PR 06/25/1959,
, _ _.
vt,nntes oP the Fridlsv $ecrestion �omets�ios d�me 25, 1959
♦ specisl meeting of the commis�lon was caJ.led �o x�esae4�y certain
conditions set Porth below.
*embers prese�ts.ldilcarek, Bacon, �ielton, Sheridan� Berger
0 er ; Betty Wilson
,B�s Schedtale: The bus schedule for the summer program and the
att�ndance days were aevised as per attaehed.
B��a �s B. Wilson requested that the beseh be closed to the public
un � uesdays and Thursdays Prom 1 to 3 p.m. because cf the sRimming
program. The co�mission voted to have the tollowing si�n � de fcr
use on the beach:
"�losed to the public fro� 1E;00 to 3:30 p.m., Tuesdays azd
Thursdays. Jnne 30 - Jttlq 31.
City of Fridley
Ordinance 55 "
It was agrmecl thet ona sign sgould be posted at tho entrenc• and
2 on the besch. The Police Lepartaent will police the beaeh the
first Yew days. •
A t,�endance ai Plasarouad:_ 9 total registrstion oP 634 aas arsnouneed
by . il�on.
Ot1d�t10II�1 H@1D iOP the SLi�2P PPf1�P8ID . The Ccm�ission and B.
Wilsoa agreed that additional help �as needed and the follc>win�
dacisions were made:
l. Skip �aderson to be hired O�E00. Per 5 weeks. He is to �ork
mn the beach and at the play�round.
2. Leighton Hoae to be hired O;2.0� p�r hour (Yor 2� hours)
as help at the besch. 5he has her senior certiPicate.
3. Dolly 3chvantes to be hired as naedmd by Ailson up to Yull tine
with a total ot' #PAO. as a possible ezpenditure on her servie•s.
H311s: The a�otion was made, seconded� carried to verify the fo7low-
ing bills for payment:
Gaeer!a Hsndicrsft- craft materials Par playgrot�d �28.49
Asco �nterprises- Trophies Por Playgrotmd 7.35
Yinnesota 9alley Sporting Goods- Baseball &quip. 32.15
COrries �" " 415.24
��csit: A deposit received Proa bus Pares and craft payments
raf m children of;296.6T.
AssiQaments: DB to call Franklin or Clovexleaf or Northla.nd crbamery
abont milk at aoon for the children and about pony for d�l.y 17.
R6 to hava sigas painted far beach.
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T 0 A L L P A R E N T 3
Yoar Fridley Recreation Commiaeion and the Suburban
Recreation Aeaociation, a Community Cheet agency, are eonducting
a playground recreation program at Hayee School and swim inetruc—
tiona at Moore Lake Beach thia summer. The program began June
22nd and will be conducted Monday throngh Friday, nntil July 31et.
Hundreda of boye and girle have regietered for the fun
program. In order to make the ezperience more Yun and give more
� individusl attention, it ia necessary to limit the days boys and
girls can attend the fun program. The following schedule xill
be followed beginning Monday, Juae 29tti:
1[oaday, Thureday and Friday — AREA I.
9:0o A.M. - 3:0o P.�.
All children on the Weat of the boundary,
Univereity Avenue on the North to Hieeieeippi
Avenue, Eaat to 7th Street, Sout6 to 53rd Avenue,
West to University and South to 43rd Avenue.
Tueeday, Wednesday and Friday — AREA II.
9:0o a.x. - 3:0o P.u.
All Fridley children North of Miesieaippi and
East of University Avenue, and all Eaet of
7th 3treet.
The bus route aa previously announced will be followed on
the daye echeduled at a coet of 10¢ per child.
B.R.A. 6-59 �95
� C�C•t� o� J"rid�Ce�
6431 University Ave. N. E.
Minneapolis 21, Minnesota Tel. SU 4-7470
� � 9� No. 51 "7 `�
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