12/21/1959 - 00024279�� P�ETING 0� T;iiy' CITY C�JUNC7L I1�CEi�S���R 21, 1°Si �� special �ie�ti�t� �f c'�,. �_'�y �uLrccLL, City of Fridley, was called to r,rder }�y 1�i2ycr LaGr�ngc at 7.40 o'clock P„1�. i�lembers .'resenC: f4ayor LaGrange, Councilmen idolke� Johansan and Nagel. ! � Wo1ke arrived at 7�45 P.M. Nleni�ers [:�sent. Alone. ' AFP�tG�1f�T, CJT i�1InUTES f�Iotion Uy ,�ohanson to approve ��.� a���=x�ce:� oi December 10th, 1i59 �neeting„ Nlot�on �econded �y Johansc�n� unon a voice vote, there being no nays, the �notion caas declared to liave been passed unanimously. Caunc�lman FloLke arrived and assamed Che duties of acting Mayor. VISIT±�P.:i Mrs„ Wo1ks1, 501 57th Aveiiue caas presenC and stated that she wou]d like Stn Street between 5/th and 58th ciosed. Tliis is a 30 foaC atreet. She stated there cfas a traific problem on this sCreeC� Following a discussLOn, Mr. Comstock staCed ha would not "like to see this street vacaCed until the searm se+aer is pixt in tae area, _ Councilman ,Fohanson moved tLut �i?2 �ity ACtorney be Sirected to draw up a resolution closzng 5th Street hetween 57th and 5&th to traffic, and the s�reeC :s to be closed pending passa,s,c of Chis resaiation. No further proceedings wi11 be talcen ca th. vacation of this street until the utilaty ' needs ii� che area are ks�ocan, P4otion seconded by Nagel, Upon a voice vore, t:tere bea.nu uo nays, the motion was declared passed unanimously. Ms. Karpe �dh�� 'rcai.��c on Ironton SCreet was present and inquired as to what .ai1'_ br done with the problem orhereby some houses on IronCon Stxeet zre 1�caCed on the street right-of-way. F.f*er a d�scussion, !:ouncilman Sheridan moved that the reconmiendations of the PZanning Gommission be followed and a street dedication of fifty feet be eccepted ra�E7u *han the sixty=six foot righC�of-way Eor that portion of Ironton Street in question where houses presently exist on said ri,ght-af.- way, hlotion secondeo by [dagel. Upon a voice vote, there l�eing no_nays, thc S2apor declared the motion carried, Councilman Johanson abstained._ S1r. and i4rs, ilon T3eamer, 7576 Last ;-_ver Road, were present and stated theLr dogs had i�een picY.ad up and thaC their dogs had been kepe in an enclosed pen with the gate loctce�, so they could not have gatten out by themselves. They state3 aps�are�rtiysome o£ the children in the ares had iet the dags out. l�:otion by Jahanson to release the two dogs provi�i�.� `he Beamers pay the pick up fee of ;�2.OQ on each dag being that the Seamer's had applied for a relea�e the same da;% the dogs were picked up and this will noY_ establish a precedent, 1Kotion seconded b� Nagel, upon a voice root�, there being no nags, the motion was declared to have been passed unanimonsly. � Mayor LaGraage arrived, Wo1ke continued as Mayor Pro Tem. �'TPST P..?"�llING OP ORDLNANC� REZaNING Jr J. :;. Cr :iC; FARM The ioliowing Ordznance was read: aR.