08/27/1959 - 00024340�17 C(�UNr.IL NE�TING � /:iIGUST 27, 1959 z+, regular neetin� of the City Council of the City of Pridley was called to order aY 3•00 o'cloc� P,M, by Maycr Pro Tem ?do].ke, MemUers Yresent Councilman C��o1ke, Nagel and Sheridan, Members Absent: Mapor LaGrange and Councilman Sohanson. AFPP.OVAL OI' MI�dUTES MinuCes of the August 13th, 1959 meeting were read. MotLOn by Sheridan to approve the ninutes of said meeting. t4btion seconded by Nage1. Upon being put to a vote carried x,�?aniYaously. Minutes of Angust 20, 1959 meeting were read, Councilman Nagel moved that the minutes of the AugusC 20th, 1959 meeting be approved, riotion seconded by Council- man Sheridan and unon being put to a vote carried unanimously. REC�IVE °IDS FdR S& W l� 22 Mr� Pladdy opened and read aloud bids submitted on Sewer and_T+7ater Pro�ect �� 22, BIDDLP.S NFSt� S� SCHE➢ULE SCIIEDULE SCHEDULE SC:HEDULS INCLUDED IN r^�DDRE:SS A B C SCHE➢ULE D BZD PeCe� Lametti Construction �o. 615 Drake 9treet Sarbarossa & Sans 402 33rd P.venue NE 145,SII4,45 40,350.59 60,724.83 No Bid 161,644.00 40,SS3.SD Benkoski & Holmes 186,596.D0 39,4�F9.64 Cloquet, 1�4innesata - Lametti & Sons, Znc, No Bid No Sid 211 [�7orth Pascal Avenue � No Bid A& C 227,622.45 , B & C 106,567.25 64y441,40 No Bid No Bid 245,976,00 Sandstrom « Hafner 142,25D,DD No Bid �7,150,00 272,000,00 St.11nthon�r I31vd, Nodland ConstruceionCo.160,558.00 46,402.60 65�314.60 Al.exandria, Minnesota F. Morettini, Inc. 168y514.00 45,536.50 66,388.00 852 [��esCminsCer 5t, St. Pau1 1, Minn, R. W. Maore S Montgomery Const.Co. 5t. Criox ralls, ti]isc. Phelps Dralce Co,rZnc, 5440 llouglaa l;venue N_inneapolis No Bid i�. : . 167,416.90 55,119.50 69i363.00 No Bid 160,540,00 tto �id No Sid No Bid 1Kotion by Sheridan that bids be received and put on file and tabulated for reparC and recommendation. Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimoixsly, Councilman Ilagel moved that bads ba received on Sewer & Water Pro�ect ik 21, which vaere opened at 10;00 l�.D1„ and pnC on fiie and tabulatad for raport and xecommenda- tion, � r--, _. J . � � ��� BIDDERS NAI�IE � ADDRESS Peter Lametti Const,Co, 615 D�ake St.,St,Pau1 Barbarossa & Sons,Inc, 402 - 33rd Ave N, St, Cloud, Minnesota Benkoski & Iiolmes CloquaC, Minnesota Phelps - Drake Co,Inc. 6440 Douglas Avenue St, Paul, Minnesota Lametti & Sons,Inc. 211 North Pascal Ave Sandstrom & Hafner 2054 St. Anthony Blvd. Minneapolis Nodland Constr. Co. Alexandria, Minnesota F. MoretCini� Inc. 852 W�s�minster Sl, St. Pau1 1, Minnespta Montgomerp Constr, Ca. St, Croix Falls, Wisc. S�aanson Excavating Co. 4745 Shady 4ak Road Hopkins} Minn. s c�u;nvz.c A z�9,2ss.z4 2$1,567.15 237,918,15 276,127,25 No Bid 222,870,00 273,199.40 304,527.00 330,920.10 263,461.95 s cz��uz.F: E �.�7% ,.lis� .�'-2 208,195.25 147,7i6,60 213,1OS,65 Na Bzd Tdo liid 211,103.00 216,514.00 228,489.00 149,893,00 S CIIEDUI,E C No Bid Nc Bid 3�}5,634,75 No Sid 442,593,OD 433,0OO,OQ No Bid 1TO Rid No T�id 463,354.95 Mofilon seaonded tay Shexidan and upon being put to a votc carried unanimously. PUBLIC HCARINGS S& u7 - CHL'P�I LANC � MADIS6IJ E1VEll'IIi [�T➢ AD3t?CE1QT Gft�r`1S There being no ob�ections to the above, Mayor Pro Tem �Iolke called hearing to a close. FRGPOSE➢ 4iATGR SERVICE TO LGTS 1- 7, A'�TDITOR" 5 SURDIVISION �� 53 .^ND CUTLOT e., h1t�RZQN HILLS Mrs, Clarkxn appeared before the Council sta[ing that she caished to have the approximate cost, She was informed by the City Manager that no determinstzr_�1,�vas made as Co how the proposed assessment would be spread. 