PR 05/18/1959r�
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zbs aa�ea�iaq on ttay lith. 1959. was inautiicieat7.Y atteadad to coziduct
bueiness. 8owever. tfia foticwing topics ao�are discussed aad reiated
business transacted at the ateetiag � May ZBth. 1959.
_i:i:_, •..:_;��A
A repor� by Shaxidan S-ran fihe baseball gzoup 3ndica�ed xhat we orauid
have eic,�t (8) Lit+tie League and three (3) Junior teams. Ttce cost
far We Y�a]. p�ogrant estisaated to be �500.00,
���,: �ti : �.rw; •'� t�U- ' �lvti':' . �.r �
Sheridan indiea�ed titat a 8iscuss3on w3th Nageb and Hirsch led to tihe
conclnsion that a$l0.deductible poZicy wiich a$1.00U maximum.vrou3.d
be recaamne�uled. Discuasion at the mee�ing xesu3.tsd isi t13e con.c3us�.on
thafi the insurauce be optSonal, pa�].y or wholly se].t su�iorti*_fg. and
that paL��s be asked ko sign a release i£ �hey did not choose Y.he
c �-c,:�. , '.i - �� Ai _ .
Directar o£ Recrea�ion
Sunaaez Playground
a. Assis�s:st (€)
b. Assistsnt (a�)
c. Tsanspox~tation
d. SquiPa�nt
3, Basebalb
a. E�endab2e Equipment
4 e SC1i001 ReG:rP.�3$$Oi Pr."Ogram
a. Ass3stant (m.)
8. BquiPmetat
5. Adult Ptogram
6. 3tuiior Dance suppor�
�o Misceiisneious
$ �153���0
vh' .�•o5d0e0Q
676 eSEt
� �e331.88
' `
P�e a.
z'Ete above buclget iaas reacl at the mee�t3ng of Mtay 18, 1959. and
accepted as 3s by the Conmeission.
a:t!a�•�s_�- .. '>-- -�F3:��?�
BaeoQ►°s Electric will gay £ox i:hir�een (13) �.irts @$1.50.
'..Sfua t�'.�_:;!!�
May 1Lth, 1959, Meeting �- Shera.cian, 1�].L-on, Wilson, Hexge�.
May 18, 1959, P2eeicing � sheridan, Bacane DIeeO Bezcger, Mpxire.
. _ �--� �-- ��, _
W YB,y ]i8, 1959
^ fie�reation Gc�itt�e l[inut�s- $t�
1 speciel].�d oY the Fridls,v 8ecreatioa Camai.ssion
in order �o adapt`or discard.stag�estions st made st the"regatar
seetin8 oa Ys4 11, _
1[em�e s P asa,gt�; lTee, 3heridRn, Berger, Bacon
ers, b�, seat: Fiammer, l�ilearek, 1[eltoa
t s: Yoria
pnaruval ot l[inutes: The min�tes Rere approved as read.
Bud�et- Year rouud- R�vised:, The vear r��t►d revi,ssd bndre�t ias ;ead,
s�otictn aade and secoa�ie�d to ace�pt it as rAad. Yot.ion .carried,
$as�,�all.Proa��a: lLorin reported oa the e=penditures Yor the tsaas
snd in�icats�l that #.hey a1Bht spead.#25. or �30 aors than the budget
sll�tted, He indicated #,2iat a field for the Pe� Wees wes beine
eansSdea�ed. Coaches and a eonstruction company hsve prouu�,ised
hel.p .
Uniforms for Gir1s SoFtbsll
Bacon�s �'1.eetrie will nay for 13 shirts O#1.50. B. Y►ilson is to
call Bett,y Bscon on Lhis.
•a eat Sheridan repor�ed that his diseussion with HirBCh and
ag resnited in the decision that the poliev should bas a;10.
d�ductible, with a;1000 �aaim� at a cost oP �l per person.
o mini�� of 400 to 60� childrea would be necessary.
s e DB inei.te 1�,rvin B�unsell to the m�atiag ne:t �ponth.
D� prepare budl�et Yor eaeh member. B. Wilson should 1�aye the
relesse wsivsr- ins�trance Po�� at registration.:
�ezt It�e�tiuAx J�ne 8.
p�3QUr _mme�t: adjo�rned at $:00 p.m.