� iiillPdCE AIV �P�'=LP1friCE 1G �,I�ll,Nll TEIE 'LONING QR➢INANC,� O7^ TH� CITY Or FRIDLEY, 1�fIDIPSL^'SOT�1 BY S�(ARING A CHANGE IN ZCNING llISTKICTS. � ���; �i,_� Councilman Jol�anson moved that t�se foregoxna Grdin�r_cz �c �.rce,ar.er1 as the first readino of the Urdinance. Pio�ion secondcd 'oy ��Ialke. Upo❑ a voice vote, there �c��ig �to nays,ti�e 1�Sayar declared t���: mot�on carried unan�,rious ly, SE(:0[VB Rlif�DING OF-GRDINANCE R�GONING &OT 1 - AITiITi.�R'� SUL�DZtiESIOTd n S � -�., �. _- -- �,! ORllINAI�TC? �TG. 138 A1� 6RDINr1NCE TO ANIE��TD THE 7QNING Or�IxJE1.T��g OI' TE:E CITY OF FRIllLEY, NiIDTi`iESGTA BY 1�1�1C1P1G A C7�`�:3G� T!+� THE 'LONING UISTIZLCTS The foregoing Ordinance was read. Counc� lman JoUansor. motred LLAar Orda.nance No. 130" be accepted as the second and f�nal readiag of tl:e Or��na�ce, 1�Iat�on seconded by LaGrange. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, t}xc iiayor Pro Tem declared the motian carxied unanimous]y, P.LSOLUTIQI�I Cr'.DERIIQG PItLLIt1INARY PLr"ulS ANG Sni:CLFICATrC?IS OF �6ST5 `�I'L��O?: LYND �LE f;Uf LllERS - 4Trl dil�D=! iaiV '�he follnwx�x; zesolution was read: RESGLUTIGN N0. 114 - 1)59 A RESOLUTION ORDBRING PRCLIi��iDi«+Y PL=ll�TS, SPECIP'� CCTI=�NS AND ESTINfATf:S Ur THE C65TS T'H1iItcQF: LYND�°.L: T3IiZL�f=iB � LaGrange move3 that the foregoing resoluticn Ue adol�ted a� iea�, �iotzon seconded by Johansoa. Upon a voice vote, ti�ere Lein� no na=•s, �he moLion was declared passed and carr�ed by Tiayor Prn _ren iJ?1.1c�, � CONSIBERATIGN DF L'XCHANGL' OF PROPLRTY iv1TE: SCHC7UL I115TRICT The agreement for the exchange oi land between Scizoo�. Distric� ik 14 anct L�ze Czty oP Fridley was discusserl - the land involved i:� locatecl in ��faare uake Addi�ion and Vineland Addition. GouncLlman Johanson maved that the P4ayor ai�d :nanaoer be autt�oi;.�ed c�a �ign the Agreement for the e-r.citan�e o� tixis land wxzh Scl�ao� �iistrict (� i4„ 1�4o�.ion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, tliere vc�ng no nays, �h�� :�Iayox Pxo Tem declared the motion carried. RESOLIITIOI� ON GRADE APPP.GVN. D2 - 601 - 03 STE�id GF Af1NI�SOTF The follocaing resolutian was read: l�SOLU'iT O,�T N6. 1i5 - 1i59 A RE SOLUTIO.d CN GRA�E APPRO"u Fi Lv'Z ��I S �2 TE i3 � I�1LrINL^ SOT�:. Tize sUove resolution was read. �ouncilr,i�2 ��iA�cidan moved the adapt�.ar: oE L-he above resolution. Ttotion seconded by Johanson. Upau a volce vote, [iiere bk�.as, no nays, the mayor declared the motion carried unar.�.mausly, RLSGLUTT�JiQ +3NGR.�TIIi APPROVAL 02 - 60� 0� ;ixL�'EE C7i 1L1ViV�rSO�'A ��� The folio�aing resolutian �.aas read: PusSQLUTi(7Pd td0. 116 - 1)59 �� RrsoLU�r�ro�,t �ia rm.�zs ���ovnt, �az� srar� or� rRCm�es�r�a Counc�lman Sher�drn moved the adoption oL- the resolution. t;otion seconded b;r Jat�anson. Upon a voice vote, there lleing no nays,the motion was de- clarec, carrx�d unanimousl�, Ar,SOLI1Ti0A1 Cl1L!_,I!�1C 1'iJ?Li�' ���'.^S?L^t^ ON THL n1ATTE;R GE CUrISTRUCTIGR� GF �.ERTAli�i I1�IP�OVli1���i�STS � LYL�tU:'.Li: BUCL!