10/29/1959 - 00024302���
sPFC1�,F. 1i�i�T�,q;, ar�",,, ��,��EV ��,7"��icLy - To?3Ex �9, 1959
A specia? -�ceti.x� oE th,. �',_•_� Council af thc City of Fridl�y was called to
order bv Mayor ±,aGrange at 7:3� o`cloch P.M.
1�I�mUers s'resent: �i4ayor LaGrangey Councilmen Wo1ke, Shzr�3aa and Nagel.
Meml�ers ALsent CouncYlman Johanson
C2ir�utes �i the Gctouer 21i7d, i959 meeting were read, Motion by EJagel to
approve sa�d minutes as reac�� IIotion s�can���d by Wolke and upore being
�u* �o a vote carri�a3 unaniunously.
R,LAS,3iSSillirif'C flEnts3216' - 5.5. -IF 4�_LGGHIS
?RO.iRC_r $14,118.35.
�r. Er�ins�l� a�;��.ore•i ;,ei�°� �Itie Joir�°�;. dw"_�1 _,�__..c�naic �osl.,:, ���__i the
��ubl�c -oas allocond to rl���ck their �ssessn.ents.
7'Liis ,�r�j�ct �a�e assessed by the met�lad ui s:�are footag�. Since the tizne
the asses.ni,�=� �-011 was adontec�, �1ctober 31, 1958, a quastiar. arove as to
YJN!°C�;P1 i.'T'_S �_��y! �C �Ar15 t9 �.13VC 1]CJ'P_ii 81�1'��un3 OIl a lot basis 8G had Uaen
dlacuese�t at L-ime of k�eakar.� to t,�roceed with gra�ect. The area assessed
zrcluded Oatc Craelc p,dditson an_t f7issi�szppi View ilddie�on. 'The orLgitta].
2s�essment cost was $1,a13 per 100 sr;u�s= Eeet, If thzs werr, spread on a
lat basis, tlie assessruent �aoulc �e $3b2.d�2 per lot.
1Kr, l+laddy -read corLespoidence r�caLVed fa-an :Im. ,;, i+I°°_,_219 Logan ?arkcaay,
M!ixn�apal�s 7�., li_nna�ota, wharein he atated he was uns�ble Lo a�_en�l the
meet�ag, th�r:fore, regis�ererl hie objectians tu tLe 4ssessment :,s it now
is recotded agi�s� tk�s pran"-r*_v located on Tot 14, Oalc Creel; :ldditian.
1Ie stated ],ot 14 da�s i�ot Ueneiit by tixe stcYn sew�r. _
��lr. Itug,?ra ap»eare�i b�fozc �lie Cuunci� a�� st-<�c�:d thati he felti that the,� people
��r�th large lots on t1?c Creelc are paying for som�thing that,they da not need.
He also _cd3_cat<��? that he taaul3 go along on th_e lut basic.
r1r, i�o�.t�lci tr�1± anpezreu audstated that r,�hen they agreed on the stor�n rc;7^r
-C u�as so tLey �ru�iil 7uwscr .ub-��r` �_ �..L��_ �� �he price of secaer 4aould go
do�m. �e s����cl !i� ,h�as no� m:i.ing ob�ection because-he riad agreed to it and
�s wi11r_ng to �aalee Che ga}nu�z_s.
��ir. Lo IIo1d�n aP13eare� an:] st�ts:d L'�n_ t=: .rould like to see it shared equally
aad no on tha sc,uare fo�= ba�a�,
.�Sx, Jesbc-r� sa_ster? cha* �z paad z[ze entire assessment and �aushed to know
ho�,v mucn more it e*ould :�:,' '.�3��. _, i.n1�_ca��r.? chat he wanted sewex and water
iu tlze rxea and that =d� *aent arannd to each of tl2e iav�aes in thc area and 24 out
ni ?7 wanted s�;ae� .J:tid caater Iast year, and he arishe:� T_� i.no�,* what had
1Z21;pea�ect to �ize peL�t�_e�z.
