PR 10/13/1958Minutes of Rec. Comm. � 1u-13-5ts 1. 1'hera is �;276, teft ir. bunoet. Rec. Coms. vrill be reimbursed money s�ent at beacy. 2, Jur budget is �38w for this yeer. 3. Rules for Dances. DLB send to Fridley IVews and post at dances. a. rop not to be t�xen froa� ti:e gym. Botttes to be returned to stand. b, No slacKS or jeons except on desi�nated ni�hts. c. No smoling. d. T�o admittance a�ter 7:3u. e, t'ersons teavino bultcin� �ailt not be readmitted. yDLB: type u� and oive ta Vrilson, Jhlin ana nacon.� 4. Chsperone sch�ldule £or Coramission Octoeer 18 Johanson i�;ovember 1 Oison ivove�aber 8 Berger November 15 Nee November 22 �+elton november 2y Johanson 5. Commission to buy a camera- �ohanson to �ane purchase. ^..,�-� � f or ..• flash- for chaperones to use at dance. �