08/06/1959 - 00024358Councilman Nagel moved tliAt Y.��gular Fund Claims 1,849 through 1,919 be approved. Motion seconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. AD,T �)UY.Nf 4'sCIT MaCiun by Wolke to ed.journ this 23rd day of July,1959, at 12:D0 o'clock,A,M., MptJ.on cerried unanimously. ATTI; ;T ���' CITY CLGP,K - tdarvin C. �runsel SP�CIAL COUP�CIL MEETING - t1UGUST 5, 1959 A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley was called to order at 7:40 o'clocl: P.M. by Mayor LaGrange. Memhers Present• Mayor LaGrange, Cou�cilmen Sheridan� Nage1 and Wo1ke. Memhers Absent: ,Tohanson COt�1SIll1?IZAPION Or YROPOSEll P,CIILA7NG YLAN POR R�RERT HALL CIA'PHING ON LOT 7, AUllT'[UR'5 SUBDIVISION dk 153 Phose ��xesent representin� and speaking zn behalf of the Robert Hall Clothing Company were Ma. Gesper, hir. Motz and Pix. �7huckrow. They presented to the Counc3l the proposed layout uf the clothing store along with photographs of simLlar �.nstallations in other areas of the country. Also, presented to the Counctt in tfiis regard wns a report by Comstock S Davis, Consulting Engineers, regarding �aater service to the area and the minutes of a Special Planning Commission Meeting held August 4th, 195). Plotton by Nagel to approve tlie huilding plans of 12obert Hall subject to the granting of a thirty-five (35) foot dedication for service road along the east side ef Highway �k 65 if and when similar dedication for service road is made avail�Ule Uy propeYty owners to the north up to 53rd Avenue� and further, sub�ect to a building set back of II7 feet from Trunk Highway �� 65 right of way. Motion ser_onded by Wollce and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. r1otion by Nagel authorizing and directing tlie City tianager and the firm of Comctocic & D.�vis, ronsultin� IZngineera, to take the neceasary steps through pteparation of resolution� preliminary report, and notice of hearing to set a public hearing for August 27, 1959, on the matter of providing water main ex- ten°alon to aerve Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision �k 153 and adjacent area. 14nLxon secunded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote cariied unanimously. CUNSillI?RA'CIC�^I OF REPORT A�I� RLCU�tt41'.�IDATION RY THE FIRM OF STANTON, PITTLEKOW F. i,AN� e\5^uOCIATES, ON PROT'OSED ,TOR DESCRIPTION AND PAY CLASSIFICATION PLAN. 14r. ;'iank Stanton of the above firm reviewed in general for the City Council and city employees present the fLrms recoira��enlation and proposed personnel poL cy and pay classificaCion plan for the city of Fridley. Follociing his presentltion of explanation, and question by the City Council and City employees present the C�ty Council went into executive session with Mr. Stanton and City Ptanager to review in detail Lhe proposed l�ay classification plan. �� TIME - 9:35 P.M. 'Phe special meeting of the City CouncLl, August 6, 1N59, was recuuveued by Nlayur LaGrange at 11:45 o'clock Y.M. Mr, Nagel the repreaentative from Che City serving on the Mortheaat rletropolLtan Area I[ospital Committee subnutted a brlef verbal report to the Council on tlie first meeting of that group. P1i. Nagel reporCed that the meetinq had beei� a v�ry constructive ou� ..�n�l th�t at this point it appeared that a hos�,Ltal cun:;tiucted in this area cuuld Lr ieasible. He then presented a dratt of a resolution prepared Ly tlw �,o�,nuittec which the participating Connnunities were L-u act �u if they chnost tu piicLCipat� furthez in the proposed area hospitaJ stuly. hlotton by Wolke to adopt the following resolution. I2�SOLUL'TOe! N0. 62 - 195�J A RESOLUTIUN AU`tHUR1ZINC ANll OiRLCfL�IG PAIt�N'P UY TU '�`_i�U FOR TkIE STUDY SURVEY ANll lltiVliLOYPILNI' UF 1[115PITAL NElill5 1iJ THE NORTHEAST MET1iUPOL1'L'AC] AREA ANll ll�SIGNATING (��UC�C1Lil.'�I�l NAGEL TO SERVE orr �rtlL HUSYITAL CUf1I�fI'1'I.'Ef3. 'Ptie motion to adopt the foregoing leaoluLlon was duly seconded by i;ouurLlu�au Shexidan� and upon being put to a voLe carried utt'h Councilmeu Nage1 aU:.tnini�rF;. PETITION SY PROPERTY OWNERS ON STell2LIT6 BOULLVEil�U HEQIJESTING FU1tTIiFit LXFI�ILPIA'PIUi4 OF YROPOSED SCREEN PLANTING OF THREES AIAING ItALI.12uAll 'I'RACKS AUJAClhJ7' Tu '1'lt�.(ll � PROPERTY � � ^ Councilman Wolke presented to the Council a petition sigued by ten (lU) yrop�rcy owners on Starlite Boulevard regarding tlie aUove �u6�ect. 'i'tie petielot� states the Uelief of the petitioners tliat tlieir money had Ueen placed in escrow ior ttiu Znstallation of thia screen planting of trees, suid escruw having been placed with the City of Fridley and the hedge was to have been completed �ci 1��56. 'The petition wus signed Uy Mr. erchle L. Lind};reu, 6181 Sturlite 1suuLevuxd unJ m ne (9) others. Motion by Na�el, seconded by SherLdazi to receive tUe petttion and diLect the CLtq Manager to make a study of the ma[ter and report back to tl�e Council,upun being put to a vote carried unanimously. AUSOURNMENT MotLOn by Wollce to ad,7ourn this 7th day of tiugust, 1959, at 12:35 o'clock A.M. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: 1 � CITY CLERK - Piarvin C, Brunyell