He was infar�ned thatat Chat time, CoLecik Yans conte�plaL-it:g .nakin� a cht4a��
:,E eng�izee�-s nnd dtd not wisn ta authnrzz2 any furt�zvr ���a�i. until they laa3
agr�ccl o.i a t3ew engii�eeriaiP =�i!n, alttieu�h the ��rorl: 5`�ollc' �� started either
�L�i� €a17. or ea'rly ne7ct sprLng.
i�sr. 4�ro?ke I�oi_zted aut t1�ac �1�� or�ginal c3esign of the sawer interccptor system
saas iFiecequ��#: and tnat by this -reason the State Departmcnt o� 3ealth lelayed
aaProvai af tize se:aer anc saater alans for Logan Yarlcway and held up the work
fo�- ' ;:ircy clays tL=is fa11, -
?t was nointed out L-hat a�art of the ciclay in proceedin� �•it?� ":e r_ontract for
sewer a��i�� e���`_c� :n Looan Parlcway thi� iail was caused b} �•�iu�t�ZC_ oa «I.� �e�=
_- �l�e Seate Uepartment of iiealth in nyprovin� o£ th° pl;i�:3. The existing
agreesent ;�lth the City of Tixnnea,�olis a�lows only 5,62 cubic feet per sevond Flas�
ai YO
of sewage effluent into the Minneapolis sanitary sewer system. At t�ie time
of this agxcaa:e�nc in 195�+, and thc xayg.e+���G�t ��= c:� ��roposed uvex-�11 sanxtar�
sewer syste.n �l�e a.,�forrua*_i.��;z supplied to the State fiepartnen� of Hea9.�1�,
appears now to 3�e quite in.»r.cul�u�� because the future populata.nn o£ Fxilla�r
was under esC�mated anci in addition, since that time addiCionsi rn^� has beer�
annexed to the City of Fridley. Fser�u��. r he Scate llepartment oi HeaJ,Giz ek�is
fa11 recognized these inadequacies they told ��e !.'it;r v���GZCiI �hat t�t�e proposed
ex[entiun of sanitary sewer line in the Riverview .ie�.acAts a�aa -����;.:1 -��__ 1az
� ,spproved by them unless the City of Pridiey were to a;x^c tu ;�Teyar�M and
submit to them a revised overall sanitar;r sewer plan that wa�ai.? �� �vaz���,uU
s��r�aice to some equivalent area in the City aE Fridleyz show tizat the rotat
area of rridley could be served by the san�tary sewer lines as desx;aied and
constructeci without exceeding accapted des�gn capac�tzes or submit prap�sui
to show some new source of capacity to sert�e tk�e Sal�acr of :ridle�� during the
time of �his consideration, the sewer anri watar plans for �r�gan :ari:wa}� c�ere
alsc held up by tlxe State Departsnent of HeaLkh.
Doctor Sipe appeared-before the Cuuncil s=ating he washed to know wlzy angineers
have been driving stzkes in L-he area ana tkA�n p�llin� ttzem out in Logan Par?cway.
He indlcated that the entire neighbor�ooc' vac�v a.�zitatea with the wliole situatzon
and with the Councyi. t!c stated tliat he was disgusterl calt[x tlic strarm s�:;^x,
it ncw being any good because there ks t.=_r payer carc:ring �he catch Saasins
and the;* are fill�e:g u� ,a!rk: -'�rn� .:n�l W� Lt `�a,• �-. ,�. xepaired, wlxecein thcy
will be assessed apain for son�ething tl:ac n�.� ;�. �°en propexxy talcen �arc
of through the fau1C of the Cifiy. He also indicated that he ciidn't 1�ice Ghe
strect not being brought to grade. He aiso stated that hc w.�,Ad lilre t:o see
sewer and -watcz irz ri�� area so khe road �auld be [o�ed ana the dust elimznatea
or at leas� hrin, t��� .�a�; t: ;cu-, �;;� tLie cit�zens of the area co��Id . ee it.
