HRA 12/06/2012
December 6, 2012
Chairperson Commers
called the HRA Meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
William Holm
Pat Gabel
Larry Commers
Stephen Eggert
Paul Bolin, HRA Assistant Executive Director
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director
William Burns, City Manager
Darin Nelson, Finance Director/Treasurer
Becky Kiernan, Accountant
1.Approval of Expenditures
by Commissioner Holm to approve the expenditures. Seconded by Commissioner
2.Approval of November 1, 2012 Meeting Minutes
by Commissioner Gabel to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by
Commissioner Eggert.
Commissioner Eggert
asked for the following corrections to be made:
Page three, second paragraph from the bottom, third sentence should read “offer lower
and we were not successful.”
Page five, first paragraph, first sentence should read “William Burns, City Manager,
stated that an article in the May newsletter reported home sales in Fridley were now
reporting 41% distressed housing sales compared to 55.6% the end of May.”
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 2
3.Review of Draft 2013 Budget
Becky Kiernan,
HRA Accountant, stated that the final TIF numbers from Anoka County
will lead to staff making revisions to the draft budget and then presenting a final version for
consideration at the January HRA meeting.
Ms. Kiernan
stated that the budget is divided into three separate categories. The General
Fund covers the bulk of the administrative and overhead costs of the HRA. The Housing
Loan Program Fund covers the housing related programs and services (CEE programs, etc.).
And the Capital Outlay Funds which include all of the tax increment (TIF) districts. A 2013
draft budget packet including fund balances as of September 30, 2012 and detailed budget
sheets for the categories mentioned above has been included in the Authority’s packets.
Chairperson Commers
asked to review each line item.
Ms. Kiernan
said that the General Fund revenues decreased by about $29,000 from last year
and salaries and administrative charges including benefits remained consistent with 2012.
The difference are the professional fees for Jim Casserly as all the fees were combined and
taken out of the General Fund rather than allocated to each sub district. This will keep the
charges consistent and when the tax increment is received, 10% will be taken off the top for
administration fees.
Chairperson Commers
asked about recovering attorney fees from projects like BAE.
Darin Nelson,
Finance Director, said that he spoke with Mr. Casserly and the BAE site is
allocated separately since that is a new district. The older tax districts are capturing full
administrative fees.
Chairperson Commers
asked if the developer pays the legal fees for the BAE project.
Ms. Kiernan
replied that is coded as a different project and will be reflected when we review
that area.
Ms. Kiernan
said that expenses for the General Fund are $479,000 for a deficit of $54,000
for the coming year. The Revolving Loan Program shows revenues of $93,800 which
includes interest on investment, mortgages and the Home and Garden Show. There is also an
estimate for the purchase of land for a possible remodeling demo house. The total expenses
are $867,000.
Chairperson Commers
asked where the reimbursement was from the other municipalities
for the Home and Garden Show.
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 3
Paul Bolin,
HRA Assistant Executive Director, replied that the income for the Home and
Garden Show will show up as miscellaneous revenues and are received from vendors of the
show. In 1995 or 1996 Fridley took on the role of the fiscal agent for this show. The cities
made an initial contribution to fund the show. The Authority has kept the excess funds over
the years with the agreement that if the show has a short fall the Authority would take care of
Commissioner Gabel
was confused because the budget heading said Home and Garden
Mr. Bolin
said that the list was not all for the Home and Garden Show. The professional
services are mostly for Castle Visions but there is advertising and utility services, for
example, that are not necessarily for the Home and Garden Show.
Chairperson Commers
thought the Home and Garden Show should be kept in one category.
William Burns,
City Manager, said that the numbers are pretty close; $24,600 for the Home
and Garden Show and revenues are $22,500. Something must be in one of the line items that
doesn’t belong to the Home and Garden Show.
Commissioner Gabel
thought it would be nice to keep it separate.
Mr. Bolin
said that the remodel advisor visits are in that fund too so it isn’t just the Home
and Garden Show.
Ms. Kiernan
noted that these are just estimates, not exact figures.
Dr. Burns
asked if it was appropriate to have the home remodel demo project in this fund or
if it fits somewhere else.
Ms. Kiernan
replied that the city is using funds from the housing loan program for that
Ms. Kiernan
said that the Lakepoint/Medtronic’s revenues are $727,000 with the tax levy
and interest on investments. The expenses are administrative fees and parking facilities with
a net income of about $2,000 for next year.
Chairperson Commers
asked what the city could recapture out of the funds under the state
statute for administrative fees.
Ms. Kiernan
replied 10%. The Winfield district will be decertified at the end of this year.
The current balance is $320,000.