�i:PS 5T1iEvTS Tlie fotio�.r.a resc!utian was tead: RLSCLUT2C1Ld PIO. l L7 - 1,�SN .. ?tES�7?.L1'�Q�d CL,i,LING ?'UPLCC HI3AP�ITdG 0?d THE PSATTE�: 61 CGNSTRIICEION f�F CLRTC-.i_td I1IPROVLNL.NTS.- LYNilAL� BIIILDERS CoLmc��man �ohansen rioved the approval oi the atove resolution for the purposP oi correcttng the record oE proceedings and make the order of proceed!ngs conform in strict measure cu�th the r_equiremenrs of the statuCes� it is arov�uect t[xat a fnrtt7e't yu6lic hearing be held, Yiotion seconded by LaCrange, ii,�on a-veice �ote, tliere ��eang iw nays, Che mction caas decla�ed carr:ed bj i�iayor ?'ro 'Cen i�lolke. Ei::,JLLfTitiDi �I:�LCT'ING ISSTSFNC� GP Tiii�IPOPAC<Y BONDS Ot4 155!,-' STP,EET PPOSECT T?ze fc1 ioia�rg res�i7.Lxt�.on was -reacl: .:�SGi,UTiUP� !�0. 11k� - 1��Si � 1LSOLUTION DZr�1;CTln!G TiIB ISSU:IVCE O7P TT�MPG �6iRY BUiVDS OSd 1�59 STR�liT' PP6J�C1 Counc�!m�n �l�eridar. inoved th� ado�tion ef- the above resolution, Nlotion secondeo L;r Johanson. Lpon �i voica vote, there being na nays, the Ma}ror Pro Tem iloll,e declaied thc- moL'_c�� cs�rr�ed. RL+"Si7tITrI�Pr �,Ln�3�'^,_srar ��ic i��!FCHHSE A�7a S,^Z)i (lE TLP�ISGRARY TONf3S it,e Lo�.iow;i�; -res�lLrtzar, �,as read: i�.,SO� U9:7Gn� fJ�i, ll4 r 1 yy�; tt RE50LIIZ'Zdni llIF� CTLNG T�L' PUIZCAASx' i"�NG ;;L�T,� (3P' 'CLN�PGRARY 13CIVDS - liSJ Sli2','sLT IL�1e'P�fVL;�i(i�NI' Fl:U,JLCT ( ouncs=ina+_� SohausUr ,noved ttrc ad�pt�.on of tlze aUove ieso7.ution. Mctiun eeconced Y�y Sltexidwn. Upon a voir�e vate, there bein� ixo nay�, the r.iotion cax'r�ecl L:n�l'.lilnl3ll^u 1� . �,�,scs,�J�rzo�•1 a�xrF��z�cc z�rr� rs7a�uvr� ur �:l�c�P.rc� �ann�s �o�, s�_ �,r �1 zz �:so�uT��o�7 raa. 1?0 � Z�s� ., PLSOZ,uTTa�v n��cTl.,;c Zx� zssu�ac� o� �r1��onr1..- �c�r,r�s �o;. s,�, r� �; zz '�iie _c=ego=r_g resolut7or caas r�ad. Couneilman \rageZ moveci tlze adoption of the �cregoi.zg .esolutien 1Va, 1�u« Motion seconde� Uy LaGranse. IJ1�on a voice vate, there being �zo nays, tl�e 1�layor L'ro Tem eeclared tlie moCion carti.ac. , I� �' � �`� 1- 1',ES(�LUTIC)PI L7I.P.LCTTidG 'L'I� !'iPL�tir�SE ��ID Sll�B ��r ��1�iY�gt:'L ;SU1��3P. FUR S� i� 9r 22 T -- � � R�SCI;.ATIGi,,* fuG. 121 - lSS9 A RliSOLUTI(kI� D�itECTIiVG T1iL^, p;J?2CNA51�. i�1v'D S[�,LE CF '7J"sN;POR.;RY 50ND5 �'OR S r. �,d ik 22 � The fore�oAitg resolution was -r.e�d, Cour�r_� l�,:an ��� ;eI azove� che adopt:, o-� �,i tkte abuve resclution No, ].21 - 1)5J. iKC+c�cn ser_onded Ly Sher,.nan, UA:a�� a voicc- voeea there �eing xzo nays, tha mo��on s�as declarecr carrie?. RLSGLUT7GN GF��RIiQG TL�E LT2PROVLI��?�T�C P1VD �IP�CTIVG T1TL PP�LPAr2_n_TIO��� rJ,� YLF,TIS ?ilVli S?LCiP'IL'ATLUiVS CF i,Y�'DP;�E P,UTL�f3rRS ,��.,��E�� a'S i�o action wa�, Caken and �aU1.td un�il �i�e n�xt counc�l inee�.i.�g. SL BONLIS FOR S S, 4J IMPP.