10/08/1959 - 000243136z P.�GSLPP I�11�is'TIiJC OF' T'Ii: CI'1'Y CGiIDTC"tL - GCTOBLR $th, 195�J A reguiax mcetuig of the GLtp Council of t12e City o£ Fridleq ��as called to aru�Er Uy Niayor ;,aGrange at 7:.30 o'clocic �'.��1, iKcmUers Preseat 1Kembers Absent N1�yor 1.aGrange, Councllmen Nagel, Sheridan and i7olke. Cauncilman �ohanson APPAGUPJ� GI' cIlllrtJTLS - (7i;TQli;iR Pituutes oi Oc�oUer l, 1955 meeting were read. P4otion by Nagel to approVe the minuees as correcCed. P4otion seconded by �'�Tke and upor being put to u vote carr�ed unanrmously. PiT&I,IC HE�'S:IDiGS PROPOS�;ll FIiStV. PLr'�T UF P�ARSON CP�AIG WAY �STATE PLe1T ;� 2 The hearing for the praposed iYna1 plat oi Pearson Craig Way Estate P1at �f 2 located nore[z oL 76th Way, west of t.ie liast RiveX Road was opened by C�iayor LaGrange. riSr. Pcarson appearec� Lefore the Council with his propased p1at. �?fter a Urief cliscussion, CounciLman Bia�e1 moved Co apprnve the Pearson Craig �,' �� ;statie, P1at ;r 2, sub�ect ta the firm of Comstock & qavis, Consulting Lnginecrs, clzEClcina and approvxng L-he design oi the requii'ect utilities and storm d-raixiage iacilitie.s and th� final �treet grades;sub�ect to the private cor�enants conCrolling the issuance oi occupancy permits v�eeting Che approval oi the City ��tL-orney; sub�ect ta agreement by the owners to install all utilities; sub�ecC to approval of ttle final plat by the County Surveyors; su��ecc to the contractor �nstaliiag the utilities being approved by the City; suU�ect to the dedication of �D fee� right af way, the north 3U ieet of Lot 1, Blocic ��, and that the names of the streeGs sha11 meet the apprwal of the Post (�ffice Department located Ln �ainneapolis, ifotion seconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. OR�I1vTE�'dCE VACATI1dG i'lSi:7'u OF 76^1H ?^711Y, 77 �iI WAY E1ND ALllC^ N 47AY, S^TliST OF �AST P.IV�R ROieD Mx. Niaddy read the following Ordinance: cx➢INtL�CT P�O, 136 f+SS URllINADICF UNUER SLCTION 12.07 OI' 'PEiE CITY CHARTER TG V�,C�iTE Pl�RTS GF 76TH Z�TAY, I4.L., 77TEI WAY N.E., t1ND ALllEN idtli PI.L„ LYING WCST 6F TIIE EAST RIVER ROAD 4TITHIN THE CILY Or FRIDLEY. Councilman Glolke moved to accept the second reading and to adopt �rdinance IITo. 1�6. 1Kotion seconded Uy Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried nnanimously. PUi3LIC HLi1tINGS REZUNING FR4M R-2 to M-1 LOTS 1° 10, B3,OCIC 26, HYUli PARi: ADllITTON - REQID:ST 33Y CY KOSHIEN. i�Ir. Pirchman briefed tne Council on action of Planning Conunission. A1xo Josepin ;Gisak al�peared before tEie Council indicating he was stronglq against suctz rezoning as an ad�oiaing property owner. ,� � ' ��� �� P4r. Kirchman indicated that at an earlier date, he had �,nspected the graperty and indicated to the Council that he recocranended the rezoi��ng. Alayor LaGrange called hearing xo a close, thexE being no ocher persons appeartng for or against the above rezoning, tit.Pd CL:iVG PLAT, L�TS 12 t�N�7 13 t.UI]�TCt'S SUliDIVISION ,'F 92 � � Nir, i.irclzman presented the hard shell to