21so, she stated that she was not in £avor of water in the area, Mrs, Hartman appeared stating she did not wisL� for taacer zn the ares, Mr, Bi11 Shlelds, Jr., also appeared showing disapproval of water in the area. Nlayor Pto Tem Sdol%e stated the idea of the heaxin;r�as to determine ix [hey sl�ould run the watez service north beyond the Robert I3a11 ?'xopert�, and the only wap to find out the feelings of the people noxth of Rahert Hall praperty is bp t:�e tiearing, Mayor Pro Tem ti7olke called hearing tp a close. Si'T,Vt1N HILLS PLr.'P �l 5 Councilman Sheridan moved to continue heazino at the next regular council meeting, FSotion seconded by Nagel and upon being put ta a vote carried unanimously. � GLll BUSIt�IEuS REZCNLNG rP.OM R- 1 TO R-2 SOUTH 92 FEET OF OIITLOT 2 RIC� CREEIC PLA?A P4r, Maddy read the fo1}ocring Ordinance: ORDINAnTCE PN OHDIDSANCC+ TJ ��1i.PID T$L ZONING OR➢INANC� OF ' THE CLTY GF I'RIDL�Y, MT_t�iN�SOTA BY MARING A CfIANGE TN THE 2�NIATG DISTRICTS (FROM R-L TO R-2, SOUTH 42 P'GET OUTLOT 2, RIC� CREEI: PLA%:A, SQUTH taDllITION) Councilman Sheridan moved ta accept the first reading of the Ordinance. Motion seconaed by �Iag?1 and upon being put to a vote carried nnanzmously„ PRQPOSF.0 R�7ANING OF EXISTING R-2, M-1 FNv M-2 ZQIVES, LYING L7EST OF i]IVSV�RSITY AVENUE, NORTt1 OF RICL CREEK RE7ANING OF TETE-SDUTIi 1,260 feet e^1'PROXIMA'I'�I.Y OF TH� SWe, OF THE S6J4 OF SECTION 11, FROtd A-5, lf�-1 I�i-2 AND R-1 (�P:ST OP ULdIVERSITY, NORTH DF R'LC� CREFR ) _ REZQNING OF TIiC NPI; OF Tii� NC4 l7F SECTIOPd 15, LYSNG E65T 0; THE GRI3AT n6RTHERN PACIPIC GP.EAT- NORTFLERN RIGAT OF Ia�AY ( NQRTH OF ' RICE CRE�P. - (?2EQTJ�ST BY F.RNTE MADSEN ) I�r„ t4addy read the follocaing ordinance: CPrDLnTJu'VCE !1N dR�II�1GNCL; T� FlM��III7 T$E ANING ORDINAt�CE OF TEIE CIT� �F FRIDLEY, �4INPiPSCTA B" MARING A(:;iL�\G� IN TH� '�4idING E�ISTRLCT'�". Counctlrnan 5heridan moved to accept Yhe first reading of the proposed Ordinance. r2etion seconded b� i�;agei and upan being puti to a vote caxried unanimously. P�:TEP� 73ROdR5 TRf.ZLLR CO[7P,T F1�1L+':�TDi�NT TO 70CdIi1G ORDIbTfiI�ICE There being no ob�ections to the above Public Hearing on the amendment to 7.oning �rdinance, Niayor Pro Tem Sholke directed the City Manager to have the first reading of Cha Ordinance: CRDINASIC� !�T OFDINANCE Ar9E1VDING ORDINANCE NU. 70 Cavncilman Nagel moved accepting the first reading of-the above Ordinance. ' P;otian seconded by Slieridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimonsly. REQUEST FOR ZONING FROM COMMERCIe;L P.ND RESIDENTIAL TO M-1 At�D R-2 LOT l5, SUBDIVISSClN NG. 88, t1REA T3ET4JEEN CENTRAL AVENUE AND PIERCE STREET NORTfi OF 63RD AVENUE Councilinan Sneridan moved to table the above request to the next reguiar Council meeting, Septemlaer lOth, 1959., � � P.�QU�LST ��q;; '7.OniI�iG r.GM R-7 TC i2=2z LOT 9� FIIn1'CpR' S SiJBT�T_VISIGN 103, SE COP.NEP. (1F IRONT�JN Pa�ID EAST RIOER ROP.D. Mayor Pro Tem Wolke directed the City lt�nager to xead the £a;;st reading o£ the Ordinance: ORDINANCE AN ORDTNANCE AMENDING ORllII�A_NCE �t0. 7G Councilman Nagel moved accepting the first reeding of the ahove Ordinance, Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carxied unanimously. FINAL PLAT - RICE CREER PLAZA - NORTH ADDITIOV Mr, Comstock appeared hefore khe Council stating that he had made the assumption that the developer will provzde 20' �a�dth easenent �or maintenance puYposes as well as easement for seraerdrop manhole, iic reparted that their recommendatians on the design utilities had been reviewed with Suour6an Engineerin;� and that revised plans end spPcificat�ons were being prepared by Suburhan Engineering. IIpon the request of Councilman Nagel for covenants in wr�ting, Niayor Pro Tem Wolke tabled acceptance of the aboue unt�1 tEze next regular council meeting. FINAL PLAT - LAMPERTS ADDITION ' Councilman Nagel moved acceptance of the Fina1 Plat � i.amperCS Addition. