKNPff NT MoCion by Wolke to adjourn tliis 23rd day of Suly,1959, at 12:OD o'clock.A.M.. . Mgtinn carri@d unanimously. . —C=�,�,.,�! G-. �''Q "/�� s.e, � - Frank C. LaGr�e, A'1"I7;ST� � !� ��.�_`^^�L.�L-c f i CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Prunsel� SPLCIAL COUNCIL MEETING -.1UGUST 6, 1959 A speci.al nmeting of the City Couucil of the City of Fridley was called to order at 7.40 o'clocic P.R1. by Mayor I,aGrange. Memhei,s Present. Mayor LaGrange, Councilmen Sheridan� Nagel and Wolke. Plemfiers AUsenL'. Johanson i;(7T1SIU1ifiA1'ION UP YROPOSEI> BUII.DING PLAN POR RCIAERT HAI.L CIA'PHING ON LOT 7, A[IDTL'OR'S SIJBAIVISION il 157 Those ��resent representing and speaking in belialf of the Robert Hall Clothing <;ompany were Mr. Gasper, Pti. hiotz and Pir, Chuckrow. They pre�ented to the CoLmc�.l the proposed layout uL the clothing store along with photographs of similar installations in other areas of the country. Also, presented to the CouncLL in this regnrd wns a report by Comstock S� Davis, Consulting Engineers, regardiug tJ8CP.1 service to the area and the minutes of s Special Planning Comm�ission Meeting held August 4th, 1959. Plot�on by Nagel to approve the huilding plans of lto6ert Hall subject L'o the grant�ng oi a thir[y-five (35) foot dedication for service road along the east sxde of }Iigtiway ii 65 if and when similar dedication for service road is made avaLl�Ule Uy propeYty owners to the north up to 53rd Avenue, and further, suU�ect to a building set back of II7 feet from Trunlc Ilighway 4k 65 right of way, Motion sFCOnded by Wolke ar.d upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. Motion by Nagel authorizin� and directing tlie City tfanager and the firm of ('omstocic & D�vis, Gonsalting lingineers, to take the neceasary steps through piepazation of resolution, preliminary report, and notice of hearing to set a public hearin� for August 27, 1959� on the matter of providing water main ex- ten,lon to vexve Lot 7, Auditor's S�ibdivision �k 153 and adjacent area. T'ntion seconded by Wolke and upon heing put Lo a vote�carried unanimously. C�NStUI;IiA'PIU^1 OF REPORT AND RliCUP47P[V�ATION RY TfiE FIRM OF STANTON, PITTLEROW F� PA?�Cf A,SSOrIATES ON PRUPOSED SOB DF.SCHIPTION AND PAY CLASSIFICATION PLAN. .._._ 1_"' ' " ' `__ 1°[r, Nr1nl: Seanton of the above firm revieweQ in general for the City Council and c�ity employees preseut the £irms recovu�ien.lxtLOn and proposed personnel policy and pay classification plan for thc city of Fridley. Follovring hLs preseni.ation of explanation, and question by the City Council and City employees present the City Council went a.nto executive session with Mr. Stanton and City Pianager to review in detail Lhe proposed lay classification plan. � TIME - 9:35 P.M. The special meeting of the City Council, Au�ust 6, 1959, was recuirveued �y Mayur LaGrange at 11:45 o'clock Y.M. Mr. Nagel the representative from the City serviug on the Cfortheest Itetropolitan Area Hospital Committee subnutted a brief verbal report to the CouncLl on the first meeting of that group. Mr. Nagel reported that tlie meeting had beeu a very constructive one �ind tti<�t at this point it appeared that a hosp�l-�1 cuu:;tiucted in this area c.uuld Lr feasible, He then presented a draft of a resolutLOn piepared Uy tlie �:ouuuittec which the participatLng Conmiunitic:s �aere tu acC �u ii tl�ey clwooe t�� l��rtxcil,dt� furL-liex in the proposed area llospiL'al stu�y, riotion by Wo1ke Co adopt the Eollowing resolutioii. P�CSOLUTTOIJ IdO. 62 - 195�J A RESOLUTION AU11[URILINC AND DLRIsCfIDIG PAY:�N'P UP Tu $SUU FOR TNE STUDY SURVEY ANU llEVliLUPh1GN1' UF IIUSPITAL N�L'llS iN THE NORTNEAST MET1tUP�LT'CAI] 9RI'sA Mdll llESIGNATING (:OUNCLLtIAI�i NAGEL TO SERVE OPI TI[� NCSYITAL CU��riII'1"fE�. TIze motion to adopt the foregoing resulution caas duly aeconded by �bunril�nau Sheridan, and upon Ueing put to a voL-e carried c�ith C:uuncilmau I�la�,�l ab:,taiiiin�;. PETITION SY PROPERTY OWNERS ON STARLITS BOl1L�VAf2U REQUESTING I'UNTHhlt IiXF.t�1C[�A`fL(�td OF PROPOSED SC1iEEN PLANTING OP' THREES AIANG 1tArLRCiAll TRACKS AllJAC�CJ9' '1'v 7'il�llt PROYERTY �--����4 Councilman Wolke presented to the CouncLl a perition signed Uy ten (lU) yroperL-y owners on Starlite Boulevard regarding the abuve sub�ect. Tlie peti�luu state� the belief of the petitioners that their muney had Ueen placed Ln eecrow kor thr installation of thie acreen planting of trees, said escruw having beeu placed with the City of Fridley and the hedge was to have Ueen completed ir� 1SS6, 'Plxe petition wns signed by Dlr. nrchCe i,. LindLxeu� 6181 Starlite lsuuLevuid r�n�J nine (9) others. Motion by Nagel, seconded by Sheridan to receive the petition and d�iect t1�e City Manager to make a study of the matter and report back to the Couucil�upuu being put to a vote carried unanimouely. A➢SOURNMENT Motion by Wollce to ad,7ourn this 7th day of iiugust, 1959� at 12:35 a'clock A.34. Motion carried unanimously. � � y/�/ �a - -�-�!�� - . A`LOI: - Frank C. I ranp J�(, ATTEST. LY �� ` - -- CI'PSC CLERK - Plarvin C, Srunsell