Chairperson Commers
asked if those funds would go to the General Fund.
Ms. Kiernan
replied that district will be decertified and the funds will go back to the County.
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 4
Chairperson Commers
thought they were going to do something about that.
Mr. Bolin
said that there were discussions in June with Jim Casserly and Greg Johnson on
spending down some of these funds. Staff does have some thoughts on how to get those
balances down.
Ms. Kiernan
said that some balances in other TIF districts are negative and we can use this
to balance it out.
Mr. Bolin
said staff will bring that back to the Authority with the final budget.
Chairperson Commers
asked when the district closed.
Ms. Kiernan
answered December 31, 2012
Dr. Burns
added that there is a sizable tax petition on Medtronic and it is uncertain how that
will affect revenues, but a solution can be negotiated.
Ms. Kiernan
said on page seven, the Onan district decertification will end in 2015. The tax
levy includes $350,000 with expenses of $35,000 or 10%. This leaves an ending fund
balance of $1.753M.
Chairperson Commers
thought a commitment was made to use those funds in other
districts, like the BAE project.
Mr. Bolin
replied yes.
Chairperson Commers
asked if that would prevent these funds from going back to the
County. He asked staff to verify with Mr. Casserly.
Mr. Bolin
said that the plan is to use these funds for projects.
Commissioner Holm
thought the Authority had to have legislation that permitted that to
Mr. Bolin
answered yes, that is correct.
Ms. Kiernan
stated that University and Osborne TIF 11 will be decertified in 2018. The
fund balance is $92,000 with revenues of $60,000, professional fees of $6,000 for a net
income of $54,000. This has a balance of $146,000 at the end of December. TIF district 12,
McGlynns, didn’t recover tax capacity. Revenues are $40,000 per year with a negative
balance of $15,000 at the end of December. 2014 will show a zero balance for that fund.
Ms. Kiernan
stated that the Satellite TIF district 13 has a negative balance of $4,000 now,
the tax levy will turn around this year and interest on investments will be $90,000, expenses
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 5
$9,000 ending in a positive balance of $81,000. This district terminates in 2023. The 57
Avenue TIF district 16 shows a negative balance of $95,000 and tax levy of $27,000 for 2013
with administrative fees of $2,700. The net income is $24,000 and ending fund balance is
negative $71,000. The Gateway East TIF district 17 will be decertified in 2028. This fund
shows a negative $700,000 now, revenues of $30,000, and administrative fees of $3,000 for a
net income of $27,000. This district still reflects a negative $673,000 balance. The Gateway
West has a $1.5M levy, $9,500 in revenues, $8,400 in expenses reflecting a negative balance
of $1.5M at the end of 2013.
Commissioner Holm
asked if the sale of property was included in those figures.
Mr. Bolin
said that property closed about a month ago and adding that may change the
Ms. Kiernan
stated that the Main Street TIF district 19 has a fund balance of negative
$18,000 with revenues of $116,000 less expenses will be a net income of $104,000. This
district needs to be corrected as the income is incorrect. This is a pay as you go so the
income will be around negative $15,000. The Gateway Northeast district is just certifying to
taxes. Expenses are $311,000, added to the negative, the fund will be negative $1.6M.
Commissioner Holm
thought that seemed low.
Ms. Kiernan
replied that some funds were transferred into that district. The Housing and
Replacement program shows revenues of $30,000, sale of properties and vacant lots are
included in the revenue of $122,000. $500,000 is expected from capital outlay if homes are
available. This leaves a negative balance of $758,000 at the end of the year 2013.
Ms. Kiernan
said that these numbers are just summaries and does not show any of the
Authority’s cash balances.
Commissioner Holm
asked if the net income is negative $54,000 but combined net income
is $200,000.
Chairperson Commers
said that overall the district in terms of where we are is down $2.8M
and the General Fund has $7.2M but that is not an offsetting balance.
Ms. Kiernan
said that the Housing Program has $2.4M in it.
Chairperson Commers
said that the Authority can transfer out of that fund.
Mr. Bolin
answered yes.
Commissioner Holm
asked if the Authority had paid off the loan to the city so that it is
Mr. Bolin
answered yes.
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 6
4.Award of Demolition Contract – Housing Replacement Program
Paul Bolin,
HRA Assistant Executive Director, stated that the Authority worked with the
City’s Engineering Department to solicit bids for the demolition of three properties. Staff
estimated the bids would be in the $30,000 to $45,000 range. A total of seven contractors
purchased the bid packet plans. Four contractors conducted site visits of the properties and
two contractors submitted completed bids prior to the bid opening. The low bid was
Mr. Bolin
said that Staff recommends the HRA approve a motion rejecting all bids
submitted for HRA Demolition Project #426 as the bids were well in excess of going rates
for residential demolitions. Staff further recommends that the Authority authorize Staff to
solicit negotiated quotes from two or more demolition contractors and authorize the Chair
and Director to enter into a demolition contract not to exceed $45,000.