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPt1RATTQN OF ASSESSNIENT ROLL ON COND]ECTIONS TO THE WATER AND SESdER MAINS AN� INTERCEPTORS SYSTEM There was considerable discussion for and against R�salution drawn up. iiayor Pxo Tem Wolke suggested that the above be cons�dered at the next regular cauncil meeting. RECEIVE PETITION ANfl DIRECT THE PREPARATION OF PRlLT�1INF,t.Y R?.P��RTS Id�Tf'sR 6: SEWER QN 65TIi AVENLiE TO SERVE PROPOSED NEW DISTRICT iF 14 �LEMENTARY SCHOOL Councilman Sheridan moved that ihe petition be received and placed an file, Motion seconded by Nage1 and upon being ,�ut to a vote carried unaniniausly, M:, Maddy read the following resolution. RESOLUTION N0, i4 - 195a A RESOLUTION ORDERTNG PRELTMINAP.Y PLAIdS, SPECIrICATI0h5 AND ESTIMATES OF TH� COSTS THEREOF. Councilman Sheridan moved the adoption of- the foregoing resolution, Ntotion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimouslp, �UEST BY S. G. PCARSUnd OF PEARSQN &ROTH�RS FOR WATER AND SE�dER ON BALA�ICE OP PADR7SE➢ CRAZG WAY FARMS A ''r CouncLlman Sheridan moved that the petition be received and placed on file on the above� Motionseconded by NageL and upon being put to a voCe carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Wolke tabled the request Uy S. G, Yearson of Pearson Srothers far water and sewer in the balance of his proposed Craig Way Farm Plat nntiil the next regular council meetingy or pending further information being supplied ta the Council. � CORRE SPONDE NGE REQITEST BY ADQLPH AND MAXI�'E MICEK TO CONDEMN ADDITIONAL RIGHT OF TdAY TO ,ACQUIRE 50 FEET STREET DEDICATION FOR JACKSON 5TREET. Councilman Nagel stated thaC he wanted Jackson Street Co go thraugh to the High School. Councilman Nagel moved denying for condemnation of the additional ten (10) feet and ChatCity get satYSfactory piece of corner of Lot ll, Block 1, ChrisCie Addition, so that intersectian will be somewhat reasonable. Motion secanded by Sheridan, and upon being put to a vote carried unanimonsly. R�QUEST BY DONALD BRATT AND LEONARD LIN�STONE, VALLEY ViEW ADDITION After discussLOn, Councilman Sheridan moved that the City-Manager and City Attoxney take necessary steps to acquire land at the north end of Channel Road to give access to the lot on north end, either by condemnation ar ' negoCiation. Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimoixsly. MINDER ENGINEERING COMPANY RECOMME:]DING ACCEPTANCE OF S& W N0. 16 AND FINPZ, PAYMENT TO LAMETTI & SONS Nage1 moved accepting reco�nendation from Minder Engineering Company and final payment Co Lametti k Sons, Inc. Motion secnnded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanLmously. CONSIDERATI6N OF COUNTY POLICY ON ROA➢ CONSTRUCTION Mr. Maddy reported to the Council that the County had submitted a proposed resolution to Che City regarding the building and maintenance of raods to serve industrial and other thoroughfares within the City of I'ridley, After consideraUle discussion, Councilman Nagel moved directing the I�anager and City Attorney to meet with County represetttatives and with the State High- way llepartment relarive to location of State Aiu Yautes as far as City is ' concerned, expressing the Cieies desire Co cooperaCe with the County on various coanty routes. Motion seconded hy Sheridan and_upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. PLADINING COr�MTSSION P�EPORT - AUGUST 25, 1959 