10/22/1959 - 00024307�� couricz, _��;��rit��c - �c�as�:±} 2z�s�] -- �1 regular meeting of the C�_ty �euncil of tha Gity af Fridley caas called Co order by 1layor LaGrange at 7:3C o`clocl� P.Nt, Mernbers P-resent liciril�ers .�bsent 1�layor LaGrar.ge, Councilmen l+lolke and Pdagel. Gounc�.lmaa Tohanson arr,ved at 3:10 P.M. Councilman >heridan. ����{7.�h�f,�.L �.�.�^ 1JI.JQiJ2'�S.i °' �CTUZi�l'�i V e L�jJ�'l i�iinutes of �7ctober 8th, 1959 meeting were read. Motion by Nagel to approve the minutes as read. P�otion seconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote carr!ed unan�ir.ously. !�PPGIRtTi�EN'P G� ��CTZTV�; cZTY M�ll+iC,r�,P. Ccuncilman Nagel moved that prior acCaon of the councLl in accepting the resignation of rlarence E. Pladdy as Czty lianager, effective November lst, 1�59, 1�e recinded and that tl�e resignaeion be accepted Dlover�ber 15th, for the gurpose of allcwin; 11r. I�iaddy to rece�ve accumulated vacation tir,.e after November 1st, 1959. _ Motion seconrled Uy tdolke and u;�an being put to a vote carried unanirnously, SELECTI6J�� UF CITY fiYPCTVTHE TO ��P.GE L�l7JU5TT�I�NT P1�tEL I:fter a briei discussion, Councilman Nage1 moved that Sol GunzUurger, 5209 P,alcer dve�ue, Fridley, be appointed as the council representative on the i7age l�d3ustment �ane1 requesCed by L'he City's Public 6dorks llepartment employees through their union, Local Ik 49. Mct:.on secoaded by {:ounciAin�i*: 'dolke and upon being put to a vate carried unanimcuelg. �CaUi:B i FOR �UILD1iVG PL::MIT3 PLJO - TLdELVE UNiT :,Pt1RTI�S�?VT TyUILDINGS - RL+'�UPSTfi+� BY CFiliL56N Iir. Miadc�y l�r,��ed the counci2 of Nir, Ca7-ls�e'� t•c�li3s�} �>f two - Cwelve unit apartment huild?ngs on Lot 9, Biock 5, Carison Sammit :�a,wr, North Addition, easL s:dc oi ratn 5 reet, sout`_? a= T,II. i6 1Q�. He also preseated plans and �ictur�� of the �u�.�dings co be �re�*ed and Lndxcated that I"it. Tyler had �^hecked the plans and approve-1 the san�e, It caas also indicated that the peski�g a��3d 7�e to the rear of the �uildings. C�uncilman 6�o1ke m�veci tk±a nyl�:ora.i of building permits for the erectzon of ewa twe�nre uiut apa-rtment puildings on the above described property upon the approval of L13c. �uaiding Insuector. ' t�Iotian seconded b;� �Iagel and upon 7�eia; put to a vote carrled unanin�ously. AP1'f�CCTT7�ivT �UILuITdG :E(�IIEST�li Bi DICIi GRGGGP. Mr„ Gre;or apneared before the r_ouncii �ndicatcng that he ��ou1d desire building permiC �or ap�-rt�nent bu�lding on Lots 1, 2 and 3 in 131ock 6, Iiamilter's t.d���c,o„ �o i��echaaicsville, caharein, he caoulc� build a sevan (7.} un�t apartrnent ]auilding. Counc�lmaic ;dol�ce maved that permit be granted suU,7ect to architect signature on the plans and upon bhe BuildLng Inspector's approval. Tiotion seconded by I4age1 and epon Ueing nut tc a vote carrxt� unanimously. PIRST R�"st1LSNC �Jl' O]iDIPdl�T�CL � 1 , �� hc�.za��i��v�, raar� R-2 T� r�-z� T,oT� i �=fi�oUerr �c, aLOCi{ z�� f�Yn�� r.