Commissioner Gabel
thought this was a short time frame for contractors to present bids.
Mr. Bolin
said that this time frame is not any shorter than in the past. Part of the problem
was that the bids were requested during Minnesota and Wisconsin deer hunting season and
Thanksgiving so the city did not get a lot of bids. Two bids were even received after the
bidding was closed.
by Commissioner Eggert to reject all bids submitted for HRA demolition project
#426. Seconded by Commissioner Gabel.
by Commissioner Gabel to authorize staff to solicit and negotiate quotes from two
or more demolition contactors and authorize the Chair, Vice Chair or Director to enter into a
demolition contract not to exceed $45,000. Seconded by Commissioner Eggert.
5.Extension of Brokerage Agreement
Paul Bolin,
HRA Assistant Executive Director, stated that in November of 2011, the
Authority signed a brokerage agreement with Premier Commercial Properties to
market/broker the GWNE property. Premier has aggressively marketed the property and
provided a number of leads. Staff recommends the Authority approve a motion extending
the length of the brokerage agreement through June 30, 2013.
Chairperson Commers
asked if staff had a strategy or plan on how that property is to be
divided up.
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 7
Mr. Bolin
said that everything is speculative at this point except at the January meeting staff
will bring forward a development agreement for the former Sinclair site. Mr. McNutt would
like to break ground this spring and will come before the Authority next month as an action
Commissioner Gabel
did not like the idea of selling only one piece of property.
Commissioner Eggert
agreed that it is hard to sell the best part first.
Mr. Bolin
replied that staff has been working with three groups and there is a group out of
Florida that owns the Citgo site across the street and they share an architect with Mr. McNutt.
They don’t see this building as being a deterrent to what they will be doing. They will be
doing retail that would extend south on University Avenue. Staff is also communicating with
a housing developer who does upscale rentals who would like to do 50 units of upscale urban
housing. A clubhouse to the south would connect to another upscale rental building aimed at
the 55+ crowd. These entities would share underground parking. The way things are
working out with these groups, the pieces that they want are the ones that will be available.
A benefit to the housing development would be retail and the retail developers like the idea
of having housing density next to their site.
Commissioner Eggert
said it is a good idea to start with something nice and it’s not all
going to happen at one time. If the development starts with something nice the others will
fill in.
Commissioner Gabel
likes the idea but thought it would be all tied together somehow. She
understands that there needs to be a catalyst and maybe this would get the ball rolling. She is
hesitant about selling off that piece before the others get rolling.
Mr. Bolin
replied that Mr. McNutt wants to build this spring and has been talking to staff
since June.
Chairperson Commers
said that the Authority would want the buildings to be
architecturally compatible.
Mr. Bolin
said that all proposals will come before the HRA for approval.
Commissioner Eggert
said it is difficult to get a single buyer to develop the entire area.
The Authority can work on the appearance together.
Mr. Bolin
added that since the retailers share an architect it will be easier creating a unified
look. The goal is to have this function as one campus, even if it is under two different
HRA Meeting of December 6, 2012 8
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director, stated that they share an architect. There
is an opportunity to do both quadrants of the intersection and for the developments to be
reflective of each other.
Mr. Bolin said that staff have not found a single group interested in developing the entire
site; everyone would like to have the corner and build down from there. This area will likely
end up being a mix of retail and housing.
MOTION by Commissioner Holm to approve the extension of the brokerage agreement.
Seconded by Commissioner Gabel.
1. Housing Replacement Program Update
Paul Bolin, HRA Assistant Executive Director , stated that year to date there are 14 loans
and 21 remodel advisor visits. Last year at this time we had 10 loans total and the remodel
advisor visits last year at this time were 10 so we have increased quite a bit since last year.
Chairperson Commers said that Dr. Burns has done a lot of work for the Authority and has
been professional in the way he handle things which is important to the Authority's success.
Dr. Burns has devoted a lot time and has been on top of everything the Authority has done.
The Authority will miss Dr. Burns and is sorry to see him go. On behalf of the Authority, he
wished Dr. Burns congratulations on his retirement.
William Burns, City Manager said that he appreciated the successes they have all had
MOTION by Commissioner Gabel to Adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Eggert.
Respectfully Submitted,
Krista Monsrud
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Recording Secretary
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Name and Address Agenda Item of Interest