Motion by Sherldan accepting the report of the Planning Cormnission of August 25, 1959. Motion seconded Uy Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. CLAIMS �� � � !i w Councilman Sheridan moved that the follow�ng cla�ms Ue approved: Comstock & llavis $3,200,00 Partial Payment request on City Wide Water Study, Comstock & Davis (6 Work Urders) Subuxban Engineering Engineerxng on S&LJ Meadowlands Suburban Engineering lingineering on S& W Meadowlands 643.OG 317.63 G9G.25 L'ouncilman Nagc1 secnnded the notion and upon being puL to a vote carried unanimously. Councilman Nagel moved approval of the Regular Fund Claims 2,OOS through 2,044* Public Utility Claims - 639 through 649, and Municipal Liquor Claims 1,1b6 through 1,188. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put ta a eote carr�_ed unan�mously. LIC�NS�S Councilman Sheridan moved that �he following licenses be appxoved witlx the exception of Siwek Lumber L'ompany utni] such time rSr. Siweic and Mr. Lawlcawicz have had time to appear before the Suilding Inspector or Council showing proper ad�ustmenks had been made, �LECTRICAL Sallhlad Electric Company GENERAL Donald L. ..nderson Berlin Brothers Robext Chucrow Constr. Co Heilmer C�nstx, Company Lyndale Euilders Company Sheldon I�ortenson J. S. Sweitzer & Company HE�.TII�?G Econo�Try Heating Company PLUMBING Sam Rrown 1:OOPING & SftE�TT7ETAL Sernard L. DAlsin Company 2619 Penn Avenue rlorth 6061 id+�ody Lane, Mpls, 11701 P�idgemoutn �:venue, Mp1s. 3455 Sheridan �,env� ;vortn 410 2nd Street IdF.' 3Q1) Lymdale Aveaue iouth 1234 Ii�ghcaay 1+` 100 777 P.aymond �^venue, ;ti. Paul 2830 lGth Avenue South 323 �;asz Lalce street 4532 Chicago AvPZUe S2otzon secnnded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimausly. PURTHER CGhSIDGRATTON OF BUDGET Councilnan Nage1 gave his opinion of the buc;get, his suggest�on was that the T3ud�et be eut to cohere mi11 levy caas last yzar, the total arnount to be cut would be in the range of $65,000.00. MAUS�N R�.ALS_' ,;ounciL�na�� Nagel rnoved that tlte "�� rla�4a�;c�_ r�� �.;=h;�-.__�' _o �✓a =te - _ �- °,-- r •, t;• _ _„_, �,_ =hat the City �s accepting straet �mprove- �_---" _� ._.. �. ,....� ,� ments and utilities, on the basis of examination by the IIirector of Puulic Works and City Manager and to include acceptance only those streets where all the improvements have been satisfactorily completed and where logical access streets connectLng there�o have also been sat�sfactoril.p completed. �� Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. AliDIT OI' CITY �OORS Mr. Maddy informed the Council that three firms have shown interest in auditing the Uooks for the year 1959 for the Caty. Those of Ernst & Ernst, George M. Hansen Gompany, and Oscar J, Schuelein Campany. He further Lnfarmed the council that the su�liting should begin the latter parC o£ 1959, so it can be completed wL�h the results in booklet form in time for the published annual report be- ' April 10, 1960. Na acticn was taken on the above. ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWEK UTILITI'r.5 ON HACP.MAN CLRCLE (CIRCLE DRIVE) rlr. Maddy read letter from Minder �:ngineering Company stating that final Cests had been made and recommending acceptance of water and sewer utilities lines as noted above. MoCion by Nagel to accept water arad sewer uCilLties constrncted in $ackman Circle by Arvid li. Csrlson & Son. MotLOn seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carr�ed unanimously. AllJ0URN1�lEt�1T Mation Uy Sheridan to ad�c�ura this 27th day of August at 12.15 a'clock A.M. Motion carried. ATTEST: � I Y C iRK -- Narvin C, Brunsell 1 