He indicated that he was wxlling tn go on a lo� basis,
Counca.iman Sherician stated '�13a�. :,,, '�� recalled Che Eirst hearing aC ti�e ttr.ie
of putting in the storm sewer in the arez ne recalled the people Ln khe area
to have agreed on tl:: :osG �u b: as� r�' an a lot basis.
� Mr. Linton appeared before the Cauncil sta[ing that a po11 should be takera in
the axea to see what alkernative each indiui3ual homeowner pxefe�:A-�.c,
�ouncilman Wolke stated that if such a po17. was taken t[tat �t sL�ould be a
confidential one wherein the memtaer of �4e counc� i c�r emch, �;r-, �_rtl�'�y�, in tAZe
area does not know what the otlaer voc� n,
Mayor LaGxange questLOned Mr. Brunsell as to the assesen:ent of Herb Eacon,.Tr.
pxoperty. Ifr. 13ruas�ll indicated that $674.25 ia e�a�� pre�sent assessment anri
that tie �s��s>men� would be $362.00 if changed to a per lot basis.
Mayor LaGra.;g: a-�lled hearing to a alose.
COST -_$53�147.46
Tlte contract for the improvement was awarcc to l,.�mc+�t:_:. Sons, L-oGa: cost -
(sewer) $37a043.78 plus $105.00 put in by ocmer; anci Tota1 Water C�st -
� $I6,103.68 plus $9J„83 put in by uwx«z, The riethud oL au;,.,;�nent wvuld "ae
one annual installment - 75% on a building site Uasis and 2S% on a front foot
basis, The area to be assessed wauld inc.lude Bever?;r �-I=ies, _4�x +.,i=1 IIi11s,
HOrizon Iieights, Swanstzoms Additiou and riuc:xtor's Sub i� 9E�,
Tnere being no ob3ect,.oas, Mayor LaGrange called t�earing to a close.
SEWLSZ ANb W`�TE:R Ii+fYltUViP��`N'1' �"���TECT 4k 1E+ -?95d �OB COSTS Ai�TD CvSSN,"SSS1E:t�' n.^,SIS
N;OORE Lr1I:E HILLS -- COATT:�1C10t - i,A'13?'TI
rtayox LaCrantv �.i11^� h3ar!i�^ oaenad on tne above described area.
ihE tes�Ai z;.usr „,_0'S,U`, (" -_� _ 3�wei �y37a991.7_9� Tat11 WateY $ 2/F,086.30)
��ze metl�c�d oi assessm��it caauld Le tc✓enty annual instaliinents, 75 % on a
building sz�n }�euis ancl 25 % cn a front foot basic, The area ta be
assessed iiz�?u�ed bioora L�?ce t--i11e, y5art of I�uditor's �ubdivision „' 88, and
ui2plat"ed Sectzo.. 24. _
Therr lie�n� n� r,6�ecticns, 1�layor �aGran¢e called the ltearir_; to a close.
SLWG� AD1�i G�;�rEit r?,SFR43Vlii��i��1 ;'�tLo.f��'^1 l� 1C,, 1�5�� � P1tEA INTEI:C�FTOR, ,TC1B �
COSTS :�1VL` ��5�1;S5PLnDTT Ti�.9T5 � �
�ICii Cn.T'�I; TEIt1:Arli� FLt,T iF 7 ADSD PA?iT
ti��or LaG'ra�_�L �rnened hearin� oiz �?x,� a1:,=a� descrxb�d. Iie indicated `hat
t;�e �otal assessmcnt wc�1d '_� ;38,041,03, The metho� of assessmenC based
on TS % on a Pu�I�ing �iiCe bav�� �nd ,'S `! on a fiont fioot basis, wheretn all
af L:�ce Cre�L :�=rrace Piat 7, LcC ts r,Lrtc]c 1 and LoC 1, ,�lack 2, itice f;ree.c
;'errace P1at G, �aoulc b� as��essed,
TLtier� b�lr�g ec �`�; �ct� osis, .�Tasror ! ariGngc called hearing to s clo�e.