t�xe council and gave tk�e council a brief report on the above, Mr. Tiller appeared before the Councll questioning mhether Uakwood Mano� is a public right of way. Iie indicated that wlzen he purciiased h�.s property he did not buy a corner lot and he did noC wlsh to have �t suc1� naw, A4ayor LaGrange stated that Van Cleve and Citv Lngineez should uetermine ;l�e state ol tlie right of way on the west siue of tne proposed pl�t aad ge� a� extra five Eoot dedication £or Oakcaood t�ianor trom �he Subdivision and the Rearing will be continued at the next ragular council neeting, Gctpber 22, 1959. CGNSIDER�,TION OF AOLDING PRIP9t1RY 3I.GCTIUD� Councilnan Sheridan staCed that the Counc�.1 meniners 1�ad been polled ;-egarning a primary election and wherAin Lt turnea ou[ 3- 2 against, having a primary election, 2fayor LaGrange also expressed his views on the primary electLOn in that caare is not enough time to pnoperly prepare for a we11 organized c�mpaign un tnc part of the participants, � Councilman Sheridan recommended to Charter �onmiission the orording under tnc section of the primary be chang�d making ic iaanciatory, cir. ICahlan, City Attarney, advised the Council it was his apinion that t6e Cliarter provxsions establishing closing, date for f�,ling Eor oEEice and the date of elect�on do not a11ow suffxcient time for proper 1ega1 publicat�ons anu that no act�on ox changes can be made by the Council, tktat the Charter Conmussion is th� onlgr authority L'hat can make changes in said Charter, A�SQLUTIGPv CALLTNG I'OR Pi2�LINiTNAI:Y P.EPOR`L I'Cyit vJATFR t1IVl� SEiiLR IDi kP,,��T CI' PROPOS�ll IPS[�ISBI2U�I: t1DDITIOtF After discussion, City Attorney advised the Counc�l that the Maxiager ae authorized to accept fro;n B�]lman a deposat of an aznount oP maney to cover the preliminary report at least in the farst Lns�ance cover�.b�g the watcr, seoaer and s�reets and that the L^ngineer Uc autl�arizea co go aheaei and prepare pre- lzminary plans. Caunczlman Nagel seaonded the motion and uxoa uexng put to a vote carriea unanimously. Gouncilman Sneridan moved directing the City I�tanaaer to ini-ormt[ze developer of the action of- the Council. i�iat�ofi seconderi uy �Iolice and upon being putto � a vote carrzed unanimously. The matter of certa�n improvements was discussed, and after the Council was advised, Counczlman Wolke introduced the following raso7,utxoFi and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 93 - 1959 A RESOLUTION DRDERING PRELIl�!ICdARY PLEiI�IS, SPF.CIPICATIO�IS AND ESTIb9ATE5 OF Ti�E COSTS TtiB^,EOP: FOR i-7ATGR Ac1D SEWER IN PAP�T OF INNSBRUCP. F.➢OITIOiI � ;% i�foticit secoxiued ay Sheridan axid upon bcing put to a vote carried unanimously, llF I'6P. EI,� Plr. T�iaddy read the Pollowino resolution, Councilman NageL moveu the adoption of i:he iollowing resolution: � I:LSOLUTION 1�6. 