PR 04/20/1959� /'� i"� ^l^l•♦ fl f9 ' ;l�` S�I:�YD .! 1`�' l:!-`.�� (.`t�i�J'_LL f l 1r''t v:�t _:i'Sr`�::w :'� j,()L; CONJf�2S5_IOI+T=_Apr�I, 2t3,. 1959 - — ..�� ie REPdRT ON t�ET2NG OF MAI�,CH 90 19590 A renor•c �•ras made 3�x Bet•cy W�.2son on •the nerr �:een age commi.ssior. and on i:he µ;:,avus o-� i.he dances. Th� commission approved an inc.�ease •�o S,g5 of price of admission. i Miss Wi2son a3so preseiYced a proposa� (ai:'•�he ;-ea,ues'c of i.he commission kor a. suimtior recrea�cion progxam, The program c;as dgscu�sed and ;:h� xoliot�-� 3,ng conciusions dra�v-n by •�.he co:nmi���ee: ae Txanspo�:�ba•�,ion :nvolving �che use oi 2�uses r:oLild be an ?mnori:an� addi4ion wo �Ize nrogram, 'b. He2p soz •�he progran �•�puld inc7.ude Le•so f�*� Z czme assistan�us sor Miss U7i2son (szia:,;i,ed) and vo?un`ceer h�lp £.ram �:,ne Junior Recreacion Co:amissian. c, The prog�am r;oul.d inc?ucle aa:•cse cra�ts, acxo�a'bias, �ai:uxe s;;udy, competii;ive group games, s�•�amminc�v cIxama;��,cs, a�che�:ym vo?�.eyba22e badmincone so€r;c+al.l, �he program v�ou3.d be d:.vided ap�rapriai;eiv accor@ing to age and sex, c3. Dates af the prog;Cam crould be from ,3'une �.5 i:o Jialy 3? ., The �irsc we¢3c os ihe psogxaza �-FOU3d be one o£ regis�Lra�ion, The prog�am tai:il be hei�d �4 Fiayes 5chool and Moore Laice, Requesx £or permission �:o use schooi c�as Fnade foilowing mee4sag, IZ. R�PORT p13 P'g;ETTNG OF t+fARQ3 23� 3.959, Upon i:1ie commission's �equest, Mis� w3.].son made £os,-maI app�ica�ion %� �he job of director of the summer program, Her program �,ras accep�ed as Areseawed by fiixe commissione Hex appoin�men•i: as dixecL-or t•ras conf�zme9 a� a saZ.axy o� $60tl.40 £oz che 7 weeks. Approvai �;as gran�:ed �oz her to h3re +LvFO assi�"can�s %r i;he p�ograta, a�•rott�an ai: $37S.OQ ar_d a man ai: $275.00, A recommenda�4ion c,ras made rhat �he Citp counaal consider lifeguards ��e' beach c��y empxoyees az�d' PaY i,hem. Tha poes3mi3f.�y bf' a�xiliary police a't t'he beach �oas di scussed> �'he coauni.ss3on recommend�d -�ha� Crnmail far p�2z�misaion ::o �hastgC i�1t9 Ju2y ist, to January 3.s�:,. a xequQSt be fo�warded ta 'che Caty �£iscal y�ar og v3�e Cc�mm3ssion fzom � aage 2q Tlie Gom.�niswion discussed and ��cle �.Lans �o•_ a yeas rouiYd reczea�ion prOC�ji".c'%Iit f03' �'ri.niey i•Tl'Gh cor.s`sdexa•cion O'•_" c1 ��'.;:"� '�3.?flB d�ree�o:: �=o�- uhe yeara T°7i'cn i-.his in m�nd, a budgei; fo: �i:e year t:�as d�aom un tsee a�.4acned snee'c), 2'he Coinrni.s5ion yoi.ed �o serc'i i;iss Y�i�sor a�_etcex o���e:��r.g it�?' t,he 3ob oi' year rour.d clii:ec;:or and invitecl her �co •�l�e ne..w mee�uzng �o da.scuss �;;he e_�nanc�ed programo Eiec��.ions x�rer� held, Ray Sheridan t�as elec��:ed Chai.s:man ar.d Uoro•i.hy Bergere Secxe�cary•, ��Io 3iFiyOTt'T OIQ l�fEETIIrTG OZ' APR?L ! 3, 19�90 ��e buc�qe-� and -;;Yze Xea�- :.-ound program t�;e�e c��.scussed tJi•ch F4i.ss U8�.1son .•�i�i;h •�;Iie :�o?3,ai�ing xesuZ�s: a, f�iss v��?aon accep•�ed •the or�er and tuas appoin'�;cc1 as par�:. •4jme yea,: xound diteccoro The pos�•cion e�as de�ined by �i:he Commission and a con��yact �Ji2� be dra�•rn up„ 'zlxe Schoo? Boa�d 7:norrs and has no objeci:ior� ;:o t�2zss Trii.