;rr,�r��� �u,m ��f�i3° �;b"'E+:��_r �T PRG.�LC"L JE t5 - 7550 JUL C45'T5 FSIR ASS}3dS1�IEl�T
13F1SIS � ��_�- -- - - --
i�i�Clzo�l �i asses;;nient based on Cw�nt,� :.c_�u�i insCaZlments - 75_;; on a building
s�.te aacl ?5 i o� a`ron: E��L i�,sciss the area to be assessed -_Elwell's
PiveYside �(exgLzts, Lund Addition, Lot 39, Auditot's Sub�'zvision -0r 77,
Ther� Ueing no abiection�, Tfay�ar LaGrange called hearing Co a clos�.
!'fl.],I�P. E�DDI7'ION � CGNL'R6;C'POi. � Lt:A'1:TTI
Mayor �aGrange opened hcaring on the aUoae. 'lotal cost of rsssessment $27,9J7.31.
Tota1 iJater - 518,343.47; Se�•�er -$�,563�34. Thv area to be assessed - part
ai Bonny Suditzon, L�ennett I'aimer 1;dditioa and hyde tark Padditian.
There bc,�ng r.c> o��ectians tc the aUove, a'�layor LaGrange ca11e-1 hearing to a close.
SLta�R �I�ID 67�1TCP II1P�{tCEMENT PR�.7S�CT ll }.5 - 1958 -.10�C CGSTS I�TD la�S�:SSMENT
13p,53S -� �_
61z rJay;LL 62AID 4�(B�Y�--62z 'mf11Y F1.OM EF�ST
TRAC1:5+- CUTdTRliCT6R - Lt1i9L•T^1i �
lrtayot :.uc�;.-�?_ opened heariag on th� above describe+l.
?otal (:cst -`,�20,t�?�u,74. Metho_� of Assessrnent Uased on tacr.�y annual install-
inenCS, ;5 % an a building e�=t� basi� ant3 75 _% �rf � faor.t _�c��c '�.u�, �_� �
ne assesacrl - Fxidley Park Addition, �
� zere oeing nc o���ections to t(ic abovey l�iayor �,aGrange called hearing to a
ciose, -
.iTORNi S.3T]�R L'RG.iEC;�C iE 4
Counca�man N:gei rnovad th::: eh: _��1u�:�� i��_ i:�:!..:,cssment for STorm Sewer Pro-
iect ,� � be denied.
?�latio� sacended by S;zeridaa and upoa being put Co a vote carried with Council-
man Shei;�au abstaizzing.
LtliSOLUTTON �1��PTiI'Q(; Sr:�3�,p ���, r,"�,E .�"!73CT 9k ln 1958
.fr. Bxunsell rea;1 tw.: fc�:;.,�, �`�^ zesolution.
RESOLUTIc1N b�n. 1�4 - i_9S9
t;-RESOLUTIUP7 COPII�'Ii.iiING AS�LiS;;it'�NT F4R SE�J�� P�iD [n':.TE�i
TMPKOVENIGNT �'1�iaJi�C',`1' '7 '�i � 19S&
� Councilsnatl Ivagek .nuv�:�. ad��t�„o�. ��� t-xe E,�_a3�a��-:�, _��.__i - ,, ,' , �.-
SL�COACIEC�. L�j" .+;7C4'Sr�,:.il SSld 'U�IOR �7�'lRQ'-, PllC t.0 '*,)? � "l �",�? �_ G.'. �.
RESULULIGI�'� .-dSOPTING SL1�L'R i1tVL ilALEZ PRG3LC�i ;i i5 - 1959
t1r. 3ru=�aeil ;ea3 tFao E«.1:�*ain� rnsolat c.