94 - 1959 t; RF,SOLUTION f3�SIGNATING POLLING YLACES �NU NAMIIQG liLECTIOId CLGP.I�S AND JUllGES FOR N:LECPION, iQGVEDIBER 3RD, i959. r4otion sec�nued by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. �wSC1LUTI0Ar Dl�',TEBPIING TrIE TI�TEaS. COST OP 5&[d PRU.7L'CT 3�r'' 15 lUtiTD �F lb AND DIRECTING 'TIL PREPF.f:ATION OF IiSSIsSS;1CNT P.OLLS iKr, Ntadcy reau the following resolution: RESOLUTIO!V N0. HS - 1959 A RESGLUTION DI Council:nan I�iagel ;noved tixe adoption ot- the ioregoing resolution. Motion seconeied by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. Tlie following resolut�.on saas xead by A1r, P4addy: RESOLUTIGN ii0. 9h - 1959 A RESOLUTI6N DIRECTING PR�PARATION OF ASSESSMENT F(DLL FUR IMPROViMLNT PROSECT N0. 16 - 1958 Councilman Sneridan moved tlze adoption of the foregoing resolution. Motion seconded Up 6JolYe and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously, :tLSGLUTI0IV llIRECTING 'P;�E YRI;PAltATION �r CARRECTED ASSESSP�,NT ROLL FUR STORNI SEW�R PROJLCT SERVING LOGAiV Prll2RWAY (S.S. No.4) 1� W85 �ILICSti'v?l,�`1. ��� ��3C �1�311�lGrl why the COT'T2CC2'a 3SScS5IIl: IIr :725 [A�- IIL'dCY:: .a.0 an earlier date5 follocaiag first discussion of the matter and suggestion was mad� tha_ in the fuCure such mattars be taken up immediately while still clear in thelr m�.nds so further discuss_on �aonld not have to ta�e place at later dates regard�ng such corrections. P4r, c�!addy reael the following resoluCion. P.E6�JLUT�Orf N0. 97 ° 1;�5° A R�S�LIITCJ�d DCi���l'i!�;; TEiE PP.GP�ATZGI'I �Jl' C�RRECTEU E�,SSLS3t�.�^u�r1'r eC�r,� POCL 5TC�R.M SI;W�R 1'KCYSECT S. S, riJ, �+ - Counc� lman r,iagel naved thc u1o��_aon of th� foreaozng resolution. i�lotion s�,conded by iJolke and upo : b�air_� s��_+t °r � t�;.��� ca�`ried unanimously. [;�:3CLJTIrJt�I i�IRECTIPIG PRN;PAP.ISTI(DA? 6P ASSGSSMENT RdLL FOP. I�iPI:OVEN�t'sNT i�ir. ^4add; read the L-ollowing r°solution: P,ESULtJ?'?�J��7 ��r;�, 98 - 1959 t�. Lnu�tLUTIfJPT D�P.LCTING Pi:�PAE'cATIOtV �1�' I�SSLSS?liS!QT RULL �'OF. IMPRUV�M17i\TT (S�SI�R ludl3 L•7t1TEP I°LSIL4 L'�T±?RALS ANI] SLkVICd C�1SdNGCTZONS - 195�', TIr"CLiIDING ALI, IP�CI�EVT�'ff.5, � I 1 � 1� EXPEtISE; T�(���'�?,TO =f' THf' SiTP? �7� $3,34�+.2u ; Councllraan Si��ri�a.k�x �noved t�za_ adoptx�a cL- tl�e =,,���oing resolnt�on �nd mot;�,A seconded vy F�lo7,ke. lTpon being put to a vote, motaon csrr.ied unan�rno+�slt�. TtESOLUTION CALLING SPECIEsT. A55ESSN�H:NT HE�hRCl�it; 6LU THi: �,BW73 ITEMS �`CTO�rR 29, 1959. - --- - � , Mr. P7addy read the following xesolution. P.ESOLUTIGDI ili�, 99 - 1559 11 RESGT,UiTUtd Ld ;3i,'LI1_v`G Pl1�LICA^lION 61^' N,�'iTiC1: GF HEARIPIG C1.J PR(�PCS�L� /�SSES3i�iliCV'T TIOLL rC31Z IMPF.�1V�� MEYdT ( S Fx bI �� 15a S u W�l 16r REr95S�SSN�IiI°' +�F STpRT�f SESdTiP� PROSECT ?f 4, ANI� 1.95') SE'�ILg u iILkTEP, KAIN LATEPALS t1iID SL'RVICF. COCSN�CTIUIQ". ) Counca]man :ilaertidz� moircd t'--: sdoption of Llxn £orngoing resolution, Councilman Nagel seconded the motion and upo� being p ut to a vote carrz�cl unanxmously. R�CEIV,: Yio'VITATIGN FR01�i TF.Gi VILLl�E OP GG3,ll�i�i V<'1LLi:y ^la ATT�i1i,' OPEtV �iJUSE UEDICATIC7N :)F NEW CIVIC CL`dTCR - OCTObER 12z 1959.