11/24/1959 - 00024292��I SP�CIHI, I1L�TIidG GF T'dE CTTY CQIINCIL - tiC^��13��LS�R 24, i959 A specx.al meetin� uf the City Council, C� �;r cF r'ri dley, caaa �<, ^? er.; to crde� a� "r:40 a'clock P.M, fiy Mayc: Pro Tem Wn3l�e, M?xnbers Pt�esent : Counc�lman Jolxansen, [�olke, Sli�r°_dzra and !�1age? � Plembers ��bsent: Nayor LaCrange (.9rr�ved at l.45 o'cincic F,M�) DISCUSuIOId 1'.�GAP.DING APPQTItiTN�NT OP .SECi;L^'TF1'.Y TC CQUNCiL City P�anager ;LTagnex pointad out tlaat the� e;�rGs nced to a��Faint a Secxetars% to t17e Council because of the resignaz�.cn oi Nirs. �3ve '_-Iolmea fron-: thcse dutLes, The City Manager stated that he felt thzt it csas ui�necessaey ce Liave the minutes taken �n shorthand er c� tape recordin,;, ared, altixcugh it was not his function to maice a recommendatior, in t12�s matter, he tiv�+uld like ta suggest that NLr, I2arvxn Brunsel"s, the Cit, Cleric, �ie �ppc_�,ted the Secretary of the Council, at least on a tr�al baszs, Councilman Jahanson moved that riarvin Brunsell be appexnted Secretary �o the Cauncil, Motion szccnded tay Sheridazx. Ugor. a voice vc�te, Woike ard Nage1 voted "nay", Ifayor ;,aGrange� Shez!dnta and uohansorx uote�3 "�;ye", Moti,on declared carried. APPEI�L (�F SPL.CIAL ASSL:SSI�1��'T TN NIARIAN iiLLS FJ'�I:11 City Manager read an appeal concerning ti�� aasessments certif-icat�.c,n in the Marion 1lilis and Horizon IieighL•s develapments, Thas atpeal was from r„yInan Smich representing Iiarvey "r`etezso+� Cievelopment ::eznpany, o�n�rc�n, they are appeal�.ng that the assessmenXS are �nvalid a:�d unconstLtLtiona2, Tae � Citv T4anager stated that th� Citp AtLOrney had �nfarmerl h�m �hat no ac�aorz was neaessary at th�s tame. RL20riTD<G Oi' LOT l, AUDZTOR'� SUB➢IVISIOSd ir` 59 The CZty Managez presented F3.ana af the picnc�ec crr-s_c- rw_1.�� �� ; u, �,� -' E.udLtar's Subdivisian fF 59. Councilman uher�dan moved that the City Manager have tL�e Ordinance gre�ared on thc rezaning of Lot 1, �uditor"s Subd�v�.sian !f 59 wath thc stipulac�.on thafi i£ the building is na[ started with�n one (�) year o� Ghe efzective da�e of the Ozdinance, the land wz11 revert i�ack L-o tk�e present zon�ng. Motion secended by Sohanson. Upon a voice vote, tliere iaeing na 'n^ps`° rhe Mayor declared tha motion carried. Mayor LaGrange proceeded to conduct the remainder af the me�ting. CLOSING OF CITY OFFIC�S - DECEMEER 24, 1959 Motion by Nagel to authorize the alosing the ciCy e�fices at 12:D� o'ciocic noon on December 24, 1955, Motion secondeu Ujr Councilman ?dolke. L'pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the metion rarried, AACCEPTANCE QF STREETS IN RIC� CREiR TERRACE - 7'CII [�iD2T26� Lv�VD A1Pi:OVEU OP MASNTENANCE BOPID The City Manager sfiated that BarCon Construct�on would ]itce fil-�e Cit„� ta tal.c action to accept the streets in Rice Creek 'Perracex 7t�i Addita,an, and that tixe developer is wi].ling �o post a PerEormance Band, xn the amount o£ $2,SOO,DO to take care of un£inished work in this ares, The llirector af PubJzc Wazks stated that exaepC for the seal coat and some drivecaays that need touching upa the streets were acceptahle in Rice Creek Terrace Plat r'� 7, and that the $2,500 bond was adequate to cover this work, Tne Ci,ty 1�ana�er stated that in addition to the Bond there was $1,700 in escrow valiich caould Ue retained Up tixe City. ��� Counciiman Joti7anson moved to accept the streets in Rice C;reek Tarrace Ylat r7 ��roviding that driveways are corrected whictt are uttsatisfactory, and approvLng Che amount of the Uond, �Iotion seconded by Sheridan. Upon a vaice vote� thexe being no nays, the Mayor declared the motiot� carricd. COMS'COCK & DAVIS 67:.TER SUPPI.Y 3EPORT ' NIr. Les Knutson, of Comstock & Davis, gave a detailed explanation of their report on the water supply, and �nswered questions of the council relaCive thereto. Cnuncilman Wo1ke moved that the City wait until somethLng definite_can be deterrninEd from the City of Minneapolis on their water rates before the C�ty of Fridley Cakes �ction_on this matter, and Chat_the City Manager and City ttorney are directed to write a letter to Minneapolis Water Department indicating the interest of the City of Fridley in the Minneapolis water supply, ar.d that tliis matter Ue brought up to the Council as soon as something definite can 6e determzned regarding the water raCes. i�ioCion seconded by Nage1, Upon 2 voice.vote, there being no nays, Mayor LaGrange declared the motion carr<ed, CITY Ht1LL �UILllING Ntayor LaFrange staCed that something should be done as far as the City ftall Buildinb is concerned, 6ecause of the cramped quarters in the various departments in Che present structure. Sheridan stated rhat the City Manager should have time to become orienCed ' before he is asked to make a report on the sub�ect. e�D.aOURNMENT Councilman Johanson moved that the meeting bead,7ourned Chis 24th day of November, 1959. Motion carried, Meeting ad,7ourned at 11:00 o'clock_P,M. FTT'r',ST ivt �,M . � CITY CLERK - Marvin , Brunsell `• ��QN4.Pi i MAYOR - Frank C. LaGrA '