��� LocnT„v eT s�sa :,vL�t,� r.;�� UIVLVEP.SIT" ��VP�M�1� ^ F'.E�UG:: a BY CY POSHIlirI. Nir. TZaud� gave a br_ief report of previous ,�eaxings a�� t1.e aua��a matkec. i�e also indicated that the �lanning Commissio.� reronnuenced the aynrrav�xl, � Mr, Niaddy read the fallowing fTrdinance; +i�D I!�i1,N �� l�.i�T dRDIT.dANC� TQ �SEPdI] TII� YUDTLNG ORlliL\AI�rCE OP 'CIL.� CZTY GF FiiILLEY, P1T1�t��ESGTei &Y Nuhd;IDii; L CHI�irE I1v TE� lGPiIi�TG T�ISTFICTS (REQUG57' BY CY ROSTIII:Nj Councilman Vagal moved to accept the first zead�ng o� tize clzdi.na�ace. I�atza�z seconded by iJolke and upon being put to a vote ca4�:�ed �naniiaoualy. tfr. Kohlan suggested to thv Council that tee Fsu�lding I'�sZ�ectos �zot�fy che council af any applicatLOn for permits and th�t tlie Councii wzthac�Ae lssuance ❑f permits zn the area 6etween University Avenue, T_a�n Skreek, 57th '�„=eau^, and 58th e:venuc pending further consideration of the zonin� in th;.s area. FURTHER CONSI'ilERATIUN OF PROPGSED Ve�.�t CLtiVE PLnT Mr, Maddy gavc further advi�e to the Caunc��I an thc xaiarmat!o�i rece�_ved aix the Eina1 Y1aC of the Gan Cleve property, Lots `_2 and 13, ?,vdicor�� GLiodivls�oi� �,'92. t��rs. I,illiomen appeared befure the Council sl�owing strarg ob,�ct�nn to lxavzng any moxe roads go through the area laecause of tl�c increase ai taxes, Si�e aiso � stated tha� she would like to see 60Ch Avenue exCended to Artliur Street an� prthur ttzrough to Gareena rathern then have Qakwo�ciisanor, After disoussion, Councilnan Johanson rnoved tt�at ttie f-inal. p1a� Ue acce�3ted subj�ct to o.ze change of fi,ve (5) feet ircr�ase of dedicatzon east sid4 ai Gakwooe ?Kanor; and suL�ect to corrected de�da Lar i�lance o; ��aky�rood e�Iana�-, the deeds to be prepared by the Gity .>ttacx�4y. Itotion secondcd lay Diagel and upon bea.ng puz t� a vatc carried ,�itanimously, SEi:"�`Tll �,:l1:iil\TC OF CRUINAIICE RE:fGGi�Z1��IC LOT 1, 1li7liIT�J!?'S SJ�i➢].VISSGL4 i� II�, �3s�il cE1,TTPrL n�IBNtia, n;r��ITi�via Mr. Pladdy read L-he following G�rd�.nance: Iiti;+NCE NG. P37 r9N (SRDINt1NCE TU AAIGI'L� `I'i3E [GiJING Or�p1NLiNCr' Ui THI: CITY `U� i�II3LL�ka NIINNGSOTA BY P4eiILIiVG is CEi�;vGE 1N TiIB GGiVLNG DIS^iP.ICTS �3i;ZUE4TAiG LOT 1, AUIITTGB'S SL7EllIVIuIG�i �F �5', La14D CN2�TE..4I� E1V�. l�llITIt7Td j � A£ter a brief discussxon, Counazlman I�age1 move�� acee�tance of_ the sec�nd ar,d flnd readin$ and moved tht adoption of Qrdir.