PR 02/18/1958Minutes 2-18-5'D
Present: lUee Johansen
Plson Beraer
l. yiscussion of baseba�l field �nd possibilitp of �ettin� resulation
field setup. Tdo resolution.
2. Elected Johansen chairman and Berger Secretary.
3. �iscussed instructors in basketball.
4. Discussion of swimmina oroeram at �oore Lake: e3.ther control the
weeds or for�et proaram f or this year. Possibility of taking Red
Feather all�ttmettt and nuttin� it into baseball instead'�
5. Olson su�aested reservin� days at Long Lake and Snring Lake park
as an alternate to a swimminu proaram.
6. Sko�lund su��ested re basketball proaram that oae person should be
made responsible f or inventorv of equipment and care of it.
7. lt was decined that Ulson be in char�e of eq_uipment and turn over
a list of inventory. Johansen suu�;gested storage in �it.y Hall
8. Re dances: Olson suggested that we aet clearance to �et into the
school in advance. DifficultY with getting in makes chaDerones
dislike the 3ob. Skoelund suggested that the teen age committee
�et there at 7:30 with the key to let the chaperones in. Nee and
�erger felt that a clean up committee made nY up of teen agers wa9
needed for the dance. �koelund su�gested that a dance instructor
or two from P�ePhail miaht be available for �15.00 uer nieht. She
offered to make contact.
9. Re basketball: 4t200 left in f und. It was decided to let girls�
basketball keep on.
10. Re �arch 15 dance- ba� social was discussed and the possibility of
limitin� the bidding. Olson suggested leaving it for meeting witfks
teen agers. �2rs. Nee will auction. No admission fee.
11. Ae '�`arch 8- Swimmin� with Bus to Rice Bowl.
12. Oland's turn for slop hop, skoelund can't do it. Nee�s turn on '
March 15. '
13. Mr. Oland is to speak ebout the chaperone committee avith the H.S.
1 4.Re Rec Center: Nee suggested that the use of lockers is outdsted. �
Also send copies of plans to PTA. '
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/ 15. Re graditt� ball fields. Skoglund suggested we �et estimates for
rolling, seeding with rye �rsss. Johansen suggest use of Fridley
roadgrader before work season. rio resolution.