1tTS'SOL[I'TI�i�1 NG. !OS , 1;5`�
A i�ESOLUTI(JN COD1FIRl4IbfG !�SG�5a7,:Ni" F�JE Ssbr�F n.��1i �'��—
It4PRGVEb�fd7' P,;GS]'sCT If 15 - 195$
Counci7?n2an W�1}ce roova�� t1,a� =7y,, iu, °go�xig �eso?ut�.o� be adopUed, P�lot�.�.�
saconded by Ivagel anci upon being p+zt to a vote carried unanuaausi;�,
ifayor LaGrangc ���un�l `:e.ryng on servicc conr.ectzans ci[�exein inlix7ic:uals
connecteu cr: to the main system, 1Ir. F�rurs�zL read a list oE tlze J_oat
There l�eing no ob,7ections, 12ayar LaGrange calleci t7=axk��o to a close.
� Ri:SG7,UTLi��T �il)UPTING_1959 SEtiJ�R e��.➢ t7GTP;-i �y1sP,VECE GY�t�dP�;CTS0I�i3
PQr. 3ruas�7.I rc_d t'.z� fo11,,,-�r; resoluk�a.1:
P.ESOLUrF,slni �VO. l��a - I959
67L.TER SikVICE COnIT�➢'s�x�CP�S
Counciinian tidalke moved_ that �he forego���g x�so]�t±�a:: �e adu1��=d a,s �-�ad.
P•Iotion seconded by Hagel and upon Ue�ng p_it �_o G vat�> carr�ed una,��mo,vly.
��r. Bxu�zsell stated to tl�c ��u, cii *_hat ��;ez-e caas an a_ror ��z compuCa�icn
in 1954 on- the square £�otsge on th_ easc 15� feet �f -1�e norrtz ;O�J feze
�f PT�4 ❑f iVT3y, Sectioil i�E. _
Counci7man Wolke .nov� ��o reduce the asse,smant on tne east 15D f��^_t :a£
north 300 feet of NS•7-;; of tkce N�4 af Sert�;,�x 24, uecause oz errar �n cai-
culatxon of the square £ootage in the arGiva] assessment ro11 in thearoicnt
nf $60,90,
� ?�Iotion seconded 'oy uheridan and upon being put �c� �.�ate car-ried unanir�ousiy.
.TAh�S E. e�IIE1L�Y - Gi2C �l:b�VTT�I D1.LU,"�.
P�R:SIT TC CC�NSTRUC'i' .'1TTP,Chi:u GeS'.vG;, TU
[JITtiIN Ti-�;tE1i FEliT�CoF T'r€fi �iIUE LOT L�bli:
,� tvr
i�ir. Quale� appeared beforc tl;�� 's�szcil request,.ag a�ermtt :o�xiciz U,as reccatl��
requested from the Council to build an �.ctached garage w�thi.� �'xre� �3) ize�;
of sidc lot 1ine, Mr. Qualey`s nezghbor, ;.iho orma tnc 1ot tidao�z2bng, appo�icd
hL'iGT^c �"�G �iJ��-:��._ L=:.i.'..-1_� ;li'. Ci.�� riOt 11$V2. 8R� OtJ]E'Ctl.DR3 i.0 trYE �3Y'$62� lt.
b�ing on I?is Ued�-ocrn side artd that he hacl ten (1Q} feet from �is lioixse to the
lat l=nt, and that !�lr. Qu�1ey aiso liad titit-��e (3) feet leavin; a space �� 13
feer between t�c tao liot*ses.