� ilr, N�addy read tHz invitataon Erom the Vi11a�,e of Galdan V!'lle� invit�r.g council and administration to attena the �pen house on the neca Czvzc CUa�er constructed in their Vil3age. � CONSI➢���ATIUPd OF RESOLUTICIN CALLILQG FGR BIDS TU FUP.�d1SIL CITY T�JiTiI P�11iGL TP.UCIL F0�2 USE &Y LI�IIOR OPERATIONS, A After a brief discussion� xt cras decic!�d that a panel t�uck �„ould nc.t l�e necessary and that arrangements could be m�de w�th the SL�per,intendenk cz iublic Works to furnish a truck for ma�or l�c�uax transiers betcaeer. stor.es, i10 further action was taken on the above mat�er, SL'Ls3CTIUt� GF CITY APPOIN'SEE TCS 47?.GE HD,ItiS't�SGIVT PANEi, t�ir, A�addy suggested that since the Council had no ane in m��nd eo serve cn �hc panel, thak they give furtlier thought tu t1�e matter �nd consiae7: same at the naxt re�ular council meeting. tiiayor LaGrange tabled the matter untxl ti�e next councal meeting, RECPIVE PETT�'ION FOR S c� iJ UTILITIP:S OI4 66TE: ��VENIIE Ati� �.111xCBNT :�[-. �nST (,�n TTiE PROYOSE➢ SCfi0G7� SI1c, �4�Jh'1'�3 QP SiI55I56IL'YT AiV� E.aST 3r f,EttTR61_, t'�VENiSP, Councilman Sneridan moved to receive petitxnn f-oa- s�wex ma�;s and sewe.: leterals in the area bordered on the north by 6b'� Street aad an �he soLth bv 66t1� E;z�en�a� idE and on the east hy ;itinson Boulevaxd ana on thr ,.*=st hy Iicl',inley, and sa�_d � petiCion to be placed on £ile unt�l Ltxe complet�on of report on overall aatet nad sewer by Comstock & Davis Company, CONSIDERE,TIDL�7 OP BILL FP.Ol�i I4INLER LNGINEEE'II•If> CCJMPAT�P: PGR P12L^'Li]�ilTV_,RY PT,E�dS At'➢ L'CYR FLL�PIS EWia 3PECIFICAT?�iNS IJ{;T USEf There caas much discussion on the abo.e ma=f__r_ iZr, T^addy informed �he Counc�_1 ti�a� 1Sr, Kohlan and he had meY wa.th iKr, George Nltndec regard�ng the same, and �_L' Wras tl�eir xeconmicndatien thaC the bi11s be paid as ttae wo.k was avtaorzzed a�a tlie proJects had not been campleted by c�oice r�� kn4 C�ty ra�h2r Cl2an by the c�zcice of Niinder. .ir. izohlan recommended that the bill zn the amount �f Yi,14S,017 cor preparation of plans £or st.r:,n se+�rer serv�,nr chc area t�y ��ty 11a17. and tt�e Reidel propexty and that park of i1.5;;issLpp�, 5t;-eet at St.�, ncrt to be pa�e� ±i�ci1 tl�e suit against the C�ty Uy Sorwn an� r,alsbo iar StQY'aT: water tresz�ase %. scttled, l'i1� C�unciltnar. ��age� movad to direc'� y:ayment of the follocaing uills fror.i Minder Sq1'�2111c.EYL!2� �3: r_"lj T• �LA1�T^J AN� .�i:'G(_'LL'1C9����'J!f:4 C^I7Pi��L,T) a� IJ$t2t i�lc?1;3 UC� =c�o°� _=*'dT �'�J(' _�i!."15%ttt t'LVCRU2 CO �J�.9t (iV@LL110� Part oi CoeC;act �L1 -° deleted at time of insCallatlon of rest Di j7]"O�]�Ci., .:stLmated consLructian cost S10,c;00,�0 �) Starin �ewe�: a_: :i�,• �r�p�rty aC City iiall, Up7.anr� GddiCion, the Esfi ChrisCenson Property a iteidei Pra,,���ty� �sst�matad i�onstrucCi�, ���t $32,306.t70 cj Gan�ta�y �ev7er an^3 �.atcr �aains on 7th 9treet from Trunk Iiighway ll lOJ Co �7CEt �:venue �stinated CanstrucCiat_ Cost $ 9,900,0� 1j �aa�tary se=aer and watcr ma?�is �__ ;?ooze Lake Highlands � 4th ;�rtd�t�oi, (Cntt��r.