PR 04/13/1959�ae ��e �, :e� �u �
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flsereation Com�ittes Yinntes ODril 13 1959
The meeLing oP the Fridley 88creatioa Gaumitt�e was callod
to order at 8t00 p,�.. bq E. Sheridan.
l4abers Praseet: Sheridan, Helton� Berger, Yilcarelc, Bacoa
Msmbers Abt�snt: SeF
�isitors: Bill Yorin� Betty tlilson
p�prooal oP Hinutes: The minutes were approved as raad.
8chedule oP Co�ittee Chanerones Yor Senior Daac�s:
April 18 Hs�mer
April 85 Sheridan
I[aq 9 Yelton
Yay 23 Barger
BudAet and Year Eound Pror�ram:
The job oP director of the year round program Ras discussed with the
Pollowiag resnits:
l. Don d[elton reported on oYPer to B, liilsan to School Board and
the Board approved oP it.
2. The director's job is to be an advisor to the coca[uission aad
supervisor of' the program; the director to attend cammission
m�etings sud to act as a person responsible to and Por the
3. B� Wilson to drsa up an estimate cP ti�e tc be spent on director�a
job and �rith that eatimate the commission is to draR qp a jcb-
description contract.
4. B. Wilson acc�pts offer oP ;2000 and proposed year round program.
�otion made, seconded, carried Lo accept B. Wilsoa as yesr round
5. B. Wilson to be paid as Polloi►s: ;600 Por th� 7 womlc sumn�r
progra� beginning J�ae 15 and anai�Jtilly 31. Sa3.ary Yor the
reaainder oP the year (totalling #1 0.) to be 134.43 per mouth
eYPective qgril 15. First paye►ent o be msde on the Pirst of
Yay. A letter to be sen0�.to 1Sr. Yaddy indicating the above.
Baseball Prosris:
l. �. H�mmer snd Bill Horin su�g�st�d ta reyresent the commission
os the baseball progrsm. �[otion zacie, seconded, carried.
2. B. Yorin indicated that we will have 12 teams snd that the =2p0
sllotted for equipm�nt is ins�aP'ficient. He indicated that there
mi$ht be some difficnity with tho H.B, athletic departa�er�t re-
sisting the Pee 9�es league. Coaehes plan to disc�s this with
Yr. �udsea.
3,( B. Yarin will give a monthly report on baseball st the meetings.
: ;�
Su�er Prcera�:
Persennel: B. Wilspn suggested D�vo Brasil and Patty Yfells
as her assistants.
Saftb : B. Wilson indicated thst praetice would �egin for
girls soYtball on April 23 and t�at a problem eaisted over
the use of Hayes School field. he indicated a need i'or $15.
for chest pxotectors and mitts. The commissioa authorized the
espenditure oP �15. for the equipment.
Bus Schedule: p discussion of the use oY i�uses yielded sugges-
tions that a round trip charge of l�� tm 25� per child be made;
that buses to cover the whole eommunity aoe�ld be needed on
swimming day5; that there be centralized pick up spots. B.
�ilson is to set up plans for the buses snd we will dieeuss
the matt�r with 9rt Christensen.
Pnblicit9: P'lyars, xriteups in the Fridley Nes, displays in
the ne�r shoppiug center and discussions with women's groups
were suggested as publicitq measures. Trophies and unifor$s
uere diacussed. B, Bacon will discnss tt�is With Bacon�s
Subarban Hecreation: B. i�ilson is to meet With Dick Wilson,
plsa SRp help and then give estimtate oP equipment to be beught.
Senior Dsnces: Ghaperone system is in difPiculty because the
chaperones bresk their dates and some come after drinlcing. IL
wss suggested that the list oP chaperones be revised and that
Written inPormation about espectstiotts and rules be given the
chaperones. Help of the PTA shonld be eulisted.
J lior ncss: 8 report of the Pinancial trsasaetions of the
uu or dance Aas pr�sented. B. Bacon indicated that help wovld
be needed f or these dances next year. The 6th �raders were
tnvited as a preview for next year.
Beach proeram: A discussior� oP the yop staxid at Lhe be�ch.
B. wilson to dran up estimate oY
D. Berger to vrrite letter to ]dr,
x. Sheridan to check on insurance
D. Berger to send monthly report
dsnees mimeod.
Bill Pavmeat:
tiffie spent on director's job.
Yaddy about B, iVilson�s pay.
for baseball program.
to coancil. Also have rules for the
Bills to be made out to City of Fridley Recraation
be presented to the commission and tkien sent to the
City �or payment. B, Wilson is given per�ission t
with commission to approae bills.
�eat Yeetin¢: liay 11
Arl�ournment: Mea�ing adjourned at l� p.�.
Commission. Bills to
Treasurer oP the
o incvr espenses
sPril 11� 1989
Iti�w B��ty �Y32son
+i44� 6tit St. X.B.
Dtitmeepalis �3, 3tiAn
�ear Mi�s �t21sc�:
=ho Rrsraation 6o�►oisaion 6as saaept�d the Pj'0$l811 i►h3Ch j�Oli
proposed Por th3a st�ser ans wQi,�,d i�8 �a oPPar you Lho positlart
a• diraehor oP fi.he s�er progran tor 7 x1wlw et #�00. Thsy �t►a
grented epyroTal for t� hiriag at Sa�a assls►Rants ror tiie ara�
paMod of ti�e� a wop�II a,�8is�t et $37'5. aa�t a�a at �8'1'8.
?tu ac�,s�ton has agresd �o leave the ssl�ettiou oY asatataats to
yon. 2heir aP�in�ts eill ba approroei �,y ttse aam�tis,�tors.
3'tie ec►�mi,�,iQn wonld a2so liks you to coastd� the pass3b3litX
a!` aacePting a yar�«� ,job as B�crsation Diroctcr, thia to b• a
yfar rou�xY positiam. it� $�,a�y �s �ntati�rely b�en sst aL ��pp.
�n this Job pap �au� � r�����Ybls Por p3,a
et�over sll prc�rea� tt�eleo�tit�g the sanior 'dbncea a�mqer�Pr i�'u� �stcat.►
• ��llsy ba11 aad swi�nwiag { s�mer) . Yv� woald D� asatp�o�d ipo
c�aoi�sioa awetfngs, writia,� rsgular r�tx�sts aad ia ��n�ral
keepfng the ec�,saicuf tnPorm�d Af' the aLatus of aetiri�ifs.
Di,ree� willtbe� ��cb you �o1�ht tur,ys ebout ths �io_b as R•ersA,iion
�sw�red at the nszt �etfn8. �Pru 13.
Yot�r,� t�t'W.y�
Fay Sh•rtdan
Ghairm�n, Heareatioa C�siaa
"� l, IRS�— �, , 3 /� ' ��,�-��
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8' �b� %qt�1�tL 306�CN!
4. � ct�asol iceere�tt�s i'rcr*,brea�
a. t�aiaxun� t� �0.00
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5. ::c+ulL ,�s� �XI.00
�3. +7u��x i;'�:oe ::u,+��rt 76•D0.
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