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PR 04/17/1959
. . . . ,u -[ _��':' ': 2,1. • . � .-.= _ . ,- ;'�J.�4. . ;�... 'c^ ' Ne�e�s� Pseae�t,o Chs3s�axs Fos►�taaae, C]+Y�e �kron4e Sill lS�.1Ca�eek. �eo�eacs �: IrnJ Sivertcs asld Svoaneon. The £3xsic 3tem of busissess rras a regues•� ix"� �h� Friailey J.C. •� £o� pet�missi�s �o scixedule five so£::-ba23 q�es ia ¢oajunc�fo�n wi�ta. i;�►e IIor'cA�sn Snburban �.Cn 5o£:�ball Leag.ues �he dates r�ueai.ed 7�eiag S�xne lU, 24r Jitly 8 aad 22, an8 AtYgus'� 5-cilo The �eqtaes� is �or ttae use oS �la.e Pee �e^ Saseb�ll Di�sd 4n �ese da�.e� aad �heiae games �e �o b�cJin at 6:�0 P.Nlo � l�ioa by Stxor� seconded by l�.i.2casek direce3ng icY1,a� ie�L�srs be wtitken �o �ite 3.C., °s g�aa�in9 �PPra�va2 0� t4ee3r reqacs't Chat bhe Coa�'s ot i;he Hi�k 3chool Saseball te�n i� a8vised by i��i�ex iltat Y�e ia gta�ated B�isg�n ico use �he basebal]. i3e1d a� 61s� aasd 7th, a� tha� �2me C2�aisman o£ the Pe�-wee League s�poasored bY Y;he geaL^ea�ale�► Co�3ss3ot► be advised by lekr&er of the other co�lt�s �Lo �he use o$ �he f.iold. Motion aarried unan3mously. CCtssairman Facrtaine sugqes�� f�at t]�e 8arks and Piaygro�and� Camni�tee be 41ven a chance �ko pass upon 1�he des34na�ion of Park S3�tes in e� Subdivision P2ak:� � �eo�3ds, i�* D4ilcarexa aeco�uaea »y sixong �o zeco�sead �o � �ta,� Plat�nin4 Cammzivs2ou and CitY Camcil as iollaasa �. � Ti�aic °tbe a�s a bo�:ri�ed t►Y' O�c-t�.ct S'�ree�c a 8.3.g1tw3y' � 100 e ttnis�exs�.�.y Aveaue a�esi a5�ch Avenue be desig�z��ed �s a r.e5,gh?3a�I�ocu «:,~ea :or �-•e?� ?au�noses� � � r P� 11PD DZAYG&C�S � Page 2. a. The �a dlo) Pla��i Zots iying aaa�8 oi 48th s9xeet bet�n lda:im Srree� ax38 Seca�d Sf.teet �e acqvired hy tlxe City %r P�k Purposes, 3> �i�lt�G ;che C�,:.y Counc3� adopt by o-rdina�e a poZicy �o assess �.o heneizti�g areas the cos� oi pr�k land accZuasiticm and devela�nent, 3ucR plan i;o be s3m39.�x �,a �he Al�c,re3.l. P3an iesed by �he Ci�y o£ ll3nneapcalise S�4aC3on c�tsied c:�-Li�h ail inembe�rs pze$en� vo4:iztg la £�vo�s � l�onday, 1Ka,y i8icho Z9S9 oras ae� fcor the ntxt m�3ng o� the Co�msittce o n