PR 05/24/1959'�..,i.�.. '..a � .i��. ' el�i �1 :5d2« ��.'!Y... �iS 4'_'�'-i+ i�. � p„r�e�,en�: C12aasmaxi Foui:a3nes Clyde S•�on9s Bi13. Milcazek and aTOhri 3W3ri80rie .,:.=�:��• -> = - t •�.�_ � : :,G �-._, Z�ng Siverts. eia.l Morin, Pee Wee easeb�7�. and CZareace 8. MaddYe C3�y Manager. The mee�3ng was Ca�.1.ed to azder a� 7:�5 o°clock P.Bi. — tYse �o3.l�aixsg iss4es were d3seussedo The f,Fade of lands betVreen iSe schoo3. Boa�B �nd Park Cc�anissio:s iri che Cen�ai Park atea anci tile `�s•rast ,shoro area o£ Mooz� ba7ce. No Cp�tuiaa� N8S SeaCt3ed 8� fi�33s +�iau:. Bili Hor3xi wi11 rece8ve f.he mafiexia�.S he desired to main�a,ixi and r� imprave �he condi�ians oE rh� Pee Wee �ase�all areas. CiLy A�aaager, 2Rro �daddye wii3. ina'rxuee �L-he Publ.ic Wor2cs Depar�;meze� co ass�.st a19. tlzey caxi towasds such imgrovemen�s. Ciyde Sfi.�ong aiso brcu�ts� up L-he faci: �clie cemen�. baac Zoaated on A�$ih aad 2� s�ree� h.as xecen�ly �31ied up w3i:h ras,n wa�es: �wo he remnved anci f•Ll.led o�iS:h �and for use by c�ai.Idren in fihaL• area, 'i�e m�s oE ttie Fark Camm3.ssioz► �ook a�iolr3 tr3p a� �he Ce�ra3. Park area �o ranask on �3se aeceni: sad laic3 by �he arridley,r J.C. — also. ttae aaea on bioore Lake (rrest share ac�:ass ?raan �he H3c�is Schc�o�' possi]b].e to be �khe baack area •3sz �ise iu�e, DleeCiag cvas adjota�ened ai: 10:20 P.M, -- nex� mea�ing scitedvled �as J1�ae 22, 1959, at 7a30 o°cixk P.M. !1