PR 07/29/1958Olson, Johanson, S�oglund,
Berger, �Wilson, Nee
Minutes Rec. Comm, July 2y, ly5tl
1. LLB to Nre�are job descriptions, requirements for any people we hire.
SIjA should help on this.
2. 5houtd Rec. Co�mission send progress re�orts to council,
3, ti resume of ineetings and decisions should go to Friatey News.
4. Winter rrogra� w311 include junior and senior dances, Saturday morning
and it,ursday evening BasK�tball and Special �v2nts.
5. lt has been decideri to repL�ce SKjp tinderson durino the day because
of complaints apout lacK o£ res�onsibility on his part. Dave Veger
is to reptace him. Bonner anq Veoer can handte the prooram between
them foz• the next vreex and a half.
6. �i subcommittee of Olson anp Joh.nson to tat� with Dave Yeterson and
report to the commission at tre next meetino.
7. �.'+�ilson to have charge of Saturday aa�, �aturday evening, and '1'hurs.
evening events. Salary for her ta�en care of in budget. �alary for
�aturd�y nigY,t is extra and tdKen care oF in money coitected at dance,
�alary to be $.vU per event e�cce�,t for �aturday ni�ht vahich is 2u.vU.
8. B.'dSilson to dr•aw up a program next weeK fer winter activities.
y. Co�nents re Dave Yeterson; Hayes school cannot find him a�hen necessary.
DicK ':iilson innicates that the publicity got to tne children too late;
there ��ere no si�ns, posters or echedutes. No planninF was evident.
�ur wor�sers should have independent plans aside fro� S�n.6,
10. B, VJilson believes that a wee�ly re�,ort should be required Pror� the
recr � ti
ea on staff.
� 11. �uestion arises of what we neeo in the way of records. IiLB should
chec� on this.