��?t ;,ros, f� Redeen.er Lut��ara__ �1��_� .) F�timate:l Coastru^_r�o. _:�* `,11,225.0�1 ;'agineering i:ee - ��% of Totei of $64,725.�J0 $ 2y2&5,38 pPtiPI,[MS�t,�p^� ,?Lr��N3 I�ND E:;':LNIhT� f�1"TL`Z a) Sanitary sewer on �ust �iver Road -- soueh of 6lst Avenue to ahout 57L-� 9venu� Nstin•at�2 Cost y1f,S�0,OD b) San,i;ary Sewer t� ilater Mains or aslzton nvenue, G4t1, Way, Plississippl StreeC fraic L� ast P�iver �oad ta C,shton ;:stimatecl ;;�si �22,�00.�0 c) 3e�nit��ry Sewer u i�7�ter 1��iains ou Lotau Parkway & Glen Creelc 1:oad Estzmated Cost $44,800,00 dj ;anit�ry Sewex aad :datcr Sa:=e;: ��_ .�_�.��r=�,; ____q?�t.,; Huao StreeC and R�verview Ter�ac�a Iistimated Cost 556�10U,00 .nginearing kee � l% of aba�;e total $139,70U.J0 $ 1,397.00 except L1?at- payment in �.he amoun� of $1y143.0(� ior prep�ration of plans and speciEicat�oeis Lor starri sec�*er, Itcm I, Paragrzph 6) above not be made until snrum and IlalsUo suit against Che :'ity is settled� that paqment in tne amount oi $3�i2,�& fo� I�em I, paraaraph d) a6ove be �aitiaeld until St. Phailips Luthzran Church and Gottwaidt Prothers are notifiea that paynent wi11 be i��ade froin fuacls c-scrowed by tizFl:n, and tleat C_ty Attorney pre�are proper release ;or 3tgnature by Minc�ers 3_ngineerina before payment is made. 11atL�n second�cl b,� 47o11ce and upon being put ta a vote carried unanimoasly. r_r.�RZ ;;y cuN�s'roc.� & ��v�� i�i, �omst�cky Cansultin;; F.agineer, reparted to the Council that tltiere is a prooFea� e.tist_ng en the corne� oL 3uffalc Street and P,iverview Terrace, The part? ?�vLng or, th� corner h�s a waad fence runninb out into tl�e stieet with ti�rez la;ge evzrcreen trees located on one corner of tae lost 4ohicli are in the n�iddle o; BuLiato street, 1 � ' � � � �� Nix. Co�:stock acquainzeci khe Council. wurh a situa��on ot� ;Cronton S�:�eet satxe-r4 four houses are locateri on the street .: i;�t�t-a E-way, I�i'[, Comscocic informed tne Counezl ttlere wtll evidencal3� be more screeCS kn the same manner and wLShed to kno�a ii theze .uould �ae ar.� procedure t4�e caunci7. wzshed ta nave him Eo11.ow, Councilman ?�agel moved riiat this matter be tuxae:l over �a t'r=� City 2tcozney and airect him Co come up wi�h a solutien, ( Ne secoad ) Mayor LaGrange dxrected that Lhc Streecs ar..i Tltilzt�ea Conc��ltc�e L�ar�dle �he situation ana report back to tne Council. [11soa tlac maL'L-er of lionald Bab�.nski caho ii� tearin; s�a oi the st; ec� ior 52WfT 2tRC� water C032i1flCClOi1 SJJ11f; d���� U85 IIla1�? EiR[l 1I2 tL'Y11 COVL'12 � LhC ➢7II11: up witki a lea%. Niayor LaGrar.ge referxed clie above co t.:e Bvildin� S�anciarls Cotmnittee for study ana recommeadation. RESOLUTIGN TRANS,;.�,P.ING FU[�IilS Tp CERTP.ItI F�CfFVITI�S 6F GEN'r'.1tAL FU�li Mr. Maddy read the following resolution• RES(1LUTION N6, 100 � 1959 A RESOLUTION i�fAIZING TRANSF'�RS GF CER'I'l�lri �'UNLS Couiicilman Ida],ke moved tue adoption of �lx� aoovc resolution. Ptotion seconded by Councilman Sheridan and upon reing pu� t�o a vote carried uaaiaimausly. RYSGLUTIGN ilECLt1RING PdECE�SIiY r1ND CERTfFY1N� T[;�. LliV;' 1:LQUIRci��1VT5 P�P. 1960 TO COUNTY Gr EllVOKA F'OR COLLECTION � bir. Naddq read �he following resolution. P.ESIILUTIuIQ NCl. i61 - 1J5; A R1i50LIITI0N DL+'T�RMINING THG IdLCE55ITi �F iv3ll P1?U- VIDING FOR E� TF:X I.