(3��,:N�TQi PT:uJ;' Cl i The C;ity iianagei �ead the oEfez fxom Palrnan Compan� to buy boncis �n S L r; Pro�ecC �k 7_�, and ;, 22. The City t�fanager stai:ed ti�at he izad not in�eadzcl tc� �sl: ti�e Counc�l to sell bon3s at this time, and tiiat tttis U�,d was a,urprisa �c him. .ie tia� nevex handled a bond sale in tizis caay, �i� suuh shcx� .zor_� ce eitia�r �o recommend it or recor,imend against it. I:okion Ug Sizerivan, second�d Uy P�age1 to sccP�t the oEfcer of TLalman Company, Sipon a voice v�te, tlZerc bein� no na;�s,the Totian ,,as aecla�-ed � carz�.c:�l unanimously, P�;:SOL[TTION P.UTfI0t2I%I�IG AND DIRLCTTNG 'iTiE: LdL'GOTIk1TIUid Oi T.LE S1.LE QF 1_'3Ri��L±- �'u1 I11PP,�JVP.i�.NT fiUNDS Tiic foiloco�,ng resolution cras read by tlie City tlt��a�-riev, P.:SOLU'110N IVO. 122 � 195� E� I�SULULECIIS t1U'liIORIZIIvG AIVJ 7LRFCTP�C '![�L ATEG�T7�TLO�V �F Tl�� S.S,I�: 4P TM�RGV;i�ili��i`L 8014➢5 Councilnan Johanson moved the adoption of che iore,�,a�,�g resol�:L-�.on. iloL��n seconded by Nagel, Upon a uoice vote, ti�erebe�xzg no na;s, tl�e motioa was declared carried unvntmously, AYPOIIQTi+�1TT (7F SPECIAL ASui;SuP�3IdT CLkiP1K Counciir:an ,Tohareson inoven tlte canilnnatzoxi ot tize ap�,aintmen: c�L P1rs, P"rle;� as the special assessrnent clezk. Iloti�z� secanc:ed ay Sl�erid�•4. Lipoi� a va� cc vote, �here Ueins no nays, tiie liayoz deciared inoti.z� carx�ac� unaniraoualy. The Pianagnr s�as directed to draw up a resolution cancerizi_nd the hiring of � part t�me and temporary Uasis Zxelp. COIQSID,:RATI�Td GF NC4I SALARS 5C,'H�llULE �r ;;r1R'i'�Iv`ilER5 t�.Nll 67AITittiSSLS 1�Iotion by 7ohansc�n to appruve the propoaed salarv sc�zediale =or barCe[�de-r, and saaitxesaes retroact�,ve to Uctaber Ist, 1955 but th�.s naes not necessarily reilect the approval of the contract witn the union aacl tl�at the Manager be autlioriaed to enter into negotiation �aath un�an as iar �as Lzealth and welfare and aLmilax fring,e bene�its are carcerred, ���`.1 blotion �econdr_d h;, idollce, li��oa a voac� vote, there being Fio nays, Che Piayoi declar�� the niotAOn carrzerl unanimously. PLt.NI�1IPIG :v^L�Il�IYS�IOIQ PJ�3T1i�iG The aL-ave sub�ect was ai1 rzferreci to during the first part af the meeting with the v.�sitors, SU3�S'I'AI�D ;P.D I�DIISING �-'4U FLGO 57'ItGL',T e�ayo� La::�ange sL-ateu tliat �ie Feit the council shoulcl discuss the mattex af the condeimzatLOn oF the sCructure located at 4�E0 Hugo :itreet i�oxtheast, Co atteinpt to seY tt�e iaces strai�ht relatzve ta this in�tter, and par- eiculariy �n uiew oi cne iact thaC there was a repoxter irom Che Minneapalis Star present. 31�e City 1�ianager staCed that Iiis polLCy, in handling a maCeer of this na�ute, is that he does not sign complaints without first obtaLniizg council approval. Et th�s point, in ais ;udgement, the next step to be talcen by tiie CiL-y st�ould be on the adv�ce oi the City Attorney, and on1J if approved bl tue Citj Councli. The City xttorney then related a11 of the steps taken bJ the �u�ldx.no TNs�ector anri the City ?�anager and himself from the time the condemnat�an rotice *aas placed on the structure in 4ugust through the delive�y ❑f a letter scnt to the occupanCS bf tke Buildin� InspecCor on �ecemoer 14, 195;. 