PR 03/09/1959_ :d"
_� Recreation Comm�ttee �nuLes- ,�arch y, ly5y
The regular meeting of the Fridley Recreation Committee was called
to order at S:i,u p.m. by R, SheriBan.
Members Present: MilcareK, Melton, Sheridan, Hammer, Bacon, Berger
E�embers 6bsent: Nee
Visitors: Betty �Iilson, �ody Gilbert, Darlene Schwantes, Maxine
Approval of Minutes:
Report on the Teen-A�e Dances:
Betty Wilson reported on the new teen-age committee tvhich consists
of 13 members, 3 officers. Two meetings have been held. The committee
asKed whether they might raise the cost of the dance to 35¢. This
change was approved by the committee. The teens voted to xeep tne
dances every weex (3'7-13). The committee also raised tne questiott
of increasing the income from the dances. They requested summer
dances. 1'he commission fett thzt if numbers at the dances improved
under the Teen Committee some summer dances might be hetd. In re-
spanse to need ior records x. Hammer got Dan Anderson to donate
^� between 5U-luv records a month.
A rroaosed Summer Yro�ram:
Betty Wilson proposed a summer recreation program. She made the
following points:
6. Children from 5-y years should be ther for only part of tne
day. From 1-4 in the afternoon is a good time.
B. Chitdren from y-13 years can have y-4, 5 days a roveex. They
can have tourneys, croquet, softba�l. It is possibte to have
softball if we have sattd not ctay diamond.
C. High Schoot age can have softba�l. Th2 legion will have a team
in this age group. Girts this age come to program not boys.
D. Transportation for the children wouYd hel�, the program. 9rt
Christiansen woutd charge �25 for a full day. Children could
pay 5 or lu¢ for bus. Transportation is especially ic�portant
Por younger children and for those days wnen SRA is there.
E. Swimming prooram could be run with two hei�ers. ishe suggested
Jay Olson and a girl student from the U.) Th° Junior Aecreation
co�umittee cou.�fi be used instead of another adult.
F, iielg shouid consist of two full time assistants p�us Betty
�ilson with the Junior Rec. Committee as volunteer help. B.
�ilson suggested �5uu as her salary for tne program.
G. Equipment needed includes art�,s and crafts materiats.
H. Dates of tne program mioht be as fotlows: one weex of regis-
� tration and orientation ptus a six weeiss prooram.
� r1 BuQa2t:
B. Sheridan noted that the Commission has �30Uu. to worK with from
Jan. 'Sy to Jan. '6U. He sug�ested that most of it be spent during
the summer when we h�ve the largest group witn which to worx.
�i. Sheridan as representative from the counciu should be able to
report attendance, program and activities to the council.
Reoort on Junior Dances:
B. Bacon reported an attendance of 6y on �arch 6. 6dmission $1u.35�
rop axid Candy sotd �14.25, Cost of Disc Jocaey �15.u�, Cost of
rop and Candy �8.u'7. Balance $1.53
Retations with S.R.A.:
n. Hammer noted ihati Fridley is not well thougnt o�' by agency
because of lo�rr donations to Red Feather. B. Wilson indlcated that
SRA wiit hel�, us with advertisino and fiyers as soon as we send
them a copy of our progra�.
Secretary to send a lettzr from Commission to Schooi Board asnin
permission to use the Gym and lavatories and outside facitities � l�,,�.o
for 7 weex period beginning June 15 to July 3�. Indicate that we ����*X
are trying to begin a bus service to provide transportation.
Secretary to prepare an agenda and mail it out to each member.
�eeting addourned at ll:�v p.m.
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s�a..a.a su�.r Pla�a�w+� rroar�
Childrwf •- 5�9 7�t oi ag�
Arts +md Craftrt
Pa�a� conatruatloa
F`in6�r PaiatSn6
Clqr tprl[
Paprr plate� (tau»s� eloak�� eta.)
Calor books & alqaa dzar3ng
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Camp�titi� SporL��
T�g gaa�a
(}�u ni.tL bal].a
Uw oY pLyground *quip�ant
H��Lnning lsssvns
Hoys and tlir3s -- 9-13 7� o! ag.
A3't� dc CTatts -- SiA►
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Comp�W.tiw 9ports •�-
Pi�B Pot�
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Trany�lLatia► o! boyra �ad gir3.� by bae tm H��
sahoalwr mmt yuka arrang+�t� to tala th�
progcm to dii*a'�nt araa+i.