�VY Il`i EXC1iS5 6F NCIPS-1,.l. CI�Y Cii�]I2TPI. Tt13i LIMTTS Councilman �7o1ke moved the adoption of tk�e foregoiii� xesolution. !�ioL�on seconcie3 iay tiagel and upon bezng put te a vote c�rrieC Lnaninwu�ly. 1�ir. tTaddy read the following resolution. RLSOLUTIGN iV6. 1Q2 � 195) A RCSGLUTION CL+'RTIFYING T:�l LEVY F.��.�UI:�l�A�Tu 1CiR i960 Td COUNTY OF t]NUKA rOR COLLLCTIOIV Councilman Wolke moved the adoption of �he ioregoircb resalution, Nlotaon secondeu by Nagel and upon Ueing put to a yore carxied unanimously. TRe1ILCR PAP,KING YERl1IT - i;. T. WILSUN NIr, iJilson� located on the corner oi Hillcrest and Cent;rai Avenue, appl�ed for trailer parking and occupancy permit. L�ir. IKaddy informed tl�e Council that I4r. Wilson"s l�ome was destroyed by an exploaion anci he w�shed t� 1LVe in a tra�.ler home while he caas constructing anoth2i home on tnc same Lote Mr. Wilson had names of persons surroundinq t.ie area giiing the�r zpproval of his parking the trailer home on the ].ot until suc4 hame is completed. Councilman Nagel n�oved that the Permlt 6e grar,ted and upon being put [o a vote carried unanimo;�sly, PLANi�ING COINt4ISSI0N REPGRT - GCT03LR 6, 19S'3 L�iotiait secozic�ed by tvollce l +i� ccrrs�cn�:���rzcr� r,r• Txr� P�ar�r�s�� �zo�str4c or Lo�r z, nuvz�ar.�s su�nzvrs?�,r: iao. s�, rYar� r�-1 tllVD �3-3 T� C-��, Conszderation caas gzven to tne prapased rezoning of Lot 1, Auditor's Sub- d:visier D�o. 59 Erom ;-1 anu RW� to C�i5, General ShoP1�ing, located on the east Uide of Unives�itp r:renue north of the Qxtended line of 63rd Avenue (ap�ro�cim<-�te1y), rcquested by Lee and Malberg, Piayor LaGrange sue;ested that the utreEt� and Utilities ,r,ocnmittee meet and stud�� snd :-ecanmiend �u the Council a 1�laster Street Plan. M±-, I<Ohlah adv�_sed the Counci2 that Lt caas oi tlte utmost importance that Che C;�ty �cnuire enoudh Street r�ght of caay wherein there Fiill not be any necc;ss�ty that the City condemn or negotLate at z later date for dedication of such €oota�e, Councxlraan ���c1ke moved thnt Noveraber 12, 1959, be set for hearing date on the aSove re:-:oning. 1�iotion seconded hy �Fage1 and upan being put to a vote c:urried unanimausly. The remainder of the Planning Cor.miss�on P.eport was discussed and received Uy the C,_t;r Caunci3, LICENSES Councxlman P1age1 moved that the following licenses be approved: G�S rITI^irqG f�'reri Vog± 5, ronipany G]�:ATiRAS, CCr�rTT:ACTZNG Cle��uon, Incorporate;2 F O. Fogelmark Elarvey A, peterson 11�SO,V1�Y P.obu[t L. John�on ?