1layor ;,a�rar.ge as?ce3 the C�ty i�ianager and thc Citv Cittorney �,rhether they woL*ld have acte3 any difierezCly in tiiis matter had the gerson r_ot Ueen of t�qexican deseent. �oth the Crt� Niana�er and Ca.ty Attorney stated t]Ye racial bacicgraund of the occupant had nothinv to do wieh the steps that had Ueen ta?cen to date, i� Councilman '.�a11;e ctated that it appeared that the BuLldino Inspector was coinJ his claC� �n enforcing t-he Ordinanc�s, that the Counoil"adopted this �rdinance and L-iiat this 0�_divance lias beec: violated, it is up to the C�Cy empTayees to se� th�t Gity D,_dinances are enforced, and lt is up to the Ccunr_il t:o stan3 behind the employees iu the carry=r�g out of their luties. MoY�.nn uy 17o1ke that �ne City Ntanager Ue 3iven the necessary anthority to �olict✓ cErrough on ali !egal proceec«i��s cf the Ci�y on the matrer of con- dcnmat_on o£ tize daelling on 4�0 Hugo Street NortheasL- aad subsequent v=olaL,on or �.he Ordi.nancr-_s, l�:ot�on seconded L-y .tohanso�i, Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the riayot re�lared tize motian carried uaanimously, AYP�tOVAL� OF CLhI1K5 Councilman .Jahans�i? move�� the approval of Liquor Pund Claims 1,441 througli 1,��9i7. 1lot�on seconde3 Ly Sdollce, Upon a vo=ce vote, tliere Ueing no nays, Che mo�ion was declared to ue passed uanimousl;., Couacilrnan Wolke moved rhe approval of General Pund Claims 2,424 through +,43-i. Aiotian seconded L-y S�iersdan. Upon a voice votey there being no nays, i.ize iiwtion caas daclared pasaeo unanimously, A�"?ZGVI`.L GF LICEDiSES cas �zrzt,re Gil Burner Service Co;npany 315 l�est Lalce STreet Zahleti Plurnbin�, fx Heating Co, 5211 Prance Avenue Clortlx � � � � � GLNERAL C(YNTAeiCT6RS Rodney 3lillman, Inc. ,Ioe Fine Construction OTL HS4TING Ui1 Burner Service Comgany PLUt°ID ING Standard P1umUing �C E,pplLanc� APPLLCEITION I'GP� :�IU:sICIYAL LT�CEId�� CLGAI2ETT� LIC�PISi River Lane Driae-In L�arl Knox 3G00 �6tti Aveuue 1V1: ➢7_C�3 LaSa11e AvoLxu� 315 Lal.e Street idest 8015 riinneConlca �31ve1. 645' L'ast Rxver :oad Motion seconded by Aollwe. Upon a voice vote, there UeLng r.a nays, rne Mayor declared the motlon carrLed unanir,ipu°_ly. RI'sSOLUTICJN CERTIFYIPdG llELIt?QU13Pd'i S�i�il'sF CI;PS:GES The foJ.lowing resolution �aas read RLSOLU�IUI,T N0. 123 � 15�5�� A RES�LIITIOPI CGI2TIPYIidG D�LIV(tU�N'T S;:SdPP. C;IL'SRGL'S Councilman lJolke moved the adoption of �.i-�e for4�o�.ng resolut�on, Iiution seconded Uy u�oike. IIpon a voice vote, L-izerc being na nays, Che motion carxied unanimously. P sSULUTIGN UV INSURAtdC� CONII�II^tTLE Courzcilman Nage1 nwved the adoption of ti�e iollowtng resalut;zon i,�S�77,UTION N0. z24 - 1959 r1 R�SOLIITIOT�T REGFiRDIrIG LNSURA7VCii COP�fP1IT��� Councilman ?aolice seconded the motion. Upon a voi.ce vote, there Uein� no nays, the mation coas_declared passed ur.an�raously, AU.TOUP.I�IE;N1 Councilman Johanson moved that the meetin� Ue aci;ourned tLiis tlst day of Lecember, i959 at 11,0! Y.LI. Motion carraed. A�'P'ST. / !r l �n•��l.u.(� .I.LNd.G�� _ CI'CY CLLPl: - Piarvin C. Brunsell � 1 �� L i�.�iXaR � i c ank c. � ,��'