�.son ::a3cinc} on �his e.t-�a;a �•�or1c, � b„ Tlie t*.se o� buses as an ad,junci. -ua �ciie t�;�ograra cras d�scus�eci •fu2iyo Ai?ss ca3isan a�s ;:o se-c uP i:en�c.a�ive �lans ro� f:ha I�ttses and -:-,lie comznission ts.iii dascuss •'chem erz•c11 rt Chris'cianwor., � cha;c�ge t•�33.3. be made foz uSe oi i:hese buse,s. n c, 3�liss F'7i'!son°s jni� as yea-r. .:ot?nd d�eci;or is i:o begin �s a� Apri3. � 5, 3959 and •I;.he £:xs��. payment of her saiary �.o beg3.n on l�:ay 3.t3959e 2�Ira T�.adc�.y has been advised o£ �chis4 �etai.ls have been :.naiuded {six�ce :'he meexir,g) 3n a �.e•M�er. d, i4iss t3a3.son made several. proposa7.s Eor increasing �;he publie3�y given ti;he program and indica-�ed p2ans -�or coope�: ai.zon rrx•i;h. Suburban Recxeataon AssoCiai;aon. 2"tae baseba7.'� p_ograia was disaussed and bsr. Bi?�. I�oran wha Y�ad been inv��:ed �or i:he purpose x�ras appoin�ec3 joinciy vrii:h Nrx. f?ammer �a repxeaen�s. "'i:hhe Commission on S:he basel�a3.'+ �zogratn, A�:. Aloain indi.ca��ed �he �zogram xa�.3.?- have 12 �eams. The Commission approved Far.i:y We2.?s and Eave Braz:.�. -4er.��,at:.veiy �or 4he pos3.t3ons as ass�s��.a.n4s �o Miss Wilsons ::his r.o ?�e conxr.rmed a�t a. 1�wer dafe> ^ <,a::�PvS;3a CJE•iF�'s:iS�±C�: �LuGE'?' r:OiZ XE?1R �OiJP�D p_Ti4i=_?A?d<. s,.....�.m.._..._. .,m...m.�...vw.�. �o iCC'iC1'G].pil �:.i:CCG05: '�0:: 'C'i!C ?1°ul: �ir7:i'i= �i:.�.i�e� �, Sumrae�s ?ta�;�rau��d P-rcM�:�am Asszs�.ar�c �c,o i?i-�ec�or (r) �s&js��n�c to Uirec4o-r (Y;} ii`aT15j3Qi:'y�'i::i.OY2 �'i.6 �G' j.��''..+:'i:J.� .:,Cl'� SUSJ�OI�4TI��J �;csL,�pment �"a Sc"LSEi�ct�.T !�:i:C�`j•'.s:ir�t �;;aenaanl � �;;�;�; c�meat �:i;st*.i�nce 94 ScI?oo? Rec�,ea'�.io�� F::o�rara /'1 e?s��s�can�4 �T+IJ ��?� •epmem'c I;,, Y'4:d.�B.'�»�.c`SriG'Otl.> ��„ = d��:�•�: r�:og�:a�,i G� : ezaior �ance St�,:pqrc Tncone F�:ara Dances TtbT.A'P� . n � JOOOOp ??,GO�„0� �75.00 275A�0 JQO,O� ?;SO,QO 200,00 � ?ED,00 ,�,,,,? 0.09 G�?aGq 2GO,OC ;SA.pO s2.coo..eo ? p'�OOrOU 20(3v00? 22�J.,0� Z,G2.�30 .�.d':IoUR ,,.,.,°'� 50 �Qd $�a2S2,�0 r � �^ Apri1 2E� 1859 itu. Glersac• �isad,y � City fdanezger Gity oi' Frtdlaf ' ; &�31 UniVersity �,ve. �.�, Dfinneapolis t�l., �i�. �' I1�c�r Iir . ltadd y t, This is to adv�ae you of Lhs ,otat �oday r�gerd2ng 1t�,as Bstty �tils�a � s Gommiasfon hes hired �Sis� �ilson s �j tar tt�s �ity. The job, ia e year rctuj B�@ausa 'tAY RwsYS�►Li�n y�er, ti�.ss iNilsan'a selary i 1Si59 as Pollows s (: �'� �� : � i �r we disot�sa�! oa Lh� telephoao olaLmeat. The Rsareatiou �rt•tia� Aeoraation D3r�otor one Dut en a pert-ti�s ba�#s. no+r is on a aelonder Piaw�l year) will bs pro rated Pe3 e. �6n0 ior Lbe '� w�k s�er pro�ram b�giAUitig ,ivas 15 and ending July 31. b. Lquivalent a►81a2�Y �`or tt►e ren►ai�ler oP � y�ar esoludl»� ttie 7 xeeks $�ex� Prograra 3a *134.48 per aonth aTfe�oti�e APril 15. Ttze Commission pa�s ssked Miaa �vilson to meks a list oP ell th� dutiea invo2ved and 8 its neat meeting wil], drsw up a c�treat. A copy o.� thls Wi11 �b¢, �urnished you. YQtu�s truly• � �� � : ,�: " Lorothy L. B�rger �dlb ���� ��� � 9eareCary � ;� "; ;'' �, � � ��' � � � '�� � � J