�.oneei Construction Compang "L1sST"r'.RIt•iG R, �, llon.elly Itaw:cinsan I3rothers YLUM3SNG S��anacc � Sclziage� :lumbing �'o [d�LL PR7LLLr:G N1c,�lpzne 13rothers �n�e1i Co�n�any 6530 Taest Lake Strcet 259fi 22nd Avenue� idT 216 Ridges�ood i�venue 151 Glen Creek i:oad 5812 Camden tVenue Diorth 6911 12th Avenne South 4152 Snelling C�venue South 5945 Fairfax Avenue Sanrh 7326 ilth r;venue South ➢ayton, Minnesota Motion secaade� by 4Jollce an1 upen being put to a vote carried unanimously CLA1M5 CoLm�almay:?'agel n.oved approval of N!unicipal Liquor Claims 1,264 through 1y306. Niotior seconded by i�agel and ugon Ueing put to a vote carried unanimously. Couacilnan r�lollce noved that Regular Pund Claims 2,156 through 2,215 be approved. P9ot�o�� seco��ded by Nagei and upon being iut to a vote carried unanimously„ CouneClm�n tdagel mc��ed that Fublic iltilit-_es C1aLms 6SS through 6s6 be appro�red. � i�lotzon seco�xc�ed by GTo1ke atrd upon being put -to a vote carrted uaanimously. � 1 � � Gouncilnu�n Vaoel moved that cJaiia of: Com�tock � Dav�a, iac. _°�-r �mproueme-7t iro�ect nio, 7_1-B in the amount of 5708.25 Ue appzc�ved. I1oCion secoaded I�y 4Jolke and ugon being put Co a vote carried tt.�animously, Councilman Wollce moved thatA�the cJaian of Camstock u D.';vi;, ;n Lh.^-. amn�nt n� $1,517.o"D be approved �or I pravement Pra�ect A?o� 22 -:,, I�Iot.iac� secondec� by Tlagel and upon bezng put'T'to a vote carr�ed unaninously, Councilmati� tlollce moved thaC the L'lazii of Comstock G D�vis �n thc amount oE $177.SD Por Ir�prover.tent Pro,7ect Pdo. 23 be aFproved, PQotion seconded Uy I;rolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimouely. Coixncilrnan �7olke moved that the claim of Constnr_lc b Davis in tne amount of $312.30 for water and sewer for atto Ostman o❑ H�c�cor;� A"ivc L�e appzovcd. ilotion seconded by tiagel and upon being put to a vot� carried unantniausly. Councilman olke moved that ti�e bi11 submitted Uy L'mdrew i:ohlan, ,zfiy I�ctorney, in the anount oE $1,100.00 be approved, t�rot9on seconde� Ly Na�el and upan bea.n� put to a vote ccrried L�nanimousl,y. Councilman Nage1 moved that the following claims be approved �aherein a certificate o£ the Consulting Rn�ineer, Comstocl: � Uavis, Inc., ca�s ssbnitted; Sandstrom & Hafner, Inc. �,Sater & Sawer, Storzr� 3ewer xLnprovemant Pro�ect ik 22 - A Sandstrom & I�afner, Inc. 2054 St. Lfsitl�onp Boul.evard Sewer S�ti�ater Improvement Pro�ect !k 27 - t: Benkoski S� Holmes � Cloquet, I4_:.nescta 5 tt� IJ Improvez:,�nk Pro�ect „` �1 - P � Sandstrom ��- I3afner, J.nc. ;;ater Iinproven�ent Pra�QCt ir 23 $7_2,OE5.97 $2G;J6i.bF $14,806.&'7 $ 6,�47,55 24oticn secnnded by WoJ.ke and upon being p�_t co a vote carr�ed unanimously. LESJIS LIN�S BUS SGRVIC3 Cour.cilman Nage1 suggested to the Cauncil that sinc� th.� i.ew�.s Lines are or. s�rike, and no definite decision has been made �£ 7_r�e line wil; continue, that Nx. Gerber be contacted to see if tlzay vaould bc inc�zested in extcas�.orA of service on L'entral Avenue, P.DSC7URAT�ENT Councilnan Nagel moveri tkzat the neeting be a:l�ouxned this �itr� day of Gcto�ex, 7.95° at 1;25 o'clock A,iI. l�lotion carrLed unan�mo+.�s1;*. � b� [ _ O 'r � �?; - r'ranlz C. La L�TTE 3 T : �/7.�.fi�Q_P�.l CI'�Y �LLRK - Nlarvin C, Brunsell �� r // �- , , a Ji. ����