fir, i2uzlejr atated to the (;�u,ci� �;iat he needed a two stall garage and that
the sztuat�an was t�zat the fia•e11a�e located on th� side where th: garage
raas to be Placed taok ug 13"' c,i ndcli��o.�al spsce,
Ccu�cilmar il�ge� 7ic��rad �?:z`_ �he s�de yarcl requirer�ients ba waived at b120 '
TriniLy 7r�tre ta permbt cr}r_ctruction �f attached gara�e. Motion secan3ed
�iy Councilnian Sharidc�zz, and upon bezng put to a vote car_ie3 unanimously.
t�iG+"SCYLUTb^.Pl �tS '��"'_'RLa� LIG'ttTINC' BY N�$'PSiERIri S1'L1TE5 POT�rIElt CUT�PANY
I�ir. Brunsvfli read the fo1?owing resolutian for 15 � 10,000 Lu�ne;: incandesca::t
averhead lamps Co be supplzed �y the idci*_hern States Power Company.
L.li:iOLEJ'CT��r,t D1Q. L�i W 1J59
t� ltt�50LUTI0N AC�35u!'�"17� �!����:i7 �Jl �1JRTHERtd STATiS P047I3R
C:C71_'7PANY lY) "URI�TISH 15 � 1�i,DOD L[T1N7:N SIdi.AIQDLSC,^a.�IT LAriPS
Caunciimaci i��n;e1 inove�l thaC the ioregoing 'rasoliit»r. b� adopted. Plotion
seccn�led by Slieridan anci upor. i,��r;p y=�t �v ���e�e carried unanLmons]y.
�UHTI3ER i3USIi�73,�5
S�:I�Jtil: �i��:J �,,rh%Ci� FiLLIA1G
l�Iaycsr 1.aGrange stated that severa3 cxtiz�: s �� +'�� area have indicated that they
would lilce to rece��i� b�;;_n� �f t�ie samti, 10 - 15 days in advance of the due '
date becaus:a several residsnts det pai� twica manehly.
Nir, 3ru2�,s=_1 !°s,�r�_�i �� ?'he e;zyor that he realized thati bills have becn going
ouC iata but =_t kras due ta the fact tliat tltey only have one machine i_� use,
it be�ng t!cat tne one �hey ordered for water billing is being used ar �he
pre�eat for s�ec�.a? .nssessmenc billings 1�ut as so��c, as it is completed, the
caatar nilling wall be sent ouC 1�J -�5 daya prev�ous of the Ui11Lng daee.
Nfayar �aGr�noe directed the City �Ctorney to rhECk to see ii- the island located
in P�onre La::a i�TUaed�ately south of the St, Phi1?ips Luthern �hurcfl can be ob-
Mayor TaGraagc zndicate� t',7aC t�e "�ufi t,�en informed that I'r�d;ey caauld acquire a
sula-statlon Eor yost office facil�L!�e�, That he had suggested. that Chere ci�uld
be a ae:a sl�o�n!a� center located eehind thc National Tea and they would probably
acquire spsce 1_r. the 4_va �u_ ����,eW
Councal;��an 3l�erirlan moved that Liquor Punci Claimu 1,324 through Z,344 Ue appraved, ,
ri�,t� or� ;�ecnnd��l by �J011ce aad upor being put to a vote carried unanzmous].y.
Councilman Jolke moved that General rund Glaims 2,256 through 2,2£31 be approv���l,
Ic,t�_on ._�ondz�i L� Stzcridan and upor� b�ina put to a vote carried unanimauely.
Councilnar� �'rae� ec',i__ .no�c ] that Public L'tility Claims 714 through 724 be approved.
1�Iotion s�co±,��d by tilolke and upur. oeing put to a �ote carricd u_�ani,�����l.y.
at'fTJ,S � jT'r'.N N!'+� �I 1��
Couttcilsai� 'dal�ce moved that meeting be ad�ourne? th1 29th�y o Oct ber, 1559�
at 1�.30 c'c}.c�cic ?�M, Motiori car°ied,
--L--�= - __
iaT�CGT ��il�.ViIi C. Riti�OlS�;r.;, .� CL;s'P,L . u�t Pxank C. Gran , r.