��ce P�o. 137. P4otion seconded 6y Wolke and upor �?;:irc; put ta a vo*_e carried snanimousl�. Councilman Va�el moved that publication of ��r_ireance nlo. 137 bt held olf untii City gets add�.tional dedication of three (3) £eet on the nortn f-rom C_ncral e�:venue to Highway ,E 65 to con£irm 33 £eet oL rxghi of v7ay ior 7�rd AE�enue. Iiotion seconded Uy i�elLCe an� upon bcing pui i o a vole carr��cl t�narimou�ly. �� CC7P7ST(1CI� 5� D!',V1S R�i'�P.TS Mlir'.11OGILA;SUS - SE�:(JTvD �DDITTON OF EP.CG, IA1C. i4-r, Comstac?c pr��eated tne Council with saritten preliminary reports on the street grades, sotria sec�res and sanitary sewer and water services for Pleadow- lands, Seco�ad ���diCion of �rco, Inc., which 'are to_be placed on Eile in the Citu ��ianegct'� �ffice �nd ,'s�_gineer`s OL-fice. Counc�lman .��hanson mc�ved accept�ag preliminary plat as reconunended by ' °la�ning Ccmma.ssion and 3irecting the C�ty Manager ko contact i:rco for deec ior c,utlac fF Z. P4ot�on seconded Uy Afagel and unon being put to a vote carried unanimously. LYND�,7.�' BUILDERS - SUBllIVISIGPd OF LCT G' 2, AIIDITGR'S SUBI7IVISION if25 Mr. Comstock presented thc Ccuncil with written reports of- the streeC grades, starm caater dra�nage and sanitary sewer and caater_for the proposed unnamed plat of 1_,�ndale �uilders known as Lot 2, Auditor's SuUdivision �k 25, wherein, Lhe mateer as to be reFerred Co ehe 1'lanning Comruission. 1�LTI2:G 6dITli pp�'I'vIALS FR4I1 '1'�Iis IIoS, NAVY AND Tti1: NOk:'CH�RI�I GRDPdAPiCL Pir, r,ox�.,tocic reported verbally on the meeting heid at IQorthern (lydnance regarding ti;e sewer situatian, They zndicated that they �aauld like to turn over thezr se��er system, and liEt s:atian to the City and the_[:ity in return wou'_Q mai��taiu secaer service Ca 1Vorthern Urdnance for a sewer servLCe char�e, P�tr. Comstack. irdicated that D�artharn G=dnance now pays and has been paying sewer asses�ments tp tlxe Clty of Rridley. tIe Lnclicated that theLr final camments were that they would appreciate every- ' Uody givirb seme consiueratio� to Che problen which they are now experiencin�. Councilman Jolxansoz rndicated Chat some type of con�ideration shoixld be givei� �_umicdiaCely, it beia;; that i.orthern Urdnance have always Ueen ready to oiie�: tlzei_r �suistaace to Che City. f[r, Coin�tock indicated Chat �t wou1� be wise tothanlc the situation over be- fore ar,y deiinzte declaton is mac�e, Coui�c3_1n�ai� I�iag2l moved tliat �1i. Co«zstock, Mx. Bourn - Chief Engineer for PIor�Lz�_-n �r�lnance, and C! t� Engine�r ior 1�linneapoli� ane l�ir. Kohlan, �ity ,���t�rney, iee2t to cume to some conluvion as to sahat can be tione ta impxove Lh� sewer seroice to S,farthern Ordnance rritLout 3eopardizing the Pridley capacit� !tito r�inneat�alzs, A1c�tion �ecunded U� Sohanson and unon being1xit to a vote carried unan�.mously. I�TOI.TI�WESTLRTI ��13TP�CPOLiTL�N REGIG?� SEG7P.R SUP.VEY T�Ai1 TIr. Comstacic in�'icated that he has been attending meetings as a c�tizen repre- sc�7tat�ve on the North�aestern 14etroaolitan ftega.on 5ewer Survey Team, ?�e siso stated that i� tlie Council oaashed to have hiin atCend �uch meetings representing tlte Caty, he *aould he more than ha�31�y to do sa. Iie also stated that at the � ineetli:g it ti,ies sug;esi:ed that if some mernber of the Council would attend such meetLnas, �t *,aas Eelt tliat each con•,nunity wculd gain mcre beneLit, Caur.c�.lman ri;,yk� mov�d that liayar LaGrange and ifr. Cemstock be designated to represent [he City onthe i�Torthweste�n Pietropolitan 2�gLOn Sewer Sixrvey Team. i�otion ::er_onded by Caunc�_lman r,1��e7 and upon being puC to a voCe carriecl unmZimoueiy. 1�iayor LaGrange recommended to the Council that the City t�ttarney be available far any aegattat�on necessaiy c�n th other Attorney'� of the Team, � �� QJLVE�9'; — �"iI.,I'iER`z, .sllllIT70?�� L�.Y, �DID3tf1Ck. iRV1C$tG'CI �L1HX L1C' �.13C� li1CL T.vl.t!1 TS, .�'i}1niLi'.'� SR;i ],1?CIi.Cc1C2�1 S:[IcZL' LilC-j/ had came to the agreement with T�Ir, SuafLer zhat �lte L'i�p c.�_11 �urnzsn cutveres as far as s�reet right-of-way, and 1�1r. ShaCier wili maintain a ditc�i unci� stern� scwer is available in tlze area. Ile =nciicated �:�ar a 30' culver� ��rould lae aeeded at Alaic and 75L-h. � Cour.cllmazz ,Ia�e1 moved tixat Conistack & D�vis be �uthaka.zed Cc �erform tn� stal.4ng for dra�nage purposes zn the SI�aL-fex Adcl�e�oa and autlicri•r.e tYae City L+'ngineer to purchase one or two culverts as recommended �y Comstocic � Davis. � � Notion secondeu Uy Johansor. and upoa beirb pui to a�=o�e carried +annn�mc�LSly, FUP�THEh CONSIaF.Rr`1TIDN OF PUA�ZIASE OI' RAi;IU �QUii1��i� �_ P"s. Hughes appearcd before tlze Council and or�eiec� tkiE members on Cne rzd:os that 1�e wisl�ed L-o obtain for various deparimen�s includzn� tt�e iire �egartrient. It was discussed Chat the equipment cou7d be 6ongh� =hrou�h khc Civ�.l De,ense proqram wherein there would be an amount paid U; the Pedera3 GoxJernment, I9r. Rugizes indicaL-ed tlzat tEze ameunt of the puxchase would "ne _ntne rang� oi ;�7,000.00. Councilman Johanson moved tnat the City ��ouncil aL�C2orize tLa� k1an�� �^c specifications be dracan up ior tcao way radza systeni and Lixat sa;.ci g],ans and specifLCatiozes be brought Lacic uefore kiae Council ior approval. Niotion seconded by Nabeland upon Ueing pi�� �.o a vote cazried unan�.mously, VILLE�GE QP I�IA.LTOP - AGREEttisP;T 'r'OK PIRL Cr.LLS Iir. I�faddy inEormecl the Ceuncil that aC a;revlous meeCing a£ LLze City Council, the City C�ttorney was to examine the ex�.sting agreemet�t. i�ir. 1;ahla�i indicated ihat the �'greement was all right and tlxat- �rie anly tlxing LhaU shoul� U� agreed upon was the amount that the Counc�l belleved that sl�ould Ue c:�arUed ior `'stand- hy" fee in lieu of present amount af $lOQ. After a bxiei discussion, Council agreed ci�at the amount ca£ s500,00 be �nserteu for ' stand'by" fee and that the Maraber anci City Attorney ncgotiate same cr�.�h 1ii11top. t,1so, discLSSed was that tLze ��mQUnt may i�e paick in two install�ents. CONSIll�RATION OF R�60ZIITIGN C�F Z?vT�NT TO 1;E4Lr�5T C0.'�iN'!"� Or �+r��C��Zd _G� r�1� Pt2i;LIt4INAP�Y STUDY OF Ml�IN STR�ET, I3UT IQOT TLPNIN� GVER 1�1LSAI ST:tELT TG ThE COU:v'TY AT THIS TTME Air. Kohlau read tne iollowing resolution= RL^:SOLliTIOIVT N0. 10.i-1959 [� RESULUTIO�: R�fji7ESTII�iG THL L'OJNTY Qt f�\C7.:A TO ruu� A STUDY OF THE t��GDS POR STREET Ii�1Pii(3JErIli1QT G1V Iu1ITd STP,�L1. Councilman t3agel moved tkiat the foxegoing r�solution be adopted as reaa, zaa that a ccr�ified copy be sent ta Mr. �ob Jolznsoti�, P.noka Coun�y Attorney. Niot�on secondad by Councilman i7olke and u�on batin� put to a vate carri�d unanimously, HC:(:�Y'T[:1�::L' OF Si..FJliR 1fLV"f1 Wll'L�A YR(iJEE CT 9F 1S LSPlD HP-Y'1:OVieL GF �''IDiti.L 1'AYl�LDi^LS TO LAMi.TTI (S & W 1F 15 INCLUDES TI+.LI1t�GE, RICL CP.�E.`. TLRRLtCL PLP_T �k 7, 61 WP_Y, G21� WAY, 62i LJAY, PAl�T OF BL'NZQETT - F.�I.lILR l�DUiTIdN ? �� Cauncilman Johan3on moved that the sewer and water pro�ect ;F 15 be accepted and thaC �ina1 payment Ue made i-o Lametti and Sons, Inc., in tize amount of $15,978.02. Motion seconded US- Glolke anci uQon L-eing put ta a vote carried unanimously. CCNS3D�RATiOP; l�P RLVISING PURCII#�9�, AGRCEP7F,N1 T^]IT[1 H03 HASRWITZ FOR ��uIP- 1�ENT d?T 7�1er5 Cc�ITiiP.L �1V�N(I� � rtr. Niaddy indicated to che Caunc;l that 11r. FlaskowLtz had been unable. to meet the payrneets for the equipment at 7365 Central Avenue purchased in _lpril, 195J. He noca wished Co ivalce arrangements to pay up tl�e balance in that t2e stili w�sned to purchase the equipment. Councilci�an �JOi�.e noved authortzing the City l�ttorney and City Manager to malce pro�er arrangemenL-s witiz �Sr. Ilaslcwitz far 6alance of payment. Motion seconded by 1Vag�i and upan bein= put to a vote carried unanimously„ FURTI3EA LUSI,N'ESS BUILUIN� INSPuCTGP. Counc�lman A�agel raised the questlon af wheCher or not the lluilding inspector was requiring iorms ior the construction af footings. [3e said he had heard a report that Eaociags had been piaced in ^uylvan Hi11s t�ddition s¢ithout the use oi Eorms. F3UILlli�dG S�'P1V�t�P,I�S CONIl�[ITTEt's r4:i:"1'ING - a':.TOBER 21, 195� lhe re}�ori. 'oy the Builr��t2� Standar4 Corme�ittee was received and discussed by the Couac�l. Items one, three and fonr were referred to the City Attorney. ' Areicle No, 2 �aas disapproved and re�ected by the Council. T e Coancll requested that ctte Cr,airman VErn R`�ndel, appear at the _nex.t regular council meeting to dlscuss the matter of Pee Collections and the power ni the IIuilding Insg�ec[.or 1n more detail. _ IiVERT A. CP,f,LSG'I�5 -� P�ll2i:Vl�i�l P4ANOR FlliDITFG'N Mr, i�[adlq 6rieied tne council on the matter of cleaning of sanitary secver lines in Parlcv�ew 17anor t�ddiezon, He iuformed the Council that 1Kr. Carlsoa could supply two men so tLiat the iine on I�athaway Lane could be cleaned immediately and determanation U� made as to cvhether or not there is any failure in the line before the CLL'y praceeds �Jitii sCreet cocistruction. Nn, �laddy indi.cated tlzat tize letter of L�greement senC to P4r. Carlson included the above alons; tvittz a provision that Carlson would pay the City $1,100.G0 for the cleanrng of aewcr lines Uetween hackrnan and Central tluenue, tIe sCated that h� caislzed Gouncil approval of same. Cour.cilmaxe Sahanson moved ta tatify proposed agreement as set forth in leiter Form !:o ,^_rvid E. Carlson & Sons, Inc „ dated 6ctober 19th, 1559. I�fotian seconded U� P?s�el and upon being put to a vote carried unanzmously. CG1.RE � YUAi�li N(,� COUNTY UF AN�kti, 1tEIMBUKSSMLIVT OF ELLCTION Mr. 11add-y read to r'oti�ncil correspondence received £rom 14r. I�cnneth ld. Campbell, [lnol a Cou�,ty .',ud�_�or, �L, regards to the resolution recently passed by the City Gouncil rek�uesi:,it; reimbusement for elctron expenses in connection with the county bo�� issue. C1r. Nladdy inEormed the Council that the County Board re- Ferrcd the utati.�r to the County Actorney, and he in turned ruled that t�ere k*as no la�a chat vreuld cnable the county to reimburse the City of Fridley for such cxp�nse. , � � � CLP.I2IG Councilman idolke moved approval. of Liqlioz I'��;�ct ::1 k, ri. '_, 70' �_�z -,� i;n �,__- , 20CLQII SGCOIiC� .'� f:}' .J9�ls'2:A..0'_ "�Rd lljJ011 �?c'1.il,p� �kEk. t� S �iG�=:. C:;L:.'...=� ��.�L .7 �l _..i=�. ;ouncilman Sohanson moued tl�at negular F°xnd Claims 2,?_16 thsougp 2,5�: b� approved. Niotion seconded by Nage1 and u;nz ����g pixt to a tiote �a�r�,��� u_x:n�.mausly. Councilman Joitanson moved :,ppx�a�*•il uf Pulbic Util�Ty Claims 697 tl�r4augl� 713, iKotion seco[ided by iTolke and upo.r_ �±��!=u t�'t �;, a vote carrtied unanimously, LICEN5�5 Counc�lman ?7olke moved approval ef the PolAo*;�;5g �icenses; G�:NERAL E1 - AuU Euilders D�ck Gregor Pau1 J. �chwartz Const.Co. h4ASONRY Russell, Er�ckson ?�IOVING Lale MQVers PLASTTiRI1JG Kenow Contracting Co. Nelson Stucca Company SIGN 13&iVGIt�G Naegele Outdoor Sign Co. 4L�4 =nomas Avenu�: NartA !F9SS 7ih SCreeC Pdli 5031_ 'enn tiverue ;iouth ?74Q York t1v���ue North ?81q Cencz�al Aver_ue ;•dP 631.a SOtn t�venua Nar[li i.�SO 9IItlt l,ane NS^7 333ii Un,aers�,ty �iirenue Sr^, Councilman .;ohansoat saconded the motion azad upon being ;u[ ta a vote carried unanimously, TASS OF 1JdTER AT HC�Y&� S�.HOOL t�5r. Maddy reportec; ta �_1�e Counci.l that �l�ere had t�eea� an inCerconnecr�on hetween tk�e Hapes �chool plubming systcr. scrved by mun�.ei�al ��a�er aixd the deep we17 located at the s�noul. �s a resulL oi this connect��n, tnere k:ad baen a large qunnity of rridley munrcipal ;aat��r tttat �as e� ;��i�ed into the deep well. He indicated *_E�at fuxther a_nf�xmati�n wil.1 be supp].�ed �o�l4w:ng investigat�on. A�JOi7RNMENT Councilman ,Jalke movel that the meetin„ be adaourned at 1"s.;SS a'c:.�ck �.M. on this 22nd day of Gctober, 1959. Mot�an carrizci unaniznousi.y. �,h ��. m