PR 03/23/1959s � , ._'y�_'. � .-� � �•creation Committee Minutes ltarch 23 1959 The rqgtilar neeting of the l�ridley Hecreation Coamittee was csl].ec1 to crder at 8:00 p.a. by $. Sheridaa abers Pre,se. ;'�heridan� I[eltoa, Yilear�k, Berger, �� nbe� bsent• Bacon, Hsmner 4auro�al oY Yinwte ; The minutes xsre accepted with the followinS r�eo�mesdatioa b9 heridan as sa addition: 6�oathly report to the City Council sho�iag ezp�nditures approved and including a ssall s�mmatioa oY the meoting. The report s�ould be sent to the council bePore the four�h Thursday o� the month. Su�mer Hecreatioa Pro rsa: . scussion o etty YYilson and Patty Wells Por the susmer program took plsce. B. ililson�s spplication and program W8P8 d1SC118SQd. B. It waz r�coesmendod that the �ovncil ch�nga i�he fiscal yoar of' the eommiasia�a froa Jnly 1 to daanary l. C. A reeommendation was made by Sheridsa that t.�►e Cotuicil consider three liPegnards city employees and pay them. T he possibility oY auailiary police on the beseh was eo$- sidered. D. A motion �a$ made and seconded to acc�pt B. Wilson�s program as presented and to oPYer her a position as dir�etor of the snmrrier program Por 7 weeks at ;600• ApDP0981 was �ranted Por hiring the two assistants Por the same period oP ti�e: on� �oraan at #375. sud 1 man at ;f;15. The as�istants are to be selected by i61ya �ilson �nd approvad by the board. 1'he motion eas carried. H�ereation Ceamission B Qot f0r a year rw�ad nrorram: A. Eecreation Direetor for the year B � St�r Pla9Around Proaram 1. issistaat to Director (F) 2. dssistant to Director (Ip 3. Transportatioa 4. Bqttipment C. Basebsll Prcarsa Eapendabl• Equipmeat Iase�rsnce Hecrestion D, SchooLPro¢raa l. Assistant (Y) 2. Equipmeat S. i[iscellaaeons F. Adttit Progrsm �E000. ;2000. 3?5. 275. 3�0. 150. _ ;7100. 200. ! # 20U. 180 4f) �PO. 692 692. 200. 20�. . y� -. � --�-� � . �2- G. Seaior Daace Sup�r� ;�50. Iacoaae Prom dances ;300, Total �chedtu.e oP Ghsnerone� �or Senior Dance� Yarch 28 6pri1 4 April 11 April 18 Ap=il E5 1(ey E Berger ( if' a dance) Yilcar�k Bme Hammer Sheridan Yeltoa A�sianaonts ;4E62. DB to write Bmtty �131son a letter including approeal of program and ofPer for year round position. Invite B. JPilsoa to nest meeting to diseuss espanded program in- eluding salary, Have rulss for the dance mimeographed. glYt 1IA8t n i�nril. 13. S].�ction of Offieers: Nomination and secottdiug oP S�eridsn as chsirman, Elected. Homination sad seconding of Berger as Secretsry. Electeci. Leftover Business; Appointment of Baseball Commissioner. �p�ed �x Year Round Program 6pproval end PaymeIIt oP Bills �d 3 otu�nment : lieeting